I need my chick to have good hair not a weave

Gus Money

May 20, 2012
This is properly going to be the first and last time I ever post on this site.

I've been lurking on this site for a while but this bullshyt is just too damn much. There is a reason why black women don't visit black men's forum. Generally speaking there is an educational gap that cannot be ignored. Most of the time when I'm lurking I feel like I've stepped into a classroom full of grown retards.

Most of you nikkas on this site are dumb as hell! You fools have the nerve to wonder why so many black women walk around thinking/saying "nikkas ain't shyt." Well, take a good look at this thread. Generally speaking, the nikkas that visit this site really ain't shyt.

I'm going to address some of your points one by one...

1). "Black men never see black women hair."

Bullshyt! The same thing that grows out of black women's scalp grows out of your scalps dumbasses.

Even if you don't see too many natural black women walking around the texture of hair that grows from our scalp also grows from YOURS!

So for any of you simple-minded G.E.D. recipients to put down black women's hair (whether weaved, relaxed, or natural) is to put down your own damn hair!

That is called SELF-HATE.

2). "Black women don't like their hair."

Wrong! Black women don't perm, weave and relax our hair because we hate our hair. Instead we do it for the following reasons...

  • It's the style or the trend at the moment.
  • Our natural hair isn't accepted in mainstream society (I will come back to this point)
  • We like it that way...which we have EVERY right to like.
  • Last but not least...because you worthless nikkas are constantly telling us our hair is ugly, nappy, and unlike other races of women.

The reality is black men haven't done shyt to improve the condition of black women in this country. You don't provide. You don't build. You don't create jobs. You haven't built a foundation for your community. You contribute NOTHING to the lives of black women and children that can improve the condition of the community.

So, why you feel we (black women) should listen to you concerning our HAIR is beyond me!

The person black women should and often DO listen to is the white man who employs our asses! He signs our paychecks! His dress code in the work environment is FAR more crucial and important than the opinion of the world's most POWERLESS men. Because we don't have a foundation in our community and because we are FORCED to rely on him for JOBS we are also FORCED to get with his standards! Do you clueless sons of Pookie and Ray Ray understand cause and effect????

I crack up every time I read a comment on here in which one of you refers to yourself as an "Alpha men." :heh:

Sweeties "Alpha men" cannot be conquered.

They cannot be enslaved mentally or physically.

Their women don't look at them and think, "Damn...we got screwed!"

And when we look around black men HAVE been conquered.

You nikkas are so mentally ill and sick that you don't even realize that your penis and its size is WORTHLESS in the greater scheme of things when men are measured by the the functionality of their communities, businesses and their healthy/wellness of their families.

Then you have the nerve to wonder why more and more black women are "thirsty" or "lusting" after white men. Between the two of you THEY COME ACROSS AND MORE APPEALING AND LEVELHEADED.

Wake the hell up and look around. Black men today don't have any honor or pride or SUBSTANCE.

Rant over.
I try to stay away from race-baiting troll threads but I'm surprised, and disappointed, that anyone would dap this drivel (I'm hoping that this is an alias). You can't visit this forum much if you walked right into a trap and you're letting the views of a small group of men influence how you view the majority of dudes on here. The few guys on here who do actually talk down on black women are not taken seriously by the majority of posters, and those idiots don't represent black men as a whole.

Most black men (in real life and on here) are attracted to black women, and the overwhelming majority of black men are married to black women. These are facts. Most of us don't care if your hair is relaxed, natural, whatever, as long as it looks good and you take care of it.

The statements you made about black men being conquered and not being providers are absolute nonsense. I know mainstream society pushes these negative views of black men, but I've always assumed that most black people didn't buy into it. Black men are possibly the most demonized group of people in US (along with black women). The foundation in the black community is struggling due to blatant law enforcement discrimination resulting in millions of black men being put under correctional control for committing the same crimes that go ignored when committed by white men (that's a whole other topic though).

Someone move this shyt to the wasteland.


Misanthropy Personified
Apr 12, 2013
In the south!
I cant believe this is still going on. I mean the moral of the story is "like what you like and respect everyone elses right to do so whether you consider it ignorant or not." People in this b!tch writing dissertations nshyt. GTFOOH. Its not that serious.


A nappy headed chick who gives no f*cks


Jun 22, 2012
So if i make a thread about black women its bound to do numbers? :ohhh:

Interesting :shaq:

OP didn't shat on black women. He wants a girl with smooth silky slick hair :smugbiden:

Some black posters tooK offense because the thought he was sh!tting on black women but my mans just wants a chick with good hair. :jada:

If that excludes black women so be it.


Mar 30, 2013
OP didn't shat on black women. He wants a girl with smooth silky slick hair :smugbiden:

Some black posters too offense because the thought he was sh!tting on black women but my mans just wants a chick with good hair. :jada:

If that excludes black women so be it.

Breh i could start a thread about why NASA shut down and some posters would be like

"You trying to say black women are the reasons were not going to space anymore? :leostare: "

Matter of fact im going to do an experiment breh, im going to bring up black women and blame them in every thread i enter now and see what happens :skip:

Im about to get a bunch of daps :shaq:


Dec 17, 2012
you stay on my d!ck hard :obama3: Still sour from that reprimand I handed you for fukking up.

Lol I just helped a college kid here yesterday with his engineering IT network project. I don't have to prove my skills to liberal art students like you.:obama3:

Intellectually I'm way ahead of baggage carrying black women like you

:duck: You stay telling lies you mentally unstable, ashy zulu man. And, I won't even respond to the latter part of your comment because it's quite clear that I am ahead of you in every possible way in life. You could never touch this you flabby & sick old bytch. :scusthov:


May 1, 2012
I try to stay away from race-baiting troll threads but I'm surprised, and disappointed, that anyone would dap this drivel (I'm hoping that this is an alias). You can't visit this forum much if you walked right into a trap and you're letting the views of a small group of men influence how you view the majority of dudes on here. The few guys on here who do actually talk down on black women are not taken seriously by the majority of posters, and those idiots don't represent black men as a whole.

Most black men (in real life and on here) are attracted to black women, and the overwhelming majority of black men are married to black women. These are facts. Most of us don't care if your hair is relaxed, natural, whatever, as long as it looks good and you take care of it.

The statements you made about black men being conquered and not being providers are absolute nonsense. I know mainstream society pushes these negative views of black men, but I've always assumed that most black people didn't buy into it. Black men are possibly the most demonized group of people in US (along with black women). The foundation in the black community is struggling due to blatant law enforcement discrimination resulting in millions of black men being put under correctional control for committing the same crimes that go ignored when committed by white men (that's a whole other topic though).

Someone move this shyt to the wasteland.

Between this and that "being oblivious to a woman's advances" thread, my man Gus Money going for poster of the year.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
The reality is black men haven't done shyt to improve the condition of black women in this country. You don't provide. You don't build. You don't create jobs. You haven't built a foundation for your community. You contribute NOTHING to the lives of black women and children that can improve the condition of the community.

So, why you feel we (black women) should listen to you concerning our HAIR is beyond me!

The person black women should and often DO listen to is the white man who employs our asses! He signs our paychecks! His dress code in the work environment is FAR more crucial and important than the opinion of the world's most POWERLESS men. Because we don't have a foundation in our community and because we are FORCED to rely on him for JOBS we are also FORCED to get with his standards! Do you clueless sons of Pookie and Ray Ray understand cause and effect????

I crack up every time I read a comment on here in which one of you refers to yourself as an "Alpha men." :heh:

Sweeties "Alpha men" cannot be conquered.

They cannot be enslaved mentally or physically.

Their women don't look at them and think, "Damn...we got screwed!"

And when we look around black men HAVE been conquered.

You nikkas are so mentally ill and sick that you don't even realize that your penis and its size is WORTHLESS in the greater scheme of things when men are measured by the the functionality of their communities, businesses and their healthy/wellness of their families.

Then you have the nerve to wonder why more and more black women are "thirsty" or "lusting" after white men. Between the two of you THEY COME ACROSS AND MORE APPEALING AND LEVELHEADED.

Wake the hell up and look around. Black men today don't have any honor or pride or SUBSTANCE.

Rant over.
How do you expect for whites and blacks to be equal if your pushing toward being an underling.

You sound like you have no dignity. :huhldup:

The way you talk is as if there are no successful black men. Generalization at its finest. :manny:


Jun 22, 2012
:duck: You stay telling lies you mentally unstable, ashy zulu man. And, I won't even respond to the latter part of your comment because it's quite clear that I am ahead of you in every possible way in life. You could never touch this you flabby & sick old bytch. :scusthov:
1.These arms look flabby and sick to you? :obama3:
2.Here is thread of me helping out a poster with his IT network engineering college assignment :obama3: Yup I did it for free...

lol at you being ahead of me in life. You are studying liberal arts in college. Enough said:obama3: