I propose the first annual "Coli Purge" for the better good

Jazzy B.

Aug 8, 2013
I say this in all honesty. DON"T F*CK WITH ME. I swear upon your f*cking whore mother.


I don't like to be angry and to have people be at the brunt of that anger cause you and everyone else on here...do not need to see that. I personally...I don't like to be angry and I hate that person I become cause it's ugly...and I've spent years trying to overcome anger problems.

You wouldn't like to see that person...and that person personally scares me.

I say this...because...on this board...I've only tried to be positive. I realize not everyone is going to like me or approve of me from an early age.

If you got something against me that's real...fine. But you posting up google image results just makes you look worse than me.

So...I will reiterate this for the time being and you seriously better understand what the f*ck I'm trying to say cause I can't slap the fukking dogshyt out of your goddamn face right in front of you. And that is the last thing I ever want to do to anybody and I don't feel the need to even entertain that idea.


You don't know me.

I don't know you.

You don't want them problems.

And I don't want any sort of drama or headache from some pissant that's bored with their life on a message board when I got bigger and better things to work upon and figure out in the next couple of weeks.

Go ahead and respond to this message with a couple of jordan smileys...it doesn't change or negate anything I said.


Jun 8, 2012
A wack thread is a wack one star thread :manny:

You take this sh*t way too seriously :what:
You put your whole life on here. No one asked you too. And now you get mad when people express their opinion on it? This isn't a group support thread for all your life failings and troubles.
You need to show restraint for what. What exactly is your soft serve ass gonna do? :dahell:

Shut the f*ck up...seriously you condescending disgusting worthless excuse for a human being.

Trying to get under my skin by calling me a f*cking princess? You think I'm gonna take any sort of disrespect like that likely? I'm a goddamn grown ass man that got bigger fish to fry than some motherf*cking poster named f*cking @HookersandIceCream on a f*cking sports, hip-hop, and piff forum?

Like dude..I had no f*cking problems with you...AT ALL. I'm not trying to have any f*cking sort of problems with anybody on this board or in my real life...yo...if what I say bothers you or gets under your f*cking skin...or makes you feel type of way to get all...aggy like this? Put me on ignore. You think I have to entertain your bullshyt and watch you try to paint me some type of way? F*ck that you bytchass nikka. I don't entertain that shyt and I don't have time for it.

F*ck you breh. Like seriously...man. F*ck you. You think I would EVER kick anyone down on this forum? You think I would ever try to talk shyt on anybody when t wasn't warranted? Nah...and now I'm in the wrong for trying to defend myself and not let my name get dragged through the mud! I got integrity and a goddamn reputation to defend. You goddamn snake ass nikka. F*ck you.

Just goes to show...you can't be too nice to people. Cause they gonna take that as a sign of weakness and try to hoe you when you least expect it and when you at your most vunerable. If I could change one thing about my life...I would of told all of the a$$holes around me to f*ck off instead of trying to kiss they asses for brownie points and for them to turn around and diss me and disguise it as a critique...

You don't know me nikka and you could give a f*ck if I died and the same goes for you whoadie. I'm not gonna back down from some bullshyt ass hater like I deserve that type of negativity to be thrusted upon me when I've done my best to be respectful to everyone on here.
Jun 8, 2012
Imagine someone that looks like this typing all that :mjlol:


You a coward...breh.

And a weak ass nerd.

I'm done addressing your ass.

You are the epitome of a goddamn hating ass piece of shyt motherf*cking snake.

I've only taken the advice of coli posters that were trying to help me...that saw the problems that I had...and although I was thickheaded and kind of let it get to me...I took what they were saying and used it to help me out. Not one negative thing said to me about them.

Again...you don't know me...you don't know what I look like (you can check out my pic in the Men of TLR thread...but naw...I don't trust you. You might take my pics and jack off to them on some gay shyt or send them to your butt buddies on 4ch@n to make racist memes...I definetely ain't no teenage white girl)...you don't' know my life. Don't speak on it you f*cking spineless coward.

Like really b? Where are your redeeming qualities? What makes you so much better than me? Why do you feel that your word is the end all to be all and I don't got any credence, intelligence, or insight to share towards anything?

But you know what...I don't expect you to say anything.
I don't kick people when they're down...I only want to see people I fukk with succeed and prosper...whether they should be friends or family.

And I don't show disrespect to people out of nowhere.

@flea was right about you being a hater...it's sad I had to face this right now cause I actually had some semblance of respect for you as a poster but that has completely gone out the window if this is who you are.

Disgusting behavior...