I CAN NOT Go "Get" A Job After Starting My Business


Jun 19, 2012
No one owes you a job and no one can guarantee you a job. No one can guarantee themselves a job unless they make one for themselves (you even have to be invited into a family business), so they definitely can't guarantee you one. Life doesn't work like that. You aren't even promised to wake up tomorrow (no one is).

For the sake of conversation, feel free to ignore, but how do you make money thru your site? I'm not asking for your personal business, just in general (ads, products?) I visited your page but I couldn't figure it out.

Gregg PopaBitch

A new testament in basketball
May 31, 2012
No one owes you a job and no one can guarantee you a job. No one can guarantee themselves a job unless they make one for themselves (you even have to be invited into a family business), so they definitely can't guarantee you one. Life doesn't work like that. You aren't even promised to wake up tomorrow (no one is).

For the sake of conversation, feel free to ignore, but how do you make money thru your site? I'm not asking for your personal business, just in general (ads, products?) I visited your page but I couldn't figure it out.

The site went live only a month or so ago. I haven't set it up for monetization yet, I've been mostly striking partnerships, like with barbershops that will display my artwork and feature RTT as their "Official Sports Network" come basketball season. I'm going to have ALLLL those nappy-headed nikkas on lock, because I'll be going to Staples Center covering ball players, then hitting the barbershops to show off my content to the army of black men that stay up in the barbershops.

I'm going to obviously try to make revenue with ads, but I don't know how do that yet, I'm still learning. Somebody help me with that.

I also have some investors who said to get my shyt tight and they'd be down to invest, but more or less on PAPER, like financial forecasts and all that jazz.

So don't get it twisted, I haven't TRIED to make money and have FAILED. I simply haven't made any, but I can admit I'm still learning how to monetize this thing.

But the fact that I have TALENT, CONTACTS, and CONNECTIONS gives me childlike confidence and belief that this thing WILL crack!
Mar 20, 2014
I was addressing a point how "successful" Black people are still held back by white supremacy.

I have an interview with the NBA's all-time leading scorer. It won't get much BETTER than Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

I have NBA archived interviews with LeBron James from covering the 2010 ad 2011 NBA All-Star games.

I am a published author having covered the Clippers for a local newspaper here in Inglewood.

I was also podcasting about the Lakers back in 2009 before Lakers.com had one.

We changed sports journalism at LakaerNation.com, and I helped build that.

Lastly, my Lakers portrait is currently being displayed in Taiwan: https://www.facebook.com/kobebryant...1730590231910/723782607693369/?type=1&theater


I don't understand how a man with these credentials is on food stamps....:why:

And I don't wanna hear shyt about white supremacy. Even a cac knows when they've met an intelligent black person with a high value.

And I have a journalism degree, so lay it on me.

The Nigerian

The Realest Member of TheColi
Jun 23, 2012
All The Way One Hunnid
Protip: Do not come to TheColi expecting anything other than hate. I don't know what OP is looking for in this thread but all he's coming up with is hate hate hate.

If you're not into hate. Do not post here.

Plus, wouldn't this thread be more suited to The Coliseum?
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I started this gangsta sh-
Jan 31, 2014
The site went live only a month or so ago. I haven't set it up for monetization yet, I've been mostly striking partnerships, like with barbershops that will display my artwork and feature RTT as their "Official Sports Network" come basketball season. I'm going to have ALLLL those nappy-headed nikkas on lock, because I'll be going to Staples Center covering ball players, then hitting the barbershops to show off my content to the army of black men that stay up in the barbershops.

I'm going to obviously try to make revenue with ads, but I don't know how do that yet, I'm still learning. Somebody help me with that.

I also have some investors who said to get my shyt tight and they'd be down to invest, but more or less on PAPER, like financial forecasts and all that jazz.

So don't get it twisted, I haven't TRIED to make money and have FAILED. I simply haven't made any, but I can admit I'm still learning how to monetize this thing.

But the fact that I have TALENT, CONTACTS, and CONNECTIONS gives me childlike confidence and belief that this thing WILL crack!

If your goal from all of this is purely monetary, you should figure out how your monitization is going to work before you do anything else. You are cutting without having measured first.
Like I said, your problem is with your business plan (or lack thereof). I can project both the expenses and projected revenue for the month before the month starts. For the year or the next 5 years if I feel like doing the math for it. Your paperwork, planning, and organization seem to be an issue.

You may want to re-read my initial post to you. I am not giving you random advice. I am explaining what has worked from a position of someone that has already accomplished what you indicate you are trying to do.
I think also that the many comments from posters regarding your attitude should not be so readily dismissed. Nor should what I was explaining to you about accounting.
If you have the mindset that $20 for a hat is not a big deal from a company that has made $0 you have no concept of business. That is the difference between red and black. The business being a bust or being a liability.
Do you know what % into the red that puts you? You can't know because its incalculable. Your calculater wont even try to process how much 0 you would need to make your 20 dollars back, its an infinite differential.
Until you make at least 1 cent you are at an Infinite% loss talking about you don't understand ad revenue monetezation but you've been talking to investors.

You sound ridiculous. But I'm not gonna use smileys or jokes because I am legitamately trying to help you here.
I hate to be brutally honest with you but if you hope to be successful you not only need to understand what I am saying but understand the mindset needed to reach this analytic concusion. That is how you will turn what you are doing around.

You don't need to be having meetings or adding site content or anything else. You need to sit down with a piece of paper and figure out your business strategy.
List the things you need to figure out and implement, and those things you have no idea about or don't want to do because they seem boring or difficult- circle them.
Those are the things no one wants to do, but the people that do them are successful at this. The people that don't do them end up working for the people that do.

Goat poster

May 13, 2012
Breh, I think it's dope that you are thinking like an entrepunaur and def support any black man thats about his business.

With that being said, it's a certain reality that I feel like you are ignoring. And i have seen people do it a million times.

YOU CAN'T LIVE OFF A DOLLER AND A DREAM! No shade, but it's the truth.

Until you find a way to CONSISTENTLY monetize your work , your gonna have to subsidize your income with some form of employment.

The sooner you realize this the better off you will be. Because you don't want to learn this the hard way, It's always a possibility you and your girl fall out and she stops supporting you, and the unemployment dries up. WHAT WILL YOU DO THEN?

My honest suggestion is get back into a field of interest or experience for employment and then dedicate your time and money to your dreams every hour that you are not at work. You won't be any less of a businessman/entrepreneur if you do this, it's just the smartest thing.

I can empathize because I'm a film maker and have directed award winning shorts and am working on my first feature right now. But I STILL had to hit the pavement and get a 9 to 5 because I have a son to take care of and also myself. Big dreams of making a hit movie ain't gonna feed me or my family. Does that mean I'm not WORKING hard on finishing my film and getting it out to the world via the right distribution channels? NO, but big projects usually take time and unless you have some wealthy Angel Investors funding your project to where you actually have money while your still getting the project off the ground then you need to subsidize all the time your putting into your projects by ACTUALLY MAKING MONEY.

Keep doing your thing bro, hope everything works out for you.
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Dec 24, 2013
I've been able to get almost any job I wanted with a "not taking NO for an answer" attitude, along with doing extensive research on the company to make them feel like I would be a mistake not to hire someone so knowledgeable and motivated.

I just left my job last week because I couldn't keep taking breaks to answer calls/emails for my true career goal, Directing films. In my opinion, you gotta lose any blame you have on any race/caste system because you ultimately have to navigate through it anyway, just strategically, to get where you want to go. I chose to work cause I hate having to depend on anybody to survive, gave up a lot of sleep, and hope that I am finally in a position to do exactly what I have been working for the last 7 years...


You ni66as don't exist we eat filet mignon
May 29, 2012
I wish you success OP, a few posters here have dropped gems on how you should proceed, you know which ones I'm sure. Other than my well wishes, I have nothing further to add, just a good luck.