I Don’t Like Having White Neighbors


May 18, 2012
I have a Cuban Jehova's witness family to my left. They're friendly but keep to themselves they're always upgrading their house. Got an old motormouth Trump hatin' cac to my right he's cool but I try to avoid him whenever I put out trash/check the mail :dead:. Across from me a senior breh, a veteran with a mini armory in his crib :wow: he also helped me out the most when I prepped for Hurricane Irma.

Not bad for a red county. :whew:


Mar 11, 2022
I'm black and I'd call the cops on you too. :yeshrug:
Facts! I guess you are older now, but why were you outside arguing? That is n-word shiit.
My wife's brother was moving to a different state and him and his girlfriend stayed at our place for only like two days before leaving. Mind you, we live in a nice neighborhood and have white neighbors. I had to tell them Bro you can't be outside smoking and shiit like you are in the hood and definitely can't be out there arguing and fighting looking all crazy.
Glad I told them b/c they did get into an argument lol even though they were only there a short amount of time. Bottom line is nobody really likes that ignorant shiit.


Mar 11, 2022
I can't stand them always being in your shyt. Got a neighbor anytime I'm outside, he comes out. Just to low key snoop. I bring contractors over, he opens the garage door so he can listen to our conversations. My cousin came to visit, this dude pretends to blow leaves just so he can walk behind his car and snoop in his trunk while he was unpacking. Sees his ruck sack "oh you're in the military..."

Had some tree trimmers over, him and his wife bring out lawn chairs turn them to my yard and sit there and watch the whole time.

He'll even come over to contractors and try to get in their shyt with stuff I'm doing to MY house. He was trying to get the people who installed my sprinkler system to locate the heads where HE wanted them (which was illegally close to the property line).

Oh yeah, this is the same dude I was doing some landscaping close to my house, he gets on a ladder in the middle of his yard and pretends like he's doing something just to look over my fence :dahell:

Had a old white lady come over to introduce herself, first thing out of her mouth was "blah blah we give each other house keys to watch our houses when we're out of town." I don't fukk with any of these people so you know they just wanted to snoop. Been here 15 years have not invited one of them in.

I WFH saw a lady across the street hding behind a bush with a camera with a big ass lens trying to look in my bedroom office window

Trying to put an offer in on a rural house right now for some real privacy
Damn that's crazy. Most of our neighbors are cacs and older than us. They're all too busy to be snooping like that. One of our neighbors is the mayor. He definitely doesn't have time to b.s. Everyone pretty much keeps to themselves. Every now and then we'll talk or someone will have a bbq or something inviting everyone over. Nobody bothers us. We keep our property tight and make the neighborhood look good. We have a big family with five children but everyone is on point, no dramas or issues so they love us. I couldn't deal with any nosy, snooping karens. They be happy to see me at the homeowners association meetings because I'm usually the only black face there and usually the youngest. Its different where I live in the Midwest though. A lot of these cacs have mixed children or grandchildren. They're just glad to see the next generation having their shiit together and being active in the community.


Oct 8, 2014
The most comfortable place I’ve ever lived in California was in Deep South central. Neighbors were like family by the second month after I moved in.

Sauce and Footwork

Mar 11, 2022
I was on some not snitching shyt my whole life, but I got a family now and see how dumb it was.. if some weird shyt or criminal activity going on in the neighborhood I am not concerned about grown people feelings because my kids will not suffer at the hands of it or the hard working neighbors who just want to go home in peace. I will get rid of you the best I can. Dude in my neighborhood hanging outside his house everyday talking to teenage girls while they pass everyday. Over 50+ years old. To where he deliberately was doing it. Yea well his house was not up to code, with junk and shyt all in the front. Called code control on that mf so much he moved. And yes I told him the first time I was going to call . Would I do that to a good neighbor.. no .. I mind my business. It was because that immediate area did not look safe for children. But if you doing some bullshyt and don’t keep it in your home around my wife and kids . It’s fukk you

Artificial Intelligence

Not Allen Iverson
May 17, 2012
This thread on the online forum "The Coli" is a discussion about a user's negative experience with their white neighbours. The user, "Yagirlcheatinonus", claims that her ex-boyfriend and she were falsely accused of domestic violence by a white neighbour who called the police. This incident has led her to believe that she does not want to live near white people. The thread is a collection of posts that mainly agree with the original poster, sharing similar negative experiences and furthering the user's prejudice.

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Jan 28, 2013
I bought a house in the burbs and some black folks rented the house next door a year later. First days in they parked their truck on the street with the bass blasting for like an hour at 1AM. Dealt with the woman arguing with her baby daddy (not her bf) on the street extra loud, and other nonsense. I had a talk with homie (grown man who walked around wearing a sheisty mask) and told him he aint in the hood and needed to operate like it if he didnt want the police on his doorstep and that I aint buy a house out there to deal with the hood either. They toned it down but point is trash neighbors come in all colors. The black woman on the other side of me was dope lol. All in all though Ive never had any issues with neighbors

I can't stand people who do this. Like yall left the city/hood for a reason :scust:

Belize King

I got concepts of a plan.
Mar 11, 2022
I can't relate. there's maybe 3 white families in my immediate area. my neighborhood is all older or middle aged black, and all homeowners, and we all communicate on groupme and will trip about any nonsense going in on the neighborhood.
I’m in the same situation.
Our HOA has 77 homes. Maybe 4 white owners. The rest are black.
We have the numbers to all our immediate neighbors. We all look out for each other.
My neighbors to the right of me are a gay couple. A white man and Japanese man. The white guy is cool. He speaks, is friendly and is the masculine one. His husband doesn’t speak, probably doesn’t like black people nor himself, and is the sassy one.
The did some work to their yard and asked if we want to pay to trim some of our shared tree line. We had discussed a year prior about wanting to cut back some of the line. Bet. I told him I’ll be 1K towards it. He ends up getting it done. The whole project costed 20K.
I gave them the 1K. I could tell the sassy one wanted us to pay more. One day, the sassy one was outside pulling some of the plants and tossing them in a sissyfit.
Needless to say, they can be a trip. They are cool though and look out when I’m out of the country working.
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Belize King

I got concepts of a plan.
Mar 11, 2022
I don’t like living around either tbh lol.

I’m in an apartment building right now and my white neighbors upstairs had a child who just learned how to walk and this kid is constantly running around the house and stomping his feet on the floor. Kid wakes me up damn near every morning. I want to go upstairs and clothesline the fukk out of that little b*stard.

I hope you catch the little dude slippin one day.

Geek Nasty

Brain Knowledgeably Whizzy
Jan 30, 2015
South Kakalaka
I’m in the same situation.
Our HOA has 77 homes. Maybe 4 white owners. The rest are black.
We have the numbers to all our immediate neighbors. We all look out for each other.
My neighbors to the right of me are a gay couple. A white man and Japanese man. The white guy is cool. He speaks, is friendly and is the masculine one. His husband doesn’t speak, probably doesn’t like black people nor himself, and is the sassy one.
The did some work to their yard and asked if we want to pay to trim some of our shared tree line. We had discussed a year prior about wanting to cut back some of the line. Bet. I told him I’ll be 1K towards it. He ends up getting it done. The whole project costed 20K.
I gave them the 1K. I could tell the sassy one wanted us to pay more. One day, the sassy one was outside pulling some of the plants and tossing them in a sissyfit.
Needless to say, they can be a trip. They are cool though and look out when I’m out of the country working.
77 homes, 4 white owners and you slid in right next to the gay white/japanese couple. And you sitting on the patio sipping lemonade watching Yum Yum bend over to pick weeds? Something wrong with those odds :dame:
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