It's amazing the how much turmoil this relationship has had but Feb 16, She broke up with me

over cheating allegations. I actually never cheated on her with another woman. She blocked me on everything and told my parents we have broken up. She has not spoken to me since.
Our first year and half was the most amazing years for us. July 2023, everything started going downhill for us, She was saying shyt to me that I never thought I would hear from her, and eventually we had a blow up, we decided we were going to end things March of last year, April, I said my final goodbyes and moved on with my life. End of June comes around, she wants to get back together, she tried her best, I gave in. By the end of august, we were back together though I told her, I was afraid that we were going to have the same up and downs but let's give it a try.
August, September, October, November, December - every time we got together, we had a huge argument

. We were going to be long distance for another two years because she is going to grad school in a place, I have no desire to be. Here we are again. I want to fight for her, like she fought for me but we have been through so much that part of me wants to let her go. It's hard because she has made me a better man. I want to be a better man for her, not be a better man for someone else
For all intents and purposes she is truly a good woman. We just can't get right after that magical year and a half