Those are trade positions breh meanibg skilled workers. Most of the labor positions ie; Home Depot pick ups are for the hard labor jobs which is usually clean up...hard work for cheap pay. Hispanics do work in construction by the boat loads but you dont know the ratio of legal vs illegal...and Im willing to bet the ratio of skilled and non skilled workers depends on legality...for most of the jobs...
This is not even touching on the field itsself. Construction is a trade...hoe many brothers do you know in that trade by choice? Black men used to hang dry wall in Ca how long ago...cause Hispanics BEEN in CA what point did it change for blacks...where it was a heavy abundance of black construction workers?
And the India argument where QUALIFIED software programmers are being used outside of thier VISA becausr whitey wants Apu over us. Sounds good on paper but the question of how many of us are qualified ti work those positions comes back up. Plenty of blacks are and plenty of blacks do...but turns out those Indians come here and go to school for that specific trait...why wouldnt they have a higher employment rate? Its common sense anf logic.
Just because the illegal immigrants are gone doesnt mean there aren't enough legal immigrants here to work the jobs...or that the positions will be filled by black applicatns...or that black people will want to or necessarily need to. Its all speculation based on loose intangible facts stuck together by inconclusive conclussions.
Whats sad is this narrative you all continue to push that people of color in America is thr black mans enemy. You lost in the head shyt for brains nikkas are absolutley A1 serious that we are being held back by people who have no power...own no industry...have no collective wealth....while siding with the group that has all of these things hoping to be thrown some crumbs for more of us to eat.....its fukking madness how lost and arrogantly backwards you cats on this tip are.......
Dude, Black people worked those jobs for GENERATIONS because they pay a GREAT wage, when there aren't illegal immigrants to take them.
Black men, made $18 an hour hanging drywall in California back in the day, then it went down to $13 when illegals started to infiltrate, and now where not in the business at all.
I have to ask you what exact type of jobs do you think that Black men who are going to the bullshyt schools we're going to in the bad neighborhoods are large percentage of us grow up in are supposed to do?
Do you think we're all going to go to 4 year universities and work in Silicon Valley?
Are we all supposed to be rappers?
Ball players?
Drug Dealers?
Be Amazon affiliates?
Face it, for most working class Black people, the answer is CLEAR
We will either work in the trades (skilled & unskilled) where we can make $20 an hour
Or we will work at McDonalds/WalMart/convenience stores/service markets
Or we will continue to have an abundance of crime and poverty in our communities. Simple as that.
Why you're so willing to cede jobs that have the potential to pay up to $30 dollars an hour to people who aren't even supposed to be here is beyond me.
And let me just say this, the idea that people are "too good" for legal employment that pays a hell of a lot of money (when legal citizens do it) is part of the problem that lost Hillary & The Democrats tons of votes.
Everybody is not going to work in an office or with a computer. You need labor jobs for a large percentage of men, especially those who aren't like honor students.