In Carrie we trust - Homeland Season 2 thread


R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons
Read my post again...

It's more of a comparison with Homeland Season 1 and 2. I don't recall anybody saying Breaking Bad >>> Homeland due to realism.

It never was about that. It was more of people loving Season 1 for how it was done, and then just noticing the change in Season 2 and talking about it.

And what was really all that unrealistic this season? The shootout at the tailor shop? The helicopter scooping up Brody? Nazir being in the country? The bombing at the end? I'm pretty sure those are the standard arguments I've heard. Oh wait, also Carrie being allowed back to the CIA, which seems like a stupid argument now. Now take all those "unrealistic" events and compare them to a dude wearing a suicide vest amongst the most powerful members of the U.S gov't and being a dislodged wire away from blowing up like C4, no Chris Tucker. Not to mention there was already a suicide bombing before last season's finale. Or let's look at a supposedly deceased Tom Walker getting back in the states, kidnapping a golden girl and sniping nikkas. So two Marines were not only broken but converted to terrorists? I can do this all day. Realism is one of the biggest copouts when dudes want to criticize a show.

Season 1 was season 1. Most first seasons are liked more than second seasons for the very fact that second seasons are always compared to first seasons instead of being judged on their own merits. The dynamic between Carrie and Brody was what made season 1 so great, as well as their performances. The uncertainty about Brody's allegiance and the viewer rooting for and against him is what made season 1 great. Those things couldn't be replicated this season. For that to happen, Carrie would have to be back at the CIA and Brody being a terrorist would have to remain undiscovered. But how does she end up back at the CIA? And she's under the impression she was wrong about him all along so how do they even end up being around each other? You cats complained incessantly about her being back in the CIA, but this season would consist of her teaching ESL classes and watching Brody at budget meetings otherwise. Season 1 was unique because that dynamic was unique and impossible to recreate. Instead it evolved into something compelling in its own right that payed off in the finale.


Apr 30, 2012
And what was really all that unrealistic this season? The shootout at the tailor shop? The helicopter scooping up Brody? Nazir being in the country? The bombing at the end? I'm pretty sure those are the standard arguments I've heard. Oh wait, also Carrie being allowed back to the CIA, which seems like a stupid argument now. Now take all those "unrealistic" events and compare them to a dude wearing a suicide vest amongst the most powerful members of the U.S gov't and being a dislodged wire away from blowing up like C4, no Chris Tucker. Not to mention there was already a suicide bombing before last season's finale. Or let's look at a supposedly deceased Tom Walker getting back in the states, kidnapping a golden girl and sniping nikkas. So two Marines were not only broken but converted to terrorists? I can do this all day. Realism is one of the biggest copouts when dudes want to criticize a show.

Season 1 was season 1. Most first seasons are liked more than second seasons for the very fact that second seasons are always compared to first seasons instead of being judged on their own merits. The dynamic between Carrie and Brody was what made season 1 so great, as well as their performances. The uncertainty about Brody's allegiance and the viewer rooting for and against him is what made season 1 great. Those things couldn't be replicated this season. For that to happen, Carrie would have to be back at the CIA and Brody being a terrorist would have to remain undiscovered. But how does she end up back at the CIA? And she's under the impression she was wrong about him all along so how do they even end up being around each other? You cats complained incessantly about her being back in the CIA, but this season would consist of her teaching ESL classes and watching Brody at budget meetings otherwise. Season 1 was unique because that dynamic was unique and impossible to recreate. Instead it evolved into something compelling in its own right that payed off in the finale.


May 8, 2012
Season was wack in comparison to season one. Where my nikka, Gideon Raff at?


Staff member
May 1, 2012
And what was really all that unrealistic this season? The shootout at the tailor shop? The helicopter scooping up Brody? Nazir being in the country? The bombing at the end? I'm pretty sure those are the standard arguments I've heard. Oh wait, also Carrie being allowed back to the CIA, which seems like a stupid argument now. Now take all those "unrealistic" events and compare them to a dude wearing a suicide vest amongst the most powerful members of the U.S gov't and being a dislodged wire away from blowing up like C4, no Chris Tucker. Not to mention there was already a suicide bombing before last season's finale. Or let's look at a supposedly deceased Tom Walker getting back in the states, kidnapping a golden girl and sniping nikkas. So two Marines were not only broken but converted to terrorists? I can do this all day. Realism is one of the biggest copouts when dudes want to criticize a show.

Season 1 was season 1. Most first seasons are liked more than second seasons for the very fact that second seasons are always compared to first seasons instead of being judged on their own merits. The dynamic between Carrie and Brody was what made season 1 so great, as well as their performances. The uncertainty about Brody's allegiance and the viewer rooting for and against him is what made season 1 great. Those things couldn't be replicated this season. For that to happen, Carrie would have to be back at the CIA and Brody being a terrorist would have to remain undiscovered. But how does she end up back at the CIA? And she's under the impression she was wrong about him all along so how do they even end up being around each other? You cats complained incessantly about her being back in the CIA, but this season would consist of her teaching ESL classes and watching Brody at budget meetings otherwise. Season 1 was unique because that dynamic was unique and impossible to recreate. Instead it evolved into something compelling in its own right that payed off in the finale.

Can I add to your list?
-The CIA allowing Carrie to tail Brody right after she took him off the grid
-Quinn not killing Brody, and then threatening the head of the CIA afterwards
-Carrie going after a man who had her at gunpoint with a pipe and no backup
-Facetime with a Blackberry
-Brody sending a text overseas to warn Nazir in that government building

I wasn't really harping on much until later on in the season when it was just one thing after another, and another. Those things and some that you named made me look at the show like :usure: @ times, but I was entertained and that's all that matters.

I was just giving my take on why I personally criticized the show, and showing that my liking of Breaking Bad had nothing to do with my criticisms.



R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons

Can I add to your list?
-The CIA allowing Carrie to tail Brody right after she took him off the grid
-Quinn not killing Brody, and then threatening the head of the CIA afterwards
-Carrie going after a man who had her at gunpoint with a pipe and no backup
-Facetime with a Blackberry
-Brody sending a text overseas to warn Nazir in that government building

I wasn't really harping on much until later on in the season when it was just one thing after another, and another. Those things and some that you named made me look at the show like :usure: @ times, but I was entertained and that's all that matters.

I was just giving my take on why I personally criticized the show, and showing that my liking of Breaking Bad had nothing to do with my criticisms.

Breh, I never brought up Breaking Bad, that was Stan. But look at those things you listed. We're really harping on Blackberrys and text messaging? Is that not some IMBD Goofs section type shyt? When did it go from critiquing the acting, plot, pacing, and cinematography and turn into let's spot the most meaningless flaws or gaffes? I love Breaking Bad and think it deserves all of the accolades it gets, even when I see those nikkas turning a truck into a damn giant magnet, because the acting from it's main characters is top notch, the plot is intriguing and it's shot beautifully.

Quinn works for Dar Adul and was helping out Estes, so him threatening Estes isn't a :mjpls: moment, imo. Dude was gonna murk a congressman, why would intimidating a gov't official be out of character? Dude shish kebabed Brody's hand like it was Mediterranean food earlier in the season, he's a hot head. Carrie is crazy and impulsive. And her life has been about catching Nazir. Was it stupid of her to go in there with a pipe, absolutely. Was it out of character, absolutely not.

If you guys want to say the Dana subplot ruined the pacing of the show and was completely unnecessary that's something I'll completely agree with and it's something of substance. Despite introducing us to the trillest character since Todd da gawd, that subplot genuinely took away from what the overall plot of the season was. But the fukk I look like griping about Brody ooVooing with Carrie on his Metro PCS? Or that nikka sexting with Roya despite being over his allotted texts for the monthly cycle? I don't care about that nikka's anytime minutes. fukk I look like complaining about Dana's milk being expired? Or Chris playing Kuma War but the HDMI cable isn't even plugged in? :damn:


Staff member
May 1, 2012

The text thing was a big deal though, that's not a nitpicking concern. It is questionable, and when people brought it up there is a valid point being made. It was necessary for the story, but it still was a :childplease: moment.

This nikka Brody has that Elite Edition Blackberry brehs. Dude could video chat in HD without a hint of lag on his 3G and send an international text which his recipient got instantly


Blackberry :ufdup: by not releasing that piff to the masses.


May 17, 2012
But but it's to 24

Guess what I loved 24 and is still one of the top ten shows ever to grace Telly

nothing on Television can ever be great simply for the fact that they have commericals interrupting the flow annnnd they're not free to use as much curse words as they want.
lets leave the goat ratings to premium cable. and no, 24 doesn't even come close to anything.


May 17, 2012
First on the car: a "valet" is not moving a car to the front of the CIA breh. Again, it's a clear example of the writers taking an ends justify the means approach to the plot. They wanted the CIA to get blown up, and making sense was thrown out the window.

On the situation room: It's not common sense. That "fukk up" would not happen, period. Not even the president walks into a situation room with a cell phone, bro. And like I said, how you gonna send a text in DC and it goes to the middle east immediately - exactly fast enough to stop an assassination?

Brody should have died at the end of S1 brehs. His entire arc felt too forced, and now they're gonna continue it into S3? Come on, I was wishing Quinn would kill him when he was praying.

And I'm still mad my nikka Estes is gone :sadcam:

me too. he played his role pretty well!


R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons

The text thing was a big deal though, that's not a nitpicking concern. It is questionable, and when people brought it up there is a valid point being made. It was necessary for the story, but it still was a :childplease: moment.

I'm saying, what was the gripe about that tho? One dude was griping about how fast the text got sent. Like, word? We're analyzing how strong a nikka's 4G is? Or is it him getting a phone into the room in the first place? The VP pulled him into the room on some spur of the moment shyt and the intensity and perilous nature of what Brody was doing was conveyed the whole scene. We've seen those moments where people let their guard down and shyt happens since the first season. It would be a better argument if you guys said they're overusing that tactic.


Fire John Harbaugh
May 1, 2012

Can I add to your list?
-The CIA allowing Carrie to tail Brody right after she took him off the grid
-Quinn not killing Brody, and then threatening the head of the CIA afterwards
-Carrie going after a man who had her at gunpoint with a pipe and no backup
-Facetime with a Blackberry
-Brody sending a text overseas to warn Nazir in that government building

I wasn't really harping on much until later on in the season when it was just one thing after another, and another. Those things and some that you named made me look at the show like :usure: @ times, but I was entertained and that's all that matters.

I was just giving my take on why I personally criticized the show, and showing that my liking of Breaking Bad had nothing to do with my criticisms.

man whatever nikka

This season is still 10 times more realistic then the last season of BB and I didnt see any of yall in there nitpicking about realism so why all of sudden does realism matter so much?

nikkas actually complaining about him having facetime on a blackberry

How fukking petty is that?

Suicide King

May 13, 2012
It would be a better argument if you guys said they're overusing that tactic.

This is all I want these critics to realize. If shows cover new ground and explore new terrority, you can't help but be satisfied. Homeland moved the story with no allure or mystique of a Jack Bauer.

I think Breaking Bad is average at best and popcorn tv. They tried 3 or 4 times to make Walt into a villian (between letting the kid die, killing Mike, killing all those prisoners, Skylar wanting him dead) and nothing stuck. They made Dexter into a villian and antihero effortlessly, the Shield made Vic Mackey into a villian with ease. People are happy with a show with weak writing and they needed Gus to save the show, nothing happened before Gus or since he died. They actually carried the same plot over 2 seasons, and they have like 5 or 6 characters over 5 seasons. If they let Brody skate and focus on Nazir's organization that would still make for good tv, and this show made an impact. What more can you ask for?

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
Brody will be in S3 tho...

Also how does Carrie even explain how she left the premises/why. It won't take long for the CIA to determine Brody wasn't in the building when it exploded


Staff member
May 1, 2012
I think Breaking Bad is average at best and popcorn tv.
