Thank you for solidifying my original point. Hispanics numbers swell, and they are about economic empowerment. They don't collectively nuance their phenotypes like we do. Hence why we STAY losing. You may continue your nuanced argument now. Thank you.

Hispanics don't worry about phenotypes??? Please tell that to the darker and black hispanics who get discriminated against all the time due to the color or shade. Or how Telemundo or Univision uses hispanics that are predominately white for their castings. Or white Cubans who want NOTHING to do with black Cubans. So what kumbaya fest are you talking about? What economic empowerment is going on? You mean Mexicans fighting for citizenship?
And black people stay losing because of people like you who want to say their pro black and yet can't even keep their family black so how the heck are we going to get BLACK empowerment by including NON BLACK PEOPLE in our lives and bedrooms