I Don’t Like Having White Neighbors

Geek Nasty

Brain Knowledgeably Whizzy
Jan 30, 2015
South Kakalaka
I've had the worst experience living among indian neighbors. You couldn't even watch the TV in the afternoon without them flipping out cause they worked from home. I got cops knocking on my door 5 times in a space of 6 months and they would ALWAYS stalk me. To this day I still believe they were convinced I was a drug dealer or some criminal trying to lay low.

I seriously hope I never live next to an Indian again in my life.

But my situation was apartment life in the city, not a real house in a surburban neighborhood .

Some of you are in for a rude awakening when you realize where immigration trends are going


All Star
Apr 14, 2020
I live in a reseidential area with like commercial land that is used for like doctors lawyers engineers offices.

Behind my house, was an old man my pops friends with. He lived around the coner but our yards met because how deep they both were. He died and his kid inherited n sold to a new family. One day i get a message in mail box that sneakily the wife went up to town trying to get permits to build a whole ass DOG KENNEL behind my house and all my neighbors…. in the most beautiful oldest part of town. fukkin jersey people. They have NO class.

She said she asked all the neighbors. My lawyer neighbors let everyone know and we all showed up like “NAAAAAA, she didnt ask shyt” and got it xnayed on the spot.

Now she let her dog off the leash in the back whenever she want. Her kids. And it always runs into her neighbors yards.

I have a fence, my lawyer neighbor does not. Like 5x this big ass dog running up on him outta nowhere.

Other day it happen again and i hear screaming “did you pull a gun!” while im in yard.

The lady is screaming at my lawyer and my pops in back. She on tirade saying she has cameras in trees pointing in our yards n shyt (great…) accussing my pops at throwing rocks at her son (wtf lol. I can tell how he fid it. His walk around and toss small pebble at you game when ya not looking… he doesnt realize everythings on cam now lmao). Cops arressted my lawyer. I look outside and they got him down on his knees guns drawn 5 deep. fukkin shyt show rn

I cant even paint or make modifications to my house its part of historical society 200 ish years old and she wanna put in a fukking kennel. Real SCMART bytch. Not a small one either. fukking HUGE one. And she wanted ACTIVITIES. 30 people running around with dogs everyday on a lil activity course like its legends of the hidden temple when i come home. That was her plan….

So yea. fukk neighbors man. Upset the whole eco system this stupid bytch. White karen bytch of course. My lawyers wife had to anti-karen her and negate it. Tbh thank god for them being lawyers.
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Geek Nasty

Brain Knowledgeably Whizzy
Jan 30, 2015
South Kakalaka
I can't stand them always being in your shyt. Got a neighbor anytime I'm outside, he comes out. Just to low key snoop. I bring contractors over, he opens the garage door so he can listen to our conversations. My cousin came to visit, this dude pretends to blow leaves just so he can walk behind his car and snoop in his trunk while he was unpacking. Sees his ruck sack "oh you're in the military..."

Had some tree trimmers over, him and his wife bring out lawn chairs turn them to my yard and sit there and watch the whole time.

He'll even come over to contractors and try to get in their shyt with stuff I'm doing to MY house. He was trying to get the people who installed my sprinkler system to locate the heads where HE wanted them (which was illegally close to the property line).

Oh yeah, this is the same dude I was doing some landscaping close to my house, he gets on a ladder in the middle of his yard and pretends like he's doing something just to look over my fence :dahell:

Had a old white lady come over to introduce herself, first thing out of her mouth was "blah blah we give each other house keys to watch our houses when we're out of town." I don't fukk with any of these people so you know they just wanted to snoop. Been here 15 years have not invited one of them in.

I WFH saw a lady across the street hding behind a bush with a camera with a big ass lens trying to look in my bedroom office window

Trying to put an offer in on a rural house right now for some real privacy

Harry Sax

Formally mr 321
May 1, 2012
It’s some nosy ass cacs that live by my girls mom

Their grandma had dementia and up until this moment it was thought to be mild cause she would sit in the front yard with her dog just chillin…welp that day she decided she was walking back home (New York) and she musta been crying…the white last next door seen her and brought her in their house

My girls mom went outside to check on grandma and she’s gone.We drove up so my girl could look for her, come to find out she’s at the cacs house crying saying she’s gonna kill me…they called the cops like a mf

What’s so bad about this is that until that moment, they were very cool neighbors…the have each others number, the lady was checking the mail when my girls mom was gone for an extended period…so they could’ve called and said your grandmothers over here instead of calling the police, especially not knowing the lady was demented


Valar Morghulis
Feb 10, 2017
Baltimore, MD / Charlotte, NC
I live in a reseidential area with like commercial land that is used for like doctors offices and lawyers engineers offices.

Behind my house, was an old man. He died and his kid inherited n sold to new woman. One day i get a message in mail box that sneakily she went up to town trying to get permits to build a whole ass DOG KENNEL behind my house and all my neighbors…. A dog kennel this dumb bytch… in the most beautiful oldest part of town. fukkin jersey people. They have NO class.

She said she asked all the neighbors. My fam and all my neighbors went up yo township like “wtf is this she didnt ask shyt” and got it xnayed

Now she let her dog off the leash in the back whenever she want.

I have a fence, my lawyer who is my neighbor does not. Like 5x this big ass dog running up on him outta nowhere.

Other day it happen again and i hear “did you pull a gun!” Screaming while im in yard.

The lady is screaming at my lawyer and my pops in back. She on tirade saying she has cameras in trees pointing in our yards in shyt, accussing my pops at throwinh rocks at her son (wtf) Cops arressted my lawyer. I look outside and they got him down on his knees guns drawn 5 deep. fukkin shyt show rn

I no longer feel like the fukk up on the block ha. Over a fukkING DOG KENNEL.. In a residential 200 yr old historic part of town. I cant even paint my house its part of historical society and she wanna put a fukking kennel in right behind it. Real SCMART bytch. Not a small one either. fukking HUGE one. Behind multi neighbors houses.

So yea. fukk neighbors man. Upset the whole eco system this stupid bytch. White karen bytch of course
Not ya father trying to stone badass children in the year of our Lord 2024. :deadrose:


All Star
Apr 14, 2020
I can't stand them always being in your shyt. Got a neighbor anytime I'm outside, he comes out. Just to low key snoop. I bring contractors over, he opens the garage door so he can listen to our conversations. My cousin came to visit, this dude pretends to blow leaves just so he can walk behind his car and snoop in his trunk while he was unpacking. Sees his ruck sack "oh you're in the military..."

Had some tree trimmers over, him and his wife bring out lawn chairs turn them to my yard and sit there and watch the whole time.

He'll even come over to contractors and try to get in their shyt with stuff I'm doing to MY house. He was trying to get the people who installed my sprinkler system to locate the heads where HE wanted them (which was illegally close to the property line).

Oh yeah, this is the same dude I was doing some landscaping close to my house, he gets on a ladder in the middle of his yard and pretends like he's doing something just to look over my fence :dahell:

Had a old white lady come over to introduce herself, first thing out of her mouth was "blah blah we give each other house keys to watch our houses when we're out of town." I don't fukk with any of these people so you know they just wanted to snoop. Been here 15 years have not invited one of them in.

I WFH saw a lady across the street hding behind a bush with a camera with a big ass lens trying to look in my bedroom office window

Trying to put an offer in on a rural house right now for some real privacy
I had a kid like this behind my old house. They were from texas. Wed be eating dinner outside and hed sit on the shed and stare at us. They werent hungry he was just a fukkin weirdo. Is that what yall do down there? Ya neighbors cooking and you think its southern hospitality? Its jersey bro. Take a walk.
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Geek Nasty

Brain Knowledgeably Whizzy
Jan 30, 2015
South Kakalaka
Explain. Im not getting your reply.
there's a huge influx of migrants from India and Central America. Not sure where you live, but drive by an elementary school and check out the playgrounds. There's one by my office I pass all the time. Maybe it's just a KC thing


Jul 14, 2012
White people next door used to call the cops for me playing loud music and all it was, was the computer. I was in the hood they was the only white people around