nope, not even.
First, its not like nations like Germany, Argentina, Spain, France, Brazil, etc are just going to disappear. They have a system thats been in place for over 100 years.
Secondly, the way our sporting landscape is set up (dads teaching their kids sports even though they havent played it themselves, the AAUs, HS/College athletics, etc) is not conducive to develop great talent in the sport. Its even showing not to be conducive to develop talents in our other sports.
Third, its not just about athleticism. The best national team in the world, and arguably of all time, fields a starting line up with almost all their players under 6 feet tall and not very fast. And the standard for club teams is almost similar.
Americans need to get away from this notion of "bigger is better" and "he can run and jump higher than everyone" when it comes to our sports. Its why we do not dominate a lot of these sports anymore.
Athleticism isnt the problem with American teams, we just arent technically skilled as the rest or tactically as good.