Artificial Intelligence
Not Allen Iverson
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They exist thoughHad to be conneted to wifi for nikkas to hack into it like that.... Then again when u skyping with a blackberry realism ain't a concern....
By their own admission most people assume Brody is dead. Gansa even said "well, his body would be completely disintegrated so it not being in the truck isn't a problem". I dunno how logical that is, or enough about forensics to dispute how possible that would be, but for better or worse they are going the route of "he's dead". So there won't be a big man hunt. They could completely ignore him next season then have him pop up in season 4.
I guess that works if they're all assuming Brody was in the car. He was seen leaving the ceremony after all. But then the question arises, what was the motive of Nazir and the remaining terrorists in that cell to make it appear Brody is dead? Obviously framing him is adding immense insult to injury to the US to know that not only did all these people get murked, but it was by an American hero, but Brody also betrayed them (the terrorists). I'd think they'd be trying to murk him or atleast get him arrested, but if he's assumed dead then there wont be any manhunt on the part of the US. So do the terrorists now hunt down Brody themselves? Or are they just on some, he's of no use/threat to us steez?
they really need to explain how that car was moved. security/ secret service should of been all over the in/out of that building this was the Vice President's service. no way that car is moved that close without being challenged.
you think they wont? there is a MOLE. They didn't show who it was for a dig into it for season 3.
the car was parked on the fukking sidewalk in front of the steps within 10 feet of the building, theres no explanation even if there is a mole for allowing that car to be placed there.
I know what they said....but if they truly didn't care about awards Brody's vest would've worked. Obviously the show blew up far beyond expectations and that's why were sitting on a third season and beyond. The writers might not care about awards but the suits sure as hell do. And I don't see them throwing a fresh 2 time emmy winner in the bushes with an open storyline no matter what they say in some random interview.
I guess that works if they're all assuming Brody was in the car. He was seen leaving the ceremony after all. But then the question arises, what was the motive of Nazir and the remaining terrorists in that cell to make it appear Brody is dead? Obviously framing him is adding immense insult to injury to the US to know that not only did all these people get murked, but it was by an American hero, but Brody also betrayed them (the terrorists). I'd think they'd be trying to murk him or atleast get him arrested, but if he's assumed dead then there wont be any manhunt on the part of the US. So do the terrorists now hunt down Brody themselves? Or are they just on some, he's of no use/threat to us steez?
Nucca... good reason? This the show that invented 3g/Wi-Fi enabled pacemakers. They do what they want with this show, it doesn't need sense or reason for them to do it. I wouldn't be surprised to see David Estes back from the dead next season. That's the type of fukkery they're on.
The whole we are running out of story for Brody is a fukking cop out
Its obvious the producer/writers want to kill him off and Showtime aint gonna let that happen and they shouldn't
Ive never seen a show that was dead set on ruining the lead actor.Its like they want to prove Homeland is bigger then Nicolas Brody and thruth is its not
If Brody was always suppose to die(he was supposeito die in both seasons but they changed it at the last second) then why present him as the star of the show? Why have him in all the promo pics before it even started
They trying to act like the show was always about Carrie and Saul fighting terrorism but thats not how they presented to us from the beginning. It was about a marine who comes home after being captured for 8 years.Brody has always been the star, the show has alwys been about him/his life and trying to turn this into a CIA show where they do a case per season is the wrong move IMO.this shyt bout to be Strike Back status if thats where they really are going
I can tell by the whole "we're not gonna let the tail wag the dog" comment this dude just dont get it. Brodys not the fukking tail, hes the head and if you cut of the head you got a dead dog
This is just my opinion but I doubt the terrorists care either way. Best case scenario he actually dies in the blast, everything wraps up nicely. Worst case scenario he lives, but he's Bin Laden status.