I CAN NOT Go "Get" A Job After Starting My Business

Gregg PopaBitch

A new testament in basketball
May 31, 2012
I haven't read the whole thread, but you need to expand beyond just two teams, you're not going to get far just being "Run the Triangle" focusing on the Lakers & Clippers when there are 28 other teams out there that you should be trying to build with. You're limiting yourself to two teams, which is dumb IMO.

What if I told you I have RTT logos for all 30 teams?


Taxi Squad
Mar 27, 2014
I'm going to obviously try to make revenue with ads, but I don't know how do that yet, I'm still learning. Somebody help me with that.

first you need to have a clear plan of what is the product??
next is to monetize the product
regardless, here is some extremely introductory material re: ad revenue

for a blog/website, the basics are:

1. google adsense- you let google crawl your site and it auto-pick your ads
this is the starting point: https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/10162

2. amazon affiliate - you advertize stuff that can be bought on amazon
you can pick relevant categories and/or follow their special incentives
begin here: http://affiliate-program.amazon.com

3. commission junction- the doorway to 1000+ different affiliate plans
once you are approved, you can pick tons of ads to put on your website
in general, targeted ads to people consuming your product are most profitable
apply to be a publisher: http://www.cj.com/publisher

for a yt channel, consider these two different ways:
1. partner with yt directly
follow the link inside the dashboard of your existing channel

2. partner with a network
there are many networks to choose from
most have an application process where they check your views and content
you can't have tos strikes or dmca claims, etc.
here is a partial list of networks: http://socialblade.com/youtube/top/networks

warning: most advertising programs require you to own ALL the content or have permissions
so no getty images or wham! songs
you can use stock photos or royalty-free music as a workaround
Jun 8, 2012
I just gave up reading on this thread honestly...and this is the last post I will be making in this thread and on the coli today

@Gregg Popabytch please do not take what I'm saying the wrong way, cause I don't know you. Just like you don't know me other than as text on a screen.

I don't subscribe to this guy or his views, but I was perusing youtube and saw a Tommy Sotomayor video entitled "Black Men...please stop using the internet to mask your failures" and the title of that vid hit my like a ton of bricks.

I know that as a black man we got so much to overcome and so much in our way, but I see this way too much. Too many black men that ain't doing shyt with themselves, living in their mom's basement, or having their girl support them (don't do that broham...that's wack...how long do you think she's gonna be there or even tolerate this while you're trying to get your shyt together? Nothing is guaranteed in this life) or whatever blaming their lack of drive or absence of ambition of "white society","institutionalized racism", "white privilege", and whatever just to take the blame off themselves and remove themselves from any responsibility form their own actions. I'm not trying to say that doesn't exist...but it seems you really are using that as an excuse to underachieve. I get the point of your argument, but my point still stands. You're hyping yourself way too much with your ventures that have yet to gain any capital and haven't in 6 years. At that point, it's time to just accept that your business ventures probably aren't going to take off and just get a job like a regular joe. Then you can use your income to supplement your lifestyle and fund your businesses. Seeing your twitter posts with random Lakers and celebrities...it seems you are like everyone else in this internet social media generation that doesn't even want to be a regular joe. There's no shame in doing so, and you're acting like there aren't tons of black men and women that are working and living good lifestyles...as is evident from this board. Some of your posts are just a disservice to them IMHO as you act like it's absolutely impossible to be a black man or woman and succeed in corporate America or the workplace or whatever.

I guess you want us to get all pissed off and drum up some sort of emotional support against racism or the white power structure or white people or whatever...you just need to stop leeching off of the government teat and your girl and get your ass a job...it seems you don't want to and you're living in some Al Bundy Polk High "4 touchdowns in a single game" safe haven in the past when the entire world has moved the f*ck on. With your credentials, it wouldn't be hard for you to get a good job.

I know how it is man...I've been there...people clowned me for working a shytty job when no one else would hire me and I did the same bullshyt (to an extent) that you were doing...blaming the powers that be for my own lack of drive and refusal to even seek anything lucrative out. It's easy to do that. It's hard to actually get off your ass and prove why you deserve a good job...even though that is not guaranteed. I've improved since then.

My advice to you...stop trying to troll this forum and do this shyt...and get a real job. This is embarassing bro. And I mean that in the most non-insulting way possible. I know you can succeed and I want to see you succeed. Don't go out like this.


I started this gangsta sh-
Jan 31, 2014
Ok I just sent it through, I look forward to your review!
Okay, after going over the pdf in its entirety here are my conclusions.
I'm not going to cover things like spelling, formatting or other things of that nature because those are not problems really, they can be fixed by simply doing another draft or having an editor look it over. Not a big deal.
Same for the pictures. Get high quality pics (png or another lossless format, not jpgs or other compressed pics) and downscale the resolution to fit your size requirements, never blow up or stretch smaller pics cause you end up with a blurry final product, but these are quick fixes. Not concerns. That doesn't mean they can be overlooked... you absolutely have to do those things, like one of your charts is cut off in the pdf (page 4). Just double check all that.

The key issue I see is that throughout the 10 page packet there is no step by step walkthrough on how you intend to make any money, let alone me as an investor looking at it.
You focus heavily on outlining the need for the company and the potential marketshare the company could have, the demographics of basketball, etc... but assuming you convince me you have a 100% marketshare you still haven't explained how anyone is making any money.

There is a time to be vague, but the business plan is not that time. It is your guideline (and in the model you are using as a partner driven business, the guide for potential investors or partners) so it should explain step by step what you are doing.
What you give me instead is the synopsis. You basically have here the movie jacket telling people why they should rent or buy the movie, but this isn't aimed at your consumers, its aimed at you and your business partners so the movie jacket is meaningless to us, we need the script and camera directions.

Although presented nicely, of your 10 pages, there is maybe half a page total that is useful from a business perspective.
I need to know (and you do also) how much money is needed... Why, as in what that money goes to...
Who that money is coming from... When they will see that money again... How, as in who is buying or frequenting this product/service...
What these projections are based on... What contingencies are in place should this all fall through...

These are the sort of tangibles that will outline your idea into an actual business model.

Right now you have 5 pages explaining summer is hot, 3 pages explaining people like snowcones and 2 pages about why the snowcone market is racist.

But you are missing the most important page which would look like this:
1 bag of ice is $2.50
We need to raise $25 for the 10 bags of ice neccessary to make 100 snowcones.
By selling snowcones at $1 a piece we will make $100. The first 25 will go back to the suppliers of the ice. The next 15 goes back to me for fronting the flavoring, then the remaining $60 profit will be split evenly between all involved partties. The reason this is a supperior partnership over possible compettetors is that I am partnered with a utensil company so we have no overhead for spoons and napkins.

Now in this example, that last line is crucial. Not only have I demonstrated the step by step to how my (nd your) money comes back, but I have made the offer proprietary. Having a good idea is almost pointless ot you cannot make yourself an integral part of that idea. Otherwise a person might get the idea to simply make snowcones without you. The idea is good, but what do you bring?

Think of it like this. If your business was up and running and successful, and you went into a coma today, your wife or kid should be able to at least be able to stumble through the overall opperations of your company with a copy of your business plan. If they can't do that, it is missing key information.

Use that as a guide. And don't rush it. It might take numerous revisions over weeks to perfect.
And get input from others. Because you'll know its ready when no one has anything to say about it.
May 1, 2012
(no idea what this thread is about aside from the title)

but being a business owner now, I don't think I could ever go and get a standard 9-5 gig and be an employee. I've gotten too used to working at my own time and making my own hours, the corporate structure just isn't for me. Especially since I'm an attorney, there's days where I'm running around all day so I'll wear jeans and a polo, fukk wearing a suit to work every day and working for 14 hours in an office.

But the corporate structure does provide stability and less responsibility and stresses. I just personally think the freedom of being able to keep the fruits of your labor without having to pay "the man" outweighs those things.

Gregg PopaBitch

A new testament in basketball
May 31, 2012
Okay, after going over the pdf in its entirety here are my conclusions.
I'm not going to cover things like spelling, formatting or other things of that nature because those are not problems really, they can be fixed by simply doing another draft or having an editor look it over. Not a big deal.
Same for the pictures. Get high quality pics (png or another lossless format, not jpgs or other compressed pics) and downscale the resolution to fit your size requirements, never blow up or stretch smaller pics cause you end up with a blurry final product, but these are quick fixes. Not concerns. That doesn't mean they can be overlooked... you absolutely have to do those things, like one of your charts is cut off in the pdf (page 4). Just double check all that.

The key issue I see is that throughout the 10 page packet there is no step by step walkthrough on how you intend to make any money, let alone me as an investor looking at it.
You focus heavily on outlining the need for the company and the potential marketshare the company could have, the demographics of basketball, etc... but assuming you convince me you have a 100% marketshare you still haven't explained how anyone is making any money.

There is a time to be vague, but the business plan is not that time. It is your guideline (and in the model you are using as a partner driven business, the guide for potential investors or partners) so it should explain step by step what you are doing.
What you give me instead is the synopsis. You basically have here the movie jacket telling people why they should rent or buy the movie, but this isn't aimed at your consumers, its aimed at you and your business partners so the movie jacket is meaningless to us, we need the script and camera directions.

Although presented nicely, of your 10 pages, there is maybe half a page total that is useful from a business perspective.
I need to know (and you do also) how much money is needed... Why, as in what that money goes to...
Who that money is coming from... When they will see that money again... How, as in who is buying or frequenting this product/service...
What these projections are based on... What contingencies are in place should this all fall through...

These are the sort of tangibles that will outline your idea into an actual business model.

Right now you have 5 pages explaining summer is hot, 3 pages explaining people like snowcones and 2 pages about why the snowcone market is racist.

But you are missing the most important page which would look like this:
1 bag of ice is $2.50
We need to raise $25 for the 10 bags of ice neccessary to make 100 snowcones.
By selling snowcones at $1 a piece we will make $100. The first 25 will go back to the suppliers of the ice. The next 15 goes back to me for fronting the flavoring, then the remaining $60 profit will be split evenly between all involved partties. The reason this is a supperior partnership over possible compettetors is that I am partnered with a utensil company so we have no overhead for spoons and napkins.

Now in this example, that last line is crucial. Not only have I demonstrated the step by step to how my (nd your) money comes back, but I have made the offer proprietary. Having a good idea is almost pointless ot you cannot make yourself an integral part of that idea. Otherwise a person might get the idea to simply make snowcones without you. The idea is good, but what do you bring?

Think of it like this. If your business was up and running and successful, and you went into a coma today, your wife or kid should be able to at least be able to stumble through the overall opperations of your company with a copy of your business plan. If they can't do that, it is missing key information.

Use that as a guide. And don't rush it. It might take numerous revisions over weeks to perfect.
And get input from others. Because you'll know its ready when no one has anything to say about it.

Great response. I will continue to retool and revise.


Cleaner, I got this.
Apr 7, 2013
Something had to happen in this thread for it to be this long :patrice: Don't know what tho


May 17, 2012
the internet
How many hours are you spending on these businesses?
What books have you read in the past 2 weeks?
What business people do you follow?
Have you looked out for mentors?

Do you know how to hustle up startup money? Have you even looked into it?
Why do feel the market needs your products?

All important questions to see how serious youre actually taking it.
From reading other folks responses the past page, it doesnt seem youre that serious.
Could wantrepreneur be the correct way to describe you?

Based Lord Zedd

Colts or Die
Apr 30, 2012
Houston TX
Is this a thread about narcissism and delusions of grandeur? Op also seem way too interested in bragging about irrelevant shyt while sticking his chest out and insisting he's right. All while leaning on racism to try and legitimize it.

There's 24 hours in a day. Get a revenue stream... Full time job, part time, sell shyt on ebay from home... do something. Go to one of those free meetings they have where they give you business advice and evaluate your business model. Dudes would eat your ass alive.

Gregg PopaBitch

A new testament in basketball
May 31, 2012
Is this a thread about narcissism and delusions of grandeur? Op also seem way too interested in bragging about irrelevant shyt while sticking his chest out and insisting he's right. All while leaning on racism to try and legitimize it.

There's 24 hours in a day. Get a revenue stream... Full time job, part time, sell shyt on ebay from home... do something. Go to one of those free meetings they have where they give you business advice and evaluate your business model. Dudes would eat your ass alive.

Sticking my chest out huh, like the Gorillia?
Feb 25, 2013
:smh: This post and the OP's earlier one about how him having difficulty not getting fired from jobs is solely due to white supremacy and in no way due to any personality quirks he may meed to correct are examples of why I'm not convinced that the attempted mainstreaming of smartdumb niggology by Tariq Nasheed, Umar Johnson, etc. is a net positive by supposedly providing "upliftment."


foreal doe nothing funny about not having a job, but breh.. (OP) u gotta do what u can until u can do what u want. no one in here is against u.. we tryna tell u what works for us, and all i've seen is u asking cats what they have done as if to compare accomplishments n shyt.. if u can't support yourself u haven't really accomplished anything :yeshrug:

i'm all for nikkas working for themselves but alot of us gotta understand, the system is SET already. it has been set for years. u can't just go against the grain by saying u won't apply to shyt just cause it isn't guaranteed, that shyt'll leave u on the streets or eventually dead.. money makes the world go 'round breh

The Nigerian

The Realest Member of TheColi
Jun 23, 2012
All The Way One Hunnid
Guys, please quit saying that I'm trying to sell hats, I am not an apparel company.
What's your revenue stream then?

I haven't read the whole thread, but you need to expand beyond just two teams, you're not going to get far just being "Run the Triangle" focusing on the Lakers & Clippers when there are 28 other teams out there that you should be trying to build with. You're limiting yourself to two teams, which is dumb IMO.
Specialization isn't dumb. That narrow scope is a great start.

Based Lord Zedd

Colts or Die
Apr 30, 2012
Houston TX
Sticking my chest out huh, like the Gorillia?

No sticking your chest out like an idiot. This entire thread is disingenuous. Act like you're interested in having a discussion when you just want to brag and self promote. Gonna assume the gorilla thing isn't lazy race baiting but sadly I don't see any other way to interpret it.