Corporate welfare and influence is the real problem
I really don't think they reject it to keep it away from minorities. I'm sure some do, but IMHO the overwhelming majority do it because of some side ways back aszward notion of "equality" Sad right. Truth is the common white man has more in common with the common black and brown man in terms of their daily struggle. They've (republican minded anglos) have basically been brainwashed.Those Scandinavian countries are very homogeneous, are not immigrant/colonized countries built on the foundation of racism, slavery, and systematic inequalities. The racial divide in this country is the biggest hurdle that our country can't move past. It effects blacks first, but eventually a good number of whites are affected by the inequalities in the system but they actually support it. For example, rejecting affordable health care options even though it would help them, just to keep blacks from having the same benefit.
Lemme clear up some statements, since I live in Sweden.
-Sweden is not as homogeneous as you may think, about 10% are immigrants or second generation immigrants (myself included).
AND I'm not sure what a homogeneous population has to do with a system trying to be more equal. As an outsider looking in, I think US's problems have more to do with ignorance and scare of communist/socialist ideas still in-printed in the minds of the american population.
I wanna do something. I just don't know how.The biggest problem with this country are the citizens themselves. All of us
All through the internet people discuss the obvious everyday, but what will you do other than shrug your shoulders and resign to fate.
We use our freedom of speech has an excuse to belittle and judge others, instead of inform and uplift.
We've allowed special interest groups to control our government
We're a society where intelligence or being capable of anything requiring thought is looked at has unattractive and in negative light
and to be honest most people don't care enough, myself included
no matter what we say it all comes down to the desire to make a difference
They wouldnt have dropped that thing on Germany.
I really don't think they reject it to keep it away from minorities. I'm sure some do, but IMHO the overwhelming majority do it because of some side ways back aszward notion of "equality" Sad right. Truth is the common white man has more in common with the common black and brown man in terms of their daily struggle. They've (republican minded anglos) have basically been brainwashed.
At some point in time people will wake up... I hope.
Lemme clear up some statements, since I live in Sweden.
-Sweden is not as homogeneous as you may think, about 10% are immigrants or second generation immigrants (myself included).
AND I'm not sure what a homogeneous population has to do with a system trying to be more equal. As an outsider looking in, I think US's problems have more to do with ignorance and scare of communist/socialist ideas still in-printed in the minds of the american population.
-As far as debt. I studied at the university for almost 6 years, got a Master in chemical engineering. Although, we get a small grant is not enough to live by (unless you live at home and the university is in the same city), I didn't really have time to work while studying, though I did during summer vacation, and I took a loan cuz I figured might as well enjoy my student year without worrying to much about money. I also spent a year abroad studying and the loan is well needed then too.
Now it's been almost two years since I graduated and I'm paying back my loan ( btw the interest from this government loan is the lowest I've seen of any loan here) and I feel it was well worth taking this loan.
Do you know how vastly exaggerated the Soviet threat was during the Cold War?
first of all american capitalism defeated hitler, so point blank period every western european country owes their existence to the united states
i dont know, ask hungary, poland and all of eastern europe what an exaggerated threat the soviet union was, apparently you dont consider a country amassing tanks and planes at your border a threat
American Capitalism defeated hitler? Are you fukking kidding me?
You realize only 1/4th of Germany's army ever fought the Allies, 3/4ths was fighting the Russians. I can't argue with someone who has such a rudimentary understanding of history. Unbelievable.
Powerful thread.
Would America have defeated hitler without everyone else that was fighting. That war was fought on many fronts...
this thread kinda went all over. We can argue over whether education should be free or not all day. But the COST in America for higher education, is the real problem.
Another misinformed individual. It's the Soviets that broke the back of the Nazis. If it wasn't for the losses that Germany took at the hands of Russia and weather conditions on the Eastern front, they would have presented a much bigger challenge to the the Allies on the western front.
All the US did is jump into a fight in the 8th round and then strut around like they saved the world or something. But keep believing your fairy tales.
The thing about viewing a degree solely as a product or commodity is that the people who do so usually don't realize that it represents much more than an immediate investment in a career. An education is good because society is better off in general with well-rounded people who understand and question a wider array of things. It's as much about an investment in the larger culture and in our democracy in general as in an immediate career- that's why even things like the humanities are important. I'm still using the language of investment here, but honestly, you don't need to. Understanding logic, English, history, etc, are good for their own sake.
like i posted already the western front disappeared at Dunkirk and england had no offensive capability, there was no western front until the the us created one
i agree that the 2 fronts defeated hitler, i dont agree that that the russians would have gotten to berlin by themselves
Plain and simple, too many people are going to college...
You can't make it accessible to more people and keep cost low...
our attempts to do so have devalued a degree to the point where you have to have a masters in many fields just to be taken seriously...
I remember when just completing high school was a big deal.