Nah I think a lot of black women subconsciously don't like their natural kinky hair texture and it shows because why would they alter they're hair in such a way that is deleterious for purposes of staying trendy?? I'm not saying other women don't do things to themselves that are unsafe but people usually alter themselves in such a way because of low self esteem.
When black men were plastering their hair down with grease and wearing stocking caps in the 1920-1940s was it because they hated their hair or was it because it was the trend at the moment?
When black men were conking their hair in the 1950s-1960s was it because they hated themselves or was it because it was the trend at that moment?
When black men were rocking jheri curls in the 1980s and S curls in the 1990s was it because they hated themselves or was it because it was the trend at that moment?
When black men cut their hair into low cut ceasars (which prevent any "nap" or "curl" from growing) are they doing it because they hate themselves or is it the common trend for the moment?
When black intentionally manipulate their hair (i.e., brush, grease and wave caps) is it because they hate themselves or is it the common trend of the time????
You seem to have a very selective memory. People alter their physical appearance all the time due to trends. Black women (AND black men) are no different in that regard. The only difference is WE (black women) get criticized more often for doing it by men who don't know their own damn history.
You don't see White women collectively as a whole trying to lock their hair or darkening their skin but yet you see everyday, black women rocking platinum blonde hair, damaging their hair with caustic chemicals not fit for use on hair just to straighten it out and bleaching their skin. Someone who loves themselves wouldn't go through all of that trouble. I don't equate chemically damaging hair with chemicals and scorching hot irons a simple "style". It's not like afro's and dreadlocs(should be caled locs by itself imo as white people "dreaded" rebellious hairstyles back then) comprises ALL natural hair styles.
Let me get this straight. YOU (I'm speaking specifically to you and ALL the hypocritical black men on this site) don't see white women dying their hair???
You didn't see white women running out to get their hair just like Jennifer Aniston when she was on Friends? You didn't see them rocking the same hair cut and highlights as her?
You didn't see white women rocking cornrows when Bo Derek started doing it?
You didn't see white women trying to "Fro" their hair in the 1970s?
You didn't see white women starching the hell out of their hair in the 1980s to get it to look BIG, CURLY and PUFFY???
You didn't see white women going blond platinum blond when Marilyn Monroe did it?
You didn't see white women rocking the Jackie Kennedy cut when JFK was in office?
Please come again!