I am now single man, its been a minute, how's the dating scene

Who Not How

Mar 11, 2022
Real talk if you do want to get married and she was a good prospect....you probably should have kept her bro.

As a man, you can't be carefree all the time so I can see where she coming from in that regard.

There's a time to be carefree and a time to be intentional. You gotta live life with intent especially after a certain age.

But the fact yall went to couples therapy and yall ain't even married was a red flag anyways. I know it wasn't your idea so she was leading that relationship due to your carefree attitude. I bet she was tired of making plans and giving you instructions.

I would say stay single until you get more serious about where you want your life to go. These women ain't trying to follow a dude who doesn't have a plan man. It is what it is.

Just get on these apps, smash some thots and keep it pushing until you know you ready to have kids within 1-2 years.

Get you a nice 26/27 year old and settle down.


Mar 11, 2015
Be honest breh. Is she pissed off that you are not making enough money, up to her standards, salary-wise?

Naw, I am a legit six cert brehs and over six feet too. She makes over six figure herself. Money isn't the issue. I am just an extremely care free dude. I will marry and have kids but I'm not the type to go 100 mile per hour for any woman.

As a matter fact she complains a lot because I'm always so focused on career goals and now investments. She says I'm way too money driven when really I just want financial freedom. She says I have trust issues when it comes to money which I do but not with her since she makes her own.


Mar 11, 2015
Real talk if you do want to get married and she was a good prospect....you probably should have kept her bro.

As a man, you can't be carefree all the time so I can see where she coming from in that regard.

There's a time to be carefree and a time to be intentional. You gotta live life with intent especially after a certain age.

But the fact yall went to couples therapy and yall ain't even married was a red flag anyways. I know it wasn't your idea so she was leading that relationship due to your carefree attitude. I bet she was tired of making plans and giving you instructions.

I would say stay single until you get more serious about where you want your life to go. These women ain't trying to follow a dude who doesn't have a plan man. It is what it is.

Just get on these apps, smash some thots and keep it pushing until you know you ready to have kids within 1-2 years.

Get you a nice 26/27 year old and settle down.
Lol fair enough thats actually her exact stand. The wierd part she says I'm the best man she ever dated and feel like the next woman will get a very good man. She is even leaving the door open for our relationship.

The Half-Blood FKA Prince

Avada Kedavbreh!
May 24, 2022
Is she loyal breh?

Do u love her?

Does she love u?

can u trust her?

Does she say no to hard drugs?

Do she hold u down?

If the answer to these questions is yes maybe u should count ur blessings and have some patience with her man. Idk ur situation but if she checks off all of the above man...im just saying man sounds like a lucky catch to me.

unless she give u an ultimatum maybe consider u are acting kinda rash and will very likely regret it man.

Who Not How

Mar 11, 2022
Lol fair enough thats actually her exact stand. The wierd part she says I'm the best man she ever dated and feel like the next woman will get a very good man. She is even leaving the door open for our relationship.
Yeah I see where she coming from but as a man....I also see where you coming from.

I can't even talk cuz I ain't getting married in America lol. If I ever do, it's gonna be overseas in a spiritual ceremony lol.

But if you really do have the goal of wife and kids and you over 30...I think a good age for most men with their shyt together is 32/33...first kid at 34/35.

The good thing is we don't really become the man we are going to be for life until around 40. And the money really don't hit it's peak until late 40s into our 50s.

You got a bright future so picking the right spouse is your biggest financial decision.

Just don't slip up and get tricked out of your seed by one of these thots while you contemplating on shorty. That door might be closed if you talking about you got a kid on the way lol.

The Radiant One

Nov 18, 2016
if you are sure that this is the woman that you can marry and have children with and you are sure that you WANT to be married and have children, then fix your shyt and make it official with her.

there is nothing out here for men that want to be in a committed relationship.

Al lot of men like the idea of kids but kids change the entire dynamic and also she may change radically

She can be no longer sexually interested in you and mostly do coparenting

Also she may hate your parenting style and nag you constantly and divorce for not doing what she feels is enough

Space Cowboy

Allahu Akbar
Mar 11, 2022
90-95% of women you meet in the dating scene will literally waste your time and money.

Trust me when i say that and move accordingly. In Toronto at least, it is terrible if you want something serious. I’m sure most ppl would say that about their cities too

Take her to get a cup of coffee and give good conversation. Low stakes, low investment. See how she behaves, precede accordingly. If she fukks with you, take her on another date but with slightly more stakes. Next time take her to a gun range or skating. If she still fukks with you then reward her with a trip to a good burger joint. Make fun of her and say how women take little bitty fish bites on their food in front of a man and that it's okay to eat like a woman and scarf it down in front of you, you can take it. She'll laugh. After y'all eat take her to do something you wanna do that's cheap and allows good conversation like bowling. If she still fukks with you take her to a really nice restaurant. I'm talking really nice. If she's with you after four dates she deserves the shyt.

Most women will waste either your time or money. As Ohene said, date accordingly. They're a generation of attention whores. Take it easy, and text her just a few times a week.

Always remember that if one woman leaves there's always one right around the corner. Women are like Pringles. There's always another. Move with abundance and don't get in your feelings and you'll have fun.
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Aug 7, 2019

Take her to get a cup of coffee and give good conversation. Low stakes, low investment. See how she behaves, precede accordingly. If she fukks with you, take her on another date but with slightly more stakes. Next time take her to a gun range or skating. If she still fukks with you then reward her with a trip to a good burger joint. Make fun of her and say how women take little bitty fish bites on their food in front of a man and that it's okay to eat like a woman and scarf it down in front of you, you can take it. She'll laugh. After y'all eat take her to do something you wanna do that's cheap and allows good conversation like bowling. If she still fukks with you take her to a really nice restaurant. I'm talking really nice. If she's with you after four dates she deserves the shyt.

Most women will waste either your time or money. As Ohene said, date accordingly. They're a generation of attention whores. Take it easy, and text her just a few times a week.

Yup. A lot of em are on that Lori Harvey gameplan.


Aug 18, 2013
Naw, I am a legit six cert brehs and over six feet too. She makes over six figure herself. Money isn't the issue. I am just an extremely care free dude. I will marry and have kids but I'm not the type to go 100 mile per hour for any woman.

As a matter fact she complains a lot because I'm always so focused on career goals and now investments. She says I'm way too money driven when really I just want financial freedom. She says I have trust issues when it comes to money which I do but not with her since she makes her own.

Ok so honestly, do you want to marry her?

I don't know I'm getting 2 different vibes about the woman. On one hand she sounds like she wants you to propose to her and not being upfront about it. And making up the "you care too much about money" as a smokescreen bat signal... Then on the other hand it looks like she's the controlling type and threatened that you aren't jumping over hoops for her. And the minute you start jumping over hoops and putting her on a pedestal, she would be happy

Lord Bison

Mar 21, 2017
If you have doubts about marrying her, you need to figure out why. There's something about her that's making you feel like she ain't wife material. In the back of your head, you know putting a ring on it would be the worst mistake of your life.

If you can't get over those issues, toss her away. If you can, wife that up cause the dating game TRASH