If ur under 30...engaged or thinkin bout gettin married... DONT DO IT

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
It depends.

I wouldn't suggest getting married before 27 though.

unless its just a done deal and you know...

Nowadays I'd say wait it out for sure...


Street Struck
May 11, 2012
Yeah my brother told me the same thing. one of my homeboys fukked up by marrying a chick just cuz he had a kid with her, now this nikka can hardly go ball with us without making up an excuse why he gonna be late

Steve Piffler

I got them CERTS
May 1, 2012
@Steve Piffler drop yo insight breh

if i could do it again, i probably would wait until i was 30+ to get married. i was a different person at 30 than i was at 25 :patrice:. but i think the most important thing is to keep it real with YOURSELF. if you know that you aren't ready to be married and you still wanna mess around, then you aren't marriage material. find out the same about your partner. don't ignore red flags. those red flags turn into real blood in the future :wow:. i think honesty and maturity is more important than age tho.

so to answer your question.....i don't know breh...:why::sadbron:

a murda

I love my wife brehs
Jun 20, 2012
Reppin Chi-City Southside
if i could do it again, i probably would wait until i was 30+ to get married. i was a different person at 30 than i was at 25 :patrice:. but i think the most important thing is to keep it real with YOURSELF. if you know that you aren't ready to be married and you still wanna mess around, then you aren't marriage material. find out the same about your partner. don't ignore red flags. those red flags turn into real blood in the future :wow:. i think honesty and maturity is more important than age tho.

so to answer your question.....i don't know breh...:why::sadbron:

:banderas: thats trill as it gets

whatever is nagging u now it'll b 8x worse once ur married :wow:

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
if i could do it again, i probably would wait until i was 30+ to get married. i was a different person at 30 than i was at 25 :patrice:. but i think the most important thing is to keep it real with YOURSELF. if you know that you aren't ready to be married and you still wanna mess around, then you aren't marriage material. find out the same about your partner. don't ignore red flags. those red flags turn into real blood in the future :wow:. i think honesty and maturity is more important than age tho.

so to answer your question.....i don't know breh...:why::sadbron:

The most important thing is family first. Friend, think about the friends you had from age 0-10 - 10 - 20 - 20 and up. How many of the people from 0-18, friend, are still around. Typically not a whole lot. Please get a wife yall. Please do this like Nike. When the smoke clears the vast majority of those people you hang with wont be there, and more than likely if you honor your wife and family and choose a proper woman to represent you, she'll be there. Its sad when friends are unable to put family first and would rather entertain demons and individuals with no family ties. We gotta be better.

When it comes to red flags the biggest ones are the demonic ones.

1. odd hair coloring
2. wears animal print
3. smiles out one side of her mouth
4. eyebrows overly arched
5. tatted up past 24
6. bangle/large hoop earrings
7. odd body piercings
8. Athiest

Be careful yall. Its so demonic, friends. :sitdown:

Depreciating Asset

Please pawg responsibly
Jul 11, 2013
The most important thing is family first. Friend, think about the friends you had from age 0-10 - 10 - 20 - 20 and up. How many of the people from 0-18, friend, are still around. Typically not a whole lot. Please get a wife yall. Please do this like Nike. When the smoke clears the vast majority of those people you hang with wont be there, and more than likely if you honor your wife and family and choose a proper woman to represent you, she'll be there. Its sad when friends are unable to put family first and would rather entertain demons and individuals with no family ties. We gotta be better.

When it comes to red flags the biggest ones are the demonic ones.

1. odd hair coloring
2. wears animal print
3. smiles out one side of her mouth
4. eyebrows overly arched
5. tatted up past 24
6. bangle/large hoop earrings
7. odd body piercings
8. Athiest

Be careful yall. Its so demonic, friends. :sitdown:



Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
I'm against marriage but if you are a man looking for a wife I wrote this for you

1. Is she Healthy, and if she can have children.

a) This is very important to me, you can get tests nowadays that can look at your genes and tell if you are at a high risk to develop certain type of cancers, dementia, alzheimer etc.
But but i love her, yeah but let's say she has a strain that leads to ALS or early symptoms, do you love her enough to be there when she is stricken in a wheelchair, can't communicate and needs you to wait on her hand and foot for the rest of her life?

b) Can she have children......you see it couples married for year and years, trying to have a child but the results are not happening, it's important to make sure that if you want children that your wife doesn't have a scarred womb etc., because one of the major reasons men get married is to have children of their own.

2. Is she from a strong loving family.

A woman from a strong loving family knows what makes a family, knows the sacrifices her dad and mom made. The fights how they stayed together, how important communication is, the ups and downs of marriages and not to bail when in a rut. As well they were brought up in a loving environment and actually know the meaning of love.

Compared to a woman from a broken family, or raised by a single mom. Hasn't seen what makes a family, hasn't seen the strong bond and love between a dad and a mom, how to keep a healthy relationships etc. Marrying a broad from a broken family you are headed for disaster.

3. Dig into her past.

Yes dig into her past, find out everything. If you were to buy a car, a house you would want to know the history of it. If the car has been in a accident, if the house was a grow up. So why would you not dig extremely deep and find out everything whether it hurts you or not about the women you want to spend your life with.
I would go as far as to hire a private investigator let him tail her for a few weeks or a month, let him dig into her history, find out her credit rating, find out if she has a criminal record, find out about her exes, her old places of employment EVERYTHING.
Nothing can be worse than marrying a women then finding out she owes 100,000, has trouble keeping a job, or gasp is cheating on you, I would take these steps and more.

4. No prior kids

There are many reasons for this and I will try to go through all of them

a) A woman with a child who is not married to me shows carelessness. I do not care that the rates are so high with children born out of wedlock, as a man would this be the type of women you want to marry? A women who had a child out of wedlock who made a horrible choice, is that what you want to wake up every day for the rest of your life to?
Is that who you would trust your finances with? your home with? be careful brehs

b) Instead of just being you and her growing in love together, travelling together, enjoying life together. It becomes you, her, baby daddy, and her child. Great you already have a 4 person family and drama every day till you croak.

c) Why save her? There are millions and millions of single childless women out there, don't give up your happiness for baggage.

5. Don't concentrate on looks, concentrate on what she offers.

This is very important, ever seen a chick's mom and your like eek how did she ever produce a daughter that looks so beautiful, then you look around their house and you see a wedding picture, and your like wow that looks exactly like my girlfriend. Because that's how it goes, women depreciate in looks very fast, just because everything is great now doesn't mean in 5-10-15 years or after kids she will look just as dashing.
So ask yourself this, if your only wifing, ringing, marrying this girl because shes a 10/10 what if she falls off, what if she can't lose the baby weight, what if she chops off her hair and everything starts to sag will you still be around? That's why you have to concentrate on more than looks, how is her personality, how does she treat others, does she nag a lot. Remember you will be stuck with her for the rest of your life, choose wisely.

6. Does she submit to you in your relationship

You are the man and the head of the household, a woman who will not realize this and try to test you and think she is in charge will make a horrible horrible wife.

7. Make sure she is 24-28

24-28 is the age range your wife should be around, not to young and not to old. Marry to young and get hit with the "im sorry but i was so young, i did not get to do everything I wanted", to old like 30, 31, 32 you are just the 2 bdrm bungalow for 110k on the outskirts of the city, aka the starter husband. 24-28 you get a women in her prime, whose graduated and has previous experience in relationships.

8. Make sure your family approves of her as a person.

Sometimes you get so caught up in love etc. that you don't see all the red flags and flaws those who really care about (your family) see. From my own observations, many times when the family doesn't approve not including race or religion the marriage will end in divorce.

9. Don't be unequally yoked.

What I mean if she is Jewish and you are christian your ideologies will clash. If she is a atheist and you are a christian, if she is even semi religious and you are hardcore again the clashes will destroy your marriage.

10. Willing to sign a pre-nup

but I'm broke with only a minimum wage job, so are you telling me your going to broke and working a minimum wage job 5, 10, 15 years down the line? You have car insurance on your car but don't expect to be in a accident right?
Protect everything you have..

But yeah if I were to ever get married and wanted children these 10 things I listed are what I base my initial search on.

Depreciating Asset

Please pawg responsibly
Jul 11, 2013
Here's the real issue young fellas. The real reason grown ass married or divorced men tell you not to get married has almost everything to do with sex. As a married dude for 7 years, I know that's what @a murda was getting at.

Sex in marriage for most husbands (not all) is a real problem. I know you think you are stroking your girl now, she's moaning like a porn star and it's going to be all good when you get married because your pipe game is nice. Think again brehs.

Women are thirsty out there for a ring especially if their baby father is not in the picture. But once they get it, it's like their p*ssy starts to dry up like well done steaks. They don't need to throw that p*ssy at you any longer because they got what they wanted. She suddenly ain't in the mood to try new stuff, watch porn or give head. So now you gotta put in work for that ass.

There's a lot of benefits of marriage. To me the benefits outweigh the negatives. But decreasing sex is a real problem and it gets much worse when you have children.

Real talk.
Last edited:

Mr. Jack Napier

May 1, 2012
The Empire State
I'll say this. I'm not against marriage, but I don't see why it's necessary. You can be with someone without the "official" title of being married.

Now, as for myself. I'm 28, making some nice $ for now, but they're are still plenty of things that I want to do. I'm a selfish dude, I don't want the responsibility of having to live for someone else. If I want to spend x amount of money on myself for whatever reason, I can do that now. I can't do that married/with a seed because they come first, and as a man, it's my duty to provide for the household. Plus a lot of marriages don't last long, and that child support is no joke, especially here in NY.
Jul 26, 2012
N*ggas really think they gonna be 35 and knocking down college chicks :stopitslime: Listen bro, if you got your shyt together in your 30s, you become attractive to chicks who're ready to settle down (27 yo - 35 yo age range). You not about to have a buffet of hot, fresh 22 year old girls unless you're ready to trick. They fresh out of college. They still on the club circuit with her friends. They don't give a fukk about settling down yet. What she want with your old azz? They still being young. A 22 year old girl might date that fly 27 year old lawyer. Your 35 year old azz though? She only want you for one reason, B :stopitslime:

Speak for yourself on that one my dude

Steve Piffler

I got them CERTS
May 1, 2012
the bottom line is this: when the marriage is good, it's GREAT (85% of the time). and when it is bad, it's HORRIBLE (15% of the time). The ability to keep on pushing through the good AND the bad equals a good marriage. the misconception that the younger generation has is that marriage is supposed to be in the honeymoon phase ALL the time. as soon as hints of bad start showing, they run for the hills. it's life. nothing is perfect all of the time. we don't kill ourselves when things get bad. we keep pushing. and eventually, the storm clouds part and the sun shines again. but it takes work and devotion. i've had 1 foot in divorce court before, and it's not pretty brehs :to::wow:. if people would apply that logic to marriage, and the rate of divorce wouldn't be so high.

just my 2 cents....::manny:


Seduce & Scheme
Apr 30, 2012
To me one of the most important things in marriage is actually marrying some one that you are cool with when it's not all about being romantic

If you can't hang around and be the person you are with yours boys, brothers, family etc like you can around your wife. That shyt won't work

This standard has to be set a the beginning of the relationship.

You have to show her it's no reason to get upset if you look at a girls ass or say some bytch looks good.

You have to show how to let loose and have a good time.

You should be able to go to vegas and have the same amount of fun with your girl as you would with your crew.