I need my chick to have good hair not a weave


May 7, 2012
Right...it's a strawman argument when someone points out the reality that black men have been manipulating the texture of their hair just as long (if not longer) than black women...ummm...okay!

I'm going to ignore most of the comment up above because it's not even worth addressing.

The only reason black women bear the burden of the "self-hate" argument is because black men are HYPOCRITES when it comes to the subject. Furthermore, I would argue that many of you don't know the definition of the term.

If you weren't talking about them WHY did YOU bring them up? Refer to YOUR comment. YOU brought them up.

Let's be real here. People who cut their hair off to the point where no "nap" or "curl" is ever seen should NOT throw stones at people who manipulate their hair texture. One may not be using a chemical but HE is still cutting off what is "natural."

And we learned HOW to do it from black men...with chemicals. Prior to relaxers, sisters were hitting the flat iron and the straightening comb. Y'all brothers taught us how to conk!

Originally you asked if I see white women doing it...as in they NEVER did/do it. Now you're argument is changing because you've stepped into something your brain can't get you out of.

Taylor Swift is relevant today and guess what? I see teenage white girls with brown hair dying their hair blond and putting crinkles in it.

Funny...black men weren't thinking much of perms when y'all were getting them in 1960, 1980s and 1990s. Please don't sit and think that the only type of "perm" is a straight one.

No actually I'm countering your argument that "white women don't do that." You were the individual that decided to compare apples and oranges. I decided to play along.

A black woman can very well rock a relaxer and still have healthy hair. I know because when I had a relaxer my REAL hair was down my back. I have NEVER worn a weave and I COME FROM TWO BLACK PARENTS.

I'm natural now because I want to be natural. Not because I saw some beacon of light at the end of the pro-black tunnel.

People are going to do what THEY want to do...as well they should. Who the hell died and told you that YOU have a right to tell someone else how to live or rock their hair?

Again, I'm asking, do you pay their bills? Do you provide a way for them to live where they don't have to live under a "Eurocentric agenda?" Until that day comes (and I'm not holding my breath) black men simply need to STFU.

If nothing else the above statement^^^ and its implications SHOULD BRING BLACK MEN SHAME.

Do you understand that the threadstarter is an individual(possibly trolling)? You wrote all that with the inclination that all black men think this way. "black men need to STFU" :snoop: .... you aren't any different from @Chris.B
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May 6, 2012
Right...it's a strawman argument when someone points out the reality that black men have been manipulating the texture of their hair just as long (if not longer) than black women...ummm...okay!
You are simply way too defensive right now. The THREAD was about black WOMEN'S hair. It's safe to say the posts in here would be about black women. You telling me that black men have been processing their hair just as long as black women isn't enlightening me because I know that already. You seemingly try to ignore what the white institutionalized racism has implicated among black men/women and just want to throw it all on black men solely.

I'm going to ignore most of the comment up above because it's not even worth addressing.

The only reason black women bear the burden of the "self-hate" argument is because black men are HYPOCRITES when it comes to the subject. Furthermore, I would argue that many of you don't know the definition of the term.
Okay why are you constantly throwing black men under the bus for?? You acting like the contrast between "good" and "bad" hair was something that stemmed from black men. Did Europeans and their twisted concocted paradigm not shape this mindset among us?? The contrast only exists where there is isolation and separation. Typical divide and conquer execution in play. They did something, got the mentality instilled among black men which I agree play a role in the low self esteem of black women yet you ignore the root cause of it and just say " :angry: BLACK MEN AINT' shyt Y'ALL DON'T LIKE US!!" :childplease: Try to understand this shyt together.

If you weren't talking about them WHY did YOU bring them up? Refer to YOUR comment. YOU brought them up.
Excuse me then.

Let's be real here. People who cut their hair off to the point where no "nap" or "curl" is ever seen should NOT throw stones at people who manipulate their hair texture. One may not be using a chemical but HE is still cutting off what is "natural."
Good thing I got locs. :win: Talk that mess to someone else.

And we learned HOW to do it from black men...with chemicals. Prior to relaxers, sisters were hitting the flat iron and the straightening comb. Y'all brothers taught us how to conk!
Who created the gel for african americans to conk their hair?? Who made the distinction between good and bad hair? Again you're turning a blind eye to the root. Cab Calloway popularized the conk hairstyle but did he do it out of boredom?

Originally you asked if I see white women doing it...as in they NEVER did/do it. Now you're argument is changing because you've stepped into something your brain can't get you out of.
Doing what?? I'm perplexed as to what you're accusing me of. You're reading my posts in some way that seems erroneous. I posted a quote from a book showing how kinky hair was revered back before european colonization yet you seem to want to lump me under "ignorant c00nish black men." :deadrose:

Taylor Swift is relevant today and guess what? I see teenage white girls with brown hair dying their hair blond and putting crinkles in it.
Superficiality and low self esteem steeming from racial biases that has no real inherent meaning isn't the same. White women are just as superficial and frivolous. There that's what you wanted me to say? :laugh:

Funny...black men weren't thinking much of perms when y'all were getting them in 1960, 1980s and 1990s. Please don't sit and think that the only type of "perm" is a straight one.

No actually I'm countering your argument that "white women don't do that." You were the individual that decided to compare apples and oranges. I decided to play along.
I dont' recall me saying "white women" don't process their hair.

A black woman can very well rock a relaxer and still have healthy hair. I know because when I had a relaxer my REAL hair was down my back. I have NEVER worn a weave and I COME FROM TWO BLACK PARENTS.
There are natural relaxers. Is that what you are referring to?
I'm natural now because I want to be natural. Not because I saw some beacon of light at the end of the pro-black tunnel.
:stopitslime: Don't say that. You don't hear white women saying they going natural.

People are going to do what THEY want to do...as well they should. Who the hell died and told you that YOU have a right to tell someone else how to live or rock their hair?
I ain't tell you shyt! Stop coming at me like I told you how to live.
Again, I'm asking, do you pay their bills? Do you provide a way for them to live where they don't have to live under a "Eurocentric agenda?" Until that day comes (and I'm not holding my breath) black men simply need to STFU.

If nothing else the above statement^^^ and its implications SHOULD BRING BLACK MEN SHAME.

I knew you were going there. You seem to have a lot of pent up anger towards black men but god forbid we talk about that since I assume you're going to accuse me of ignoring the post.
Apr 11, 2013

Do you understand that the threadstarter is an individual(possibly trolling)? You wrote all that with the inclination that all black men think this way. "black men need to STFU" :snoop: .... you aren't any different from @Chris.B

The problem is I can't tell the "trolls" from the "non-trolls" on this site. The OP might very well be a troll, but are the kneegrows who agreed with him and said something similar also trolls???

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May 7, 2012
This is properly going to be the first and last time I ever post on this site.

I've been lurking on this site for a while but this bullshyt is just too damn much. There is a reason why black women don't visit black men's forum. Generally speaking there is an educational gap that cannot be ignored. Most of the time when I'm lurking I feel like I've stepped into a classroom full of grown retards.

Most of you nikkas on this site are dumb as hell! You fools have the nerve to wonder why so many black women walk around thinking/saying "nikkas ain't shyt." Well, take a good look at this thread. Generally speaking, the nikkas that visit this site really ain't shyt.

I'm going to address some of your points one by one...

1). "Black men never see black women hair."

Bullshyt! The same thing that grows out of black women's scalp grows out of your scalps dumbasses.

Even if you don't see too many natural black women walking around the texture of hair that grows from our scalp also grows from YOURS!

So for any of you simple-minded G.E.D. recipients to put down black women's hair (whether weaved, relaxed, or natural) is to put down your own damn hair!

That is called SELF-HATE.

2). "Black women don't like their hair."

Wrong! Black women don't perm, weave and relax our hair because we hate our hair. Instead we do it for the following reasons...

  • It's the style or the trend at the moment.
  • Our natural hair isn't accepted in mainstream society (I will come back to this point)
  • We like it that way...which we have EVERY right to like.
  • Last but not least...because you worthless nikkas are constantly telling us our hair is ugly, nappy, and unlike other races of women.

The reality is black men haven't done shyt to improve the condition of black women in this country. You don't provide. You don't build. You don't create jobs. You haven't built a foundation for your community. You contribute NOTHING to the lives of black women and children that can improve the condition of the community.

So, why you feel we (black women) should listen to you concerning our HAIR is beyond me!

The person black women should and often DO listen to is the white man who employs our asses! He signs our paychecks! His dress code in the work environment is FAR more crucial and important than the opinion of the world's most POWERLESS men. Because we don't have a foundation in our community and because we are FORCED to rely on him for JOBS we are also FORCED to get with his standards! Do you clueless sons of Pookie and Ray Ray understand cause and effect????

I crack up every time I read a comment on here in which one of you refers to yourself as an "Alpha men." :heh:

Sweeties "Alpha men" cannot be conquered.

They cannot be enslaved mentally or physically.

Their women don't look at them and think, "Damn...we got screwed!"

And when we look around black men HAVE been conquered.

You nikkas are so mentally ill and sick that you don't even realize that your penis and its size is WORTHLESS in the greater scheme of things when men are measured by the the functionality of their communities, businesses and their healthy/wellness of their families.

Then you have the nerve to wonder why more and more black women are "thirsty" or "lusting" after white men. Between the two of you THEY COME ACROSS AND MORE APPEALING AND LEVELHEADED.

Wake the hell up and look around. Black men today don't have any honor or pride or SUBSTANCE.

Rant over.

I respect this post :ehh:



Jun 19, 2012
Yeah, but.....

Average non-black woman after removing fake hair:



Average black woman after removing fake hair:



Lmao you wrong for this. :deadmanny:


Jun 19, 2012
The reality is black men haven't done shyt to improve the condition of black women in this country. You don't provide. You don't build. You don't create jobs. You haven't built a foundation for your community. You contribute NOTHING to the lives of black women and children that can improve the condition of the community.

I agreed with what you were saying until you started going on a black men bashing rant. :beli: