mom said your hot pocket is ready
Your cum guzzling mother raised a 5'4" battyboi mom said your hot pocket is ready
good thing thats not me. Enjoy that football your father left on your 8th birthday.
Your cum guzzling mother raised a 5'4" battyboi
If my father did leave me, he can sleep at night knowing he didnt raise a fakkitgood thing thats not me. Enjoy that football your father left on your 8th birthday.
Maybe he'll come back to finish that game of catch, one day
I never made that either. Part of conspiracies is that I can't convince you're wrong once you're too far gone.If my father did leave me, he can sleep at night knowing he didnt raise a fakkit
I come from a culture where being gay is frowned upon, how do I come out to my family? • /r/askgaybros
how'd your fakkit-sperm producing father take the news? I'm sure he's real fukking proud of u
Just like u never denied being black. Oh wait, u did deny being black. You're a pathological liar who gets ZERO respect in real life and just as much on a message board. No one in the world likes u. If u died today, it would give your father a sense of relief to know he can bury his dikk sucking son and no longer live with the burden of knowing he raised a homosexual.I never made that either. Part of conspiracies is that I can't convince you're wrong once you're too far gone.
I'm sharing infostop fukking tagging me i already know illegal immigration is problematic
this fakkit thought he had a friend u socially awkward cornballI'm sharing info
This is such bad logic it hurts my head
Its like saying racc00ns are bad for homeless people because they eat the best garbage
because i don't think going back in time to working the fields is security and a way forward for black people.
yeah, and they play for the celtics swallow that spoonful of chowder your cac friends jizzed in while u got up to go use the bathroom u hockey playing fakkit