My thing is their solution is only ever “the government needs to save us!” Not to say the government doesn’t need to do more but these so-called pro black people know the history of this country and its anti blackness and yet are always looking for a savior in government instead of looking inward and learning to save themselves and from that, their family, and from that their community. It’s always “what are you doing to help black people?” Which is a fair question but they feel they have to nothing to do. No grassroots, no job training, no community projects, no local politics, nothing. Just bytch at the federal government to make their life better.I wouldn't say it's the same but it's clear that BothSiders want two things instead of one:
1. Benefits solely devised for and to the benefit of Black people
2. To receive these benefits at the expense of other groups in this country, especially Whites, [somehow] without their support or consent
And then they complain when they don't get shït.
Dudes have no concept of strategy at all. As if receiving absolutely nothing is more noble or admirable than working with what you got.