Epic action scenes, in Pacific Rim

Half the action of Pacific Rim are watching the characters inside the machines do synchronized jazzercise together just to make the machine punch

Wait Wait Wait barely asian girl before you can pull that sword out we need to synchronize our movements or the machine we are supposed to control will just stand here like Jesus Bynum

Watches 2 men walk and swing their arms in unison for 17 seconds just to watch a machine throw one punch.
Pacific Rim was entertaining...but it is a movie that no one would watch completely through a second time...you might just watch the fight scenes again, but that is it...Godzilla is far from a best picture contender, but it's characters, acting, story, and pace, blow Pacific Rims out of the water
Yes! We beat a level 3 monster!
No! Here comes a bigger level 4 monster!
Yes! We beat a level 4 monster!
No! Here comes a bigger level 5 monster!
Synchronizes movements with my fiancee so that I can lift this cup of coffee

Laughs at this incredibly poor comparison of movies that were never intended to be like each other, but's gets frozen because my fiancee didn't sync her movements with mine.