"If God Existed Then Why Doesn't he stop shootings and rapes"


Jun 8, 2012
Oh free will okay.. So why does God create so many fukked up individuals then? You can still have free will and be a decent human being.
he answered your question in the video, where you listening?

God doesn't create messed up people. he creates people with a choice to choose to be messed up.

For instance, you may be talking about people who are literally sociopaths. BUt guess what. their are many more sociopaths that never do anything harmful to others than their are crazy ones that do bad things to people. but you wouldn't know that because only thing you know is what the news tells you. you here bad things happening. and bam its a crazy fool aka a sociopath. so you automatically think all of these crazees are killers and do harmful things to people. not true.

Some do. Most don't.

You do realize MOST people don't do very extreme harmful things to other people. its actually a lot less people then you think doing really crazy things to others. but that's the news for you. that's what you remember, since everyday life doesn't deserve a special comment. so you think. its like not understand how special it is for you to wake up every morning. how many working parts that go into your heart beating as you type. to you that's erry day. But in reality you're a walking miracle. you're special. but its not news to you.

and again what did the man in the video say at the end. he gives you the ability to possibly see the worse kind of evil and also the ability to see the best kind of Love. without the ability to CHOOSE to do the right thing. you don't have the ability to CHOOSE to LOVE GOD. and with that ability or CHOICE. some people will choose to do the wrong thing. This is a product of that first sin.

The answer to "why do all bad things happen?" Is all due to the first sin. it broke man kind, but it also broke the world too. We are children of sin, while also being the seeds of what God created. We're both. and we struggle with being God's seeds over being seeds of a sinful nature. Some of us over come it more times than others. while some give up and don't trust God and stop loving God, then make a choice to harm others, or themselves.


Jun 8, 2012
He's supposedly omnipotent tho....
what does that have to do with giving his creations free will? which = the ability to LOVE HIM without him FORCING them too?

Omnipotent - having unlimited power; able to do anything.

He can still possess that power and still have rules set in place that says he wont intervene in every single situation, not because he can't. but because he chooses not to in order to give you ROOM to CHOOSE.

The guy in the video is simply saying, if God stopped every bad thing from happening. he would in essence be forcing each individual to Love him. because loving God = Obeying God = not sinning. If he forces you to never sin, he's forcing you to never disobey = forcing you to Love him.

^^That is the equation.


Jun 22, 2014
he answered your question in the video, where you listening?

God doesn't create messed up people. he creates people with a choice to choose to be messed up.

For instance, you may be talking about people who are literally sociopaths. BUt guess what. their are many more sociopaths that never do anything harmful to others than their are crazy ones that do bad things to people. but you wouldn't know that because only thing you know is what the news tells you. you here bad things happening. and bam its a crazy fool aka a sociopath. so you automatically think all of these crazees are killers and do harmful things to people. not true.

Some do. Most don't.

You do realize MOST people don't do very extreme harmful things to other people. its actually a lot less people then you think doing really crazy things to others. but that's the news for you. that's what you remember, since everyday life doesn't deserve a special comment. so you think. its like not understand how special it is for you to wake up every morning. how many working parts that go into your heart beating as you type. to you that's erry day. But in reality you're a walking miracle. you're special. but its not news to you.

and again what did the man in the video say at the end. he gives you the ability to possibly see the worse kind of evil and also the ability to see the best kind of Love. without the ability to CHOOSE to do the right thing. you don't have the ability to CHOOSE to LOVE GOD. and with that ability or CHOICE. some people will choose to do the wrong thing. This is a product of that first sin.

The answer to "why do all bad things happen?" Is all due to the first sin. it broke man kind, but it also broke the world too. We are children of sin, while also being the seeds of what God created. We're both. and we struggle with being God's seeds over being seeds of a sinful nature. Some of us over come it more times than others. while some give up and don't trust God and stop loving God, then make a choice to harm others, or themselves.
Stop this silliness.
Mental illnesses like schizophrenia and compulsive disorders take away much of your antiquated concept of free-will.
Dropping someone into a home where they will be abused or tortured in an environment they will fall victim to isn't giving someone a choice. This ridiculous ideal of complete control of destiny is hogwash and needs to stop being professed.


Believer in Jesus
May 19, 2012
They paid him to steal it, and are the ones that drove him to the location.

Then based on that there is no free choice. Can't over ride a choice and blame them at the same time.


Jun 22, 2014
what does that have to do with giving his creations free will? which = the ability to LOVE HIM without him FORCING them too?

Omnipotent - having unlimited power; able to do anything.

He can still possess that power and still have rules set in place that says he wont intervene in every single situation, not because he can't. but because he chooses not to in order to give you ROOM to CHOOSE.

The guy in the video is simply saying, if God stopped every bad thing from happening. he would in essence be forcing each individual to Love him. because loving God = Obeying God = not sinning. If he forces you to never sin, he's forcing you to never disobey = forcing you to Love him.

^^That is the equation.
Is God like a an iPhone that needs "love" to keep going? Is that what keeps his batteries charged? Love?
Why is forcing every being to love him a bad thing?
  • Dap
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Jun 22, 2014
Then based on that there is no free choice. Can't over ride a choice and blame them at the same time.
And that is exactly how the Biblical concept of free-will works.
We are created and given "choices," these "choices" are controlled by the tangible, which God created.
He "creates" us knowing exactly what we'll do with what he has placed around us, and he will reward or punish us based on rules and outcomes he has already chosen.
He creates most of us to fail (in religious terms) and some of us to succeed (in religious terms).
  • Dap
Reactions: IVS


Jun 8, 2012
Stop this silliness.
Mental illnesses like schizophrenia and compulsive disorders take away much of your antiquated concept of free-will.
Dropping someone into a home where they will be abused or tortured in an environment they will fall victim to isn't giving someone a choice. This ridiculous ideal of complete control of destiny is hogwash and needs to stop being professed.
Wrong , wrong,and wrong again.

I'll ask you to prove my point wrong. I just told you. MOST people with mental illness are not VIOLENT. most Sociapaths are not violent. Most people who are dropped into dysfunctional homes, getting abused, molested, etc don't end up harming others in some horrible manner. some do. but MOST don't.

lastly, what you're talking about goes to my 2nd point.

Why is their any sin in the world at all? That's due to God giving Adam and eve the free will to choose to do right or wrong. they choose to do wrong and disobey God. their were consequences for their actions. not just for them. but for all of their children and childrens children thereafter. we are their childrens childrens x 100000.... Those two are our greatest grandparents. what they choose to do affects us. Because if they would not have sinned. we would have inherited an earth with ZERO sin.

But because we could have done nothing to deserve that but be born after they made the choice to not sin. we also get to reap the negative benefit if they do choose to sin...which they did. this is true fairness.

The moment they sinned. it created sinful nature in all mankind, in addition It created destruction in the world as well.

Question: "Did we all inherit sin from Adam and Eve?"

Yes, all people inherited sin from Adam and Eve, specifically from Adam. Sin is described in the Bible as transgression of the law of God (1 John 3:4) and rebellion against God (Deuteronomy 9:7; Joshua 1:18). Genesis 3 describes Adam and Eve’s rebellion against God and His command. Because of Adam and Eve’s disobedience, sin has been an “inheritance” for all of their descendants. Romans 5:12 tells us that, through Adam, sin entered the world and so death was passed on to all men because all have sinned. This passed-on sin is known as inherited sin. Just as we inherit physical characteristics from our parents, we inherit our sinful nature from Adam.

Adam and Eve were made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-27; 9:6). However, we are also in the image and likeness of Adam (Genesis 5:3). When Adam fell into sin, the result was every one of his descendants also being “infected” with sin. David lamented this fact in one of his Psalms: “Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me” (Psalm 51:5). This does not mean that his mother bore him illegitimately; rather, his mother had inherited a sin nature from her parents, and they from their parents, and so on. David inherited sin from his parents, just as we all do. Even if we live the best life possible, we are still sinners as a result of inherited sin.

Being born sinners results in the fact that we all sin. Notice the progression in Romans 5:12: sin entered the world through Adam, death follows sin, death comes to all people, all people sin because they inherit sin from Adam. Because “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23), we need a perfect, sinless sacrifice to wash away our sin, something we are powerless to do on our own. Thankfully, Jesus Christ is the Savior from sin! Our sin has been crucified on the cross of Jesus, and now “in Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Ephesians 1:7). God, in His infinite wisdom, has provided the remedy for the sin we inherit, and that remedy is available to everyone: “Therefore, my brothers, I want you to know that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you” (Acts 13:38).


Aug 17, 2013
:mjlol:people struggling with faith is a funny sight, cause instead of looking within and working it out for themselves, they choose to lash out (always)!!!
:francis:and i'm not super religious myself!!!


Jun 8, 2012
Is God like a an iPhone that needs "love" to keep going? Is that what keeps his batteries charged? Love?
Why is forcing every being to love him a bad thing?
you can't FORCE anyone to LOVE YOu. the moment you FORCE someone... It's no longer LOVE. go back to the Op's video.

the part about keeping his batteries charged. you're getting that idea from movies/books you've read. where "THE GOD's" get their power from praise and "love" from the humans. if the humans stop loving them/praising them, they lose their power. No where in the bible does it say God's power is linked to our praise. However, it does state that our power is linked to our obedience to God.


Jun 8, 2012
:mjlol:people struggling with faith is a funny sight, cause instead of looking within and working it out for themselves, they choose to lash out (always)!!!
:francis:and i'm not super religious myself!!!
people been lashing out since the bible days. you see some of your greatest prophets in their lashing out at God. Shoot even jesus hit God with the "Why did you forsake me?" So I don't think its a bad thing that humans have human worries and wonder, where are you. at times. its natural. But then you have to at some point get over it and understand what this thing is really about, which was well explained by the OP's video.


Retired troll
Jun 16, 2014
baby, that was the old me
you know this shyt has been supposedly comin for years and years right :dead:

and lookin around at the evil thats been perpetrated on this planet, i have to ask what gods waiting for :huhldup:

The Day of Judgment will occur at a time only known to Allah. It will happen when every single soul is dead.

Its a very scary day that will determine you a success or a failure.

Islam (submission to One God) is the only way of life that will be accepted on that day. And you seem to want someone to flat out say this, for some reason.

How can you pass the test if you just scribble for your answers?

Everybody has a chance till their last breathe, sins can be forgiven as long as u are alive:smile:


Believer in Jesus
May 19, 2012
And that is exactly how the Biblical concept of free-will works.
We are created and given "choices," these "choices" are controlled by the tangible, which God created.
He "creates" us knowing exactly what we'll do with what he has placed around us, and he will reward or punish us based on rules and outcomes he has already chosen.
He creates most of us to fail (in religious terms) and some of us to succeed (in religious terms).

With the exception of love. Love by definition must be freely given. One cannot forcefully extract love from someone.

If there is no choice then you were reacting to a random chemical process autonomously and I'm sure you would not agree with the statement you were preprogrammed to be on the Coli in this thread instead of doing something else.

Free will or autonomous (robot) response? Which do you say?