I need my chick to have good hair not a weave

Sierra Mist

May 13, 2012
Just saying breh. I don't know you so maybe you are winning like that but a non winning dude like myself can't help but hate a little :sadcam:.

More black women are natural than they have been since the 1990's. You'll find her. Honestly I've only dated mixed black girls but I still see plenty natural black women.
Aug 12, 2012
Wrong mindset breh...

Going by European standards isnt a good look. I just you take a step back, slow down and think for a sec. What's a good hair and who told how good hair should look and feel like?

Are you asking (and expecting) that man to THINK?


All Star
Jul 26, 2012
:what: how is it self-hate when I'm talkin bout black women with good hair

I prefer chicks with hair like this
over chicks with hair like this

both are black women......I just prefer one over the other......no self-hate involved

stop actin like good hair is a white attribute....there are many black women in Africa with good hair

why did you assume I was talking to you? Did you see all the other posts in the thread with idiots going on about white women's hair??


May 6, 2012
When black men were plastering their hair down with grease and wearing stocking caps in the 1920-1940s was it because they hated their hair or was it because it was the trend at the moment?

When black men were conking their hair in the 1950s-1960s was it because they hated themselves or was it because it was the trend at that moment?

When black men were rocking jheri curls in the 1980s and S curls in the 1990s was it because they hated themselves or was it because it was the trend at that moment?

When black men cut their hair into low cut ceasars (which prevent any "nap" or "curl" from growing) are they doing it because they hate themselves or is it the common trend for the moment?

When black intentionally manipulate their hair (i.e., brush, grease and wave caps) is it because they hate themselves or is it the common trend of the time????
Strawman Argument. I wasn't talking about black men we were on the subject of black women. Funny thing is you seem to have read my post out of context because I sort of agreed with what you just posted. :yeshrug: I think black men of those times did it out of several reasons alone and low self esteem is one of them.
You seem to have a very selective memory. People alter their physical appearance all the time due to trends. Black women (AND black men) are no different in that regard. The only difference is WE (black women) get criticized more often for doing it by men who don't know their own damn history.
I'm not oblivious to this fact, I was just going off the topic at hadn. You seem to want to sling mud over on the men when it wasn't even about all that. Of course black women are going to be the ones to bear the burden of proclaimed "self hate" because it's mostly women whom you see in the media when it comes to "beauty".

Let me get this straight. YOU (I'm speaking specifically to you and ALL the hypocritical black men on this site) don't see white women dying their hair??? :birdman:
Let's not digress here. We not talking about White women. I don't see white women dying their hair black everyday. I see them dying it several shades lighter or darker most of the time and it's usually again them imitating their own.

You didn't see white women running out to get their hair just like Jennifer Aniston when she was on Friends? You didn't see them rocking the same hair cut and highlights as her?
Haircut =/= caustic chemicals that corrode and damage hair to the point where it's falling off and is dry.

You didn't see white women rocking cornrows when Bo Derek started doing it?
You didn't see white women trying to "Fro" their hair in the 1970s?
You still see white women doing that?? Black women been straightening their hair for the longest.

You didn't see white women starching the hell out of their hair in the 1980s to get it to look BIG, CURLY and PUFFY???
I ask again do you STILL see White women doing that?

You didn't see white women going blond platinum blond when Marilyn Monroe did it?
Marilyn Monroe isn't relevant today yet I still see black women rocking platinum blonde hair.

You didn't see white women rocking the Jackie Kennedy cut when JFK was in office?
A cut again is not equal to a perm.

Please come again!
Again, you seem to be ducking the fact that there are black women who dislike their hair texture by countering this with examples of transient periods in time where White women imitated a style. Imitating a style and being able to revert to their natural style isn't as easy for black women because the styles black women opt for aren't conducive to the hairs health.

The plutocratic oligarchies of today and yesterday have seemingly opted to steer everyone towards a eurocentric agenda. You seem to not want to admit that.


May 7, 2012
:heh: this forum is ridiculous... i seriously picture a white guy posing as black and just sitting back watching the blame game commence... and yall fall for it every time.


divide and conquer.... wickedly brilliant

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
I hear you, but that million march march/kumbaya stuff does not work.

When you have FULL grown men criticizing the very hair that grows from their own damn head while big upping the hair that grows from their so-called "oppressor's" head you've already LOST.

I wasn't hurt by the posts these idiots where making. I was SHOCKED. There is a difference.

Black women would be fools to trust these "men" and join hands with them. That would be like joining hands with the devil himself!

It did hurt, cause it hurts me reading it and Im a man. I adore all my sistas but what have all this fighting accomplished over the past couple of decades besides spread us apart? Can't kill with problem throwing hate into the mix. Gotta take the time out to speak with each other and understand were this hate come from.

How you feel about some of us, they most likely feel the same way about you. Thus a cycle of hate continues. What you read isnt really hate, its anger. How do we stop being angry we talk, we think and listen. This is the key to rebuilding our new community. I'm speaking with you as a man that wanna build. I wanna listen and I wanna fix this gap between us all. At the end of the day all we got is each other.

This isnt about kumbaya and million man march, just is the future of our race. Im not getting at you or blaming you. Just want us to build.

Double J

May 11, 2012
Oh I get it! The only time a black woman is acceptable to you (and apparrently the dumbass who posed the question) is if she's mixed with white? Are you a black man? If so, as MurderSheWrote so eloquently stated, And if you aren't black, who cares what you think.

See MurderSheWrote, another dumbass...

I'm half black half white. Best of both worlds. Tall, dark, and handsome with good hair so no the brillo hair that grows out of the scalps of black women does not grow out of mine :myman:

*runs hand through hair* :ahh:
Apr 11, 2013

Strawman Argument. I wasn't talking about black men we were on the subject of black women. Funny thing is you seem to have read my post out of context because I sort of agreed with what you just posted. :yeshrug:
I'm not oblivious to this fact, I was just going off the topic at hadn. You seem to want to sling mud over on the men when it wasn't even about all that. Of course black women are going to be the ones to bear the burden of proclaimed "self hate" because it's mostly women whom you see in the media when it comes to "beauty".

Right...it's a strawman argument when someone points out the reality that black men have been manipulating the texture of their hair just as long (if not longer) than black women...ummm...okay!

I'm going to ignore most of the comment up above because it's not even worth addressing.

The only reason black women bear the burden of the "self-hate" argument is because black men are HYPOCRITES when it comes to the subject. Furthermore, I would argue that many of you don't know the definition of the term.

Let's not digress here. We not talking about White women.

If you weren't talking about them WHY did YOU bring them up? Refer to YOUR comment. YOU brought them up.

Haircut =/= caustic chemicals that corrode and damage hair to the point where it's falling off and is dry.

Let's be real here. People who cut their hair off to the point where no "nap" or "curl" is ever seen should NOT throw stones at people who manipulate their hair texture. One may not be using a chemical but HE is still cutting off what is "natural."

You still see white women doing that?? Black women been straightening their hair for the longest.

And we learned HOW to do it from black men...with chemicals. Prior to relaxers, sisters were hitting the flat iron and the straightening comb. Y'all brothers taught us how to conk!

I ask again do you STILL see White women doing that?

Originally you asked if I see white women doing it...as in they NEVER did/do it. Now you're argument is changing because you've stepped into something your brain can't get you out of.

Marilyn Monroe isn't relevant today yet I still see black women rocking platinum blonde hair.

Taylor Swift is relevant today and guess what? I see teenage white girls with brown hair dying their hair blond and putting crinkles in it.

A cut again is not equal to a perm.

Funny...black men weren't thinking much of perms when y'all were getting them in 1960, 1980s and 1990s. Please don't sit and think that the only type of "perm" is a straight one.

Again, you seem to be ducking the fact that there are black women who dislike their hair texture by countering this with examples of transient periods in time where White women imitated a style. Imitating a style and being able to revert to their natural style isn't as easy for black women because the styles black women opt for aren't conducive to the hairs health.

No actually I'm countering your argument that "white women don't do that." You were the individual that decided to compare apples and oranges. I decided to play along.

A black woman can very well rock a relaxer and still have healthy hair. I know because when I had a relaxer my REAL hair was down my back. I have NEVER worn a weave and I COME FROM TWO BLACK PARENTS.

I'm natural now because I want to be natural. Not because I saw some beacon of light at the end of the pro-black tunnel.

The plutocratic oligarchies of today and yesterday have seemingly opted to steer everyone towards a eurocentric agenda. You seem to not want to admit that.

People are going to do what THEY want to do...as well they should. Who the hell died and told you that YOU have a right to tell someone else how to live or rock their hair?

Again, I'm asking, do you pay their bills? Do you provide a way for them to live where they don't have to live under a "Eurocentric agenda?" Until that day comes (and I'm not holding my breath) black men simply need to STFU.

If nothing else the above statement^^^ and its implications SHOULD BRING BLACK MEN SHAME.


All Star
May 12, 2012
:heh: this forum is ridiculous... i seriously picture a white guy posing as black and just sitting back watching the blame game commence... and yall fall for it every time.


divide and conquer.... wickedly brilliant

Between this site and lipstickalley racist white people have to be in bliss, the people on this site are way too fukkin easy the type of place a beginner troll could dominate with no effort