Stringer was street smart.. you don't build a multimillion dollar drug cartel, owning half an entire city for years... with them never even hearing of the boss, let alone getting a picture of him... with absolutely no street smarts
what he TRIED to do was flip that and think "i'm a smart nikka, let me get that business degree and become a business man"
and that's when the wolves fukked him over. they knew he knew NOTHING about business.. you in there with a STATE SENATOR.. laywers that been doing this for years... developers that been doing this for decades... he never had a shot on THAT level
marlo was just like avon.. all he cared about was the street and his rep. it was never about the money, the girls, or nothing else.. he wanted the POWER
when he got to where stringer was, the lawyer told him "Don't ever talk to these guys without me there" same thing he told stringer AFTER stringer got fukked over "why would you go do these deals without me there"
Marlo hated that.. that he was powerless now.. that he was just the king and now he was a pawn.. he didn't know that game.. but unlike String, he realized he didn't belong there
and then where does he go... ALONE... back to the block.. and shows what he never showed the whole series... that he was a thoro nikka. it wasn't his muscle that got him on.. he was crazy his damn self and willing to go for self.. going against a nikka with a knife and a gun and coming off with both of them.. and then he finally smiles... like "yea! that power makes me happy"