Hurricane Dorian makes landfall in Cape Hatteras


Retired Hoodrat whisperer
May 5, 2012
The Diaspora girl due date is tomorrow, but it can be any time. If it doesn’t take a hard right away from us, it’s possible my daughter will come right during the hurricane. :damn:

And she’s supposed to be delivered at Baptist in Riverside and that area will probably be flooded if Dorian hits. We just might have to show up at Baptist south if she goes into labor which kinda sucks cause that’s not where the doctor and staff we been working with are.

I’m tired of this uncertainty. The last several days I been waiting on a baby and a hurricane. Hope the baby comes before the hurricane. They say orgasms and semen can cause contractions and induce labor, so I been fukking and eating her out around the clock.
That last sentence :dead:

Name her Dorian :skip:


Jesus Loves you...Your Cat doesn't. {#Dogset}
Sep 2, 2015
Bruh I was like we made it through the eye. It wasn't that bad. Can't get no worse right?
Right? :damn:

I ain't ashamed to say I sat the second half of Irma out in the basement of the house we headed to shelter for since it was basically just a concrete bunker that my Cousin was staying in. I went under them stairs, pulled a comforter over me and tried my best to drift off to sleep while they dealt with shyt clattering and banging upstairs.

Can you explain what this means? Were you ever in a the eye of a hurricane?

Explained in detail about the eye and how the winds are most powerful around it. The Inside of the eye, where the calm is always brings the worst of the weather cause the rest of the hurricane that's following behind it, usually bats clean up as the stronger part of the storm.

I've been in two to Three eyes. Most Notably Hurricane Hugo and in 2017, Hurricane Irma. Hugo was when I was a kid way back in the late 80's and some say the eye passed over us, but as a kid you never noted or payed much attention to what was going on outside of the fact that you couldn't play Nintendo or ride ya bike and wouldn't have power for a minute so I'm not so certain it did, but I do remember a calm for a minute when we went outside, only to have to go back inside when the rest came.

For Irma, I was very much the fukk aware of this since the eye passed us (BVI) and that's when we alot of folk, myself included had to dip from wherever they were to go find shelter someplace else. When the eye came, you had an errie moment of calm that just happened upon the place that made it sound like someone just flicked a switch and turned off the whole thing. You went from 220+ MPH winds to just nothing. Like shyt fell out of the air and just clattered with no wind to push it.

For my experience, I had to basically rally everyone to pick up their shyt and bounce 'cause I knew the eye was over us and we'd have to deal with the back end of the eyewall, which only left you with a 15-30 minute window. We live up on two hills so we had to battle through broken trees and roof debris to reach to where we were going, which should take a fit person about 2 minutes to reach, but with folk travelling with suitcases, bruised bodies and two scared dogs, shyt took us damn near 15 and that's AFTER folk wasted so much time cooing at the fukking destruction.

When we arrived to the house we were gonna take shelter at, I basically had to lift people over a fukked up wall onto a tree with the help of another neighbour by the road, then I also had to rush and help him move his folks over to the house we were staying at, which had us watching the calm, sunny rays of light that was pouring down on us, quickly dwindle and all you could see was a fuzzy, white wall of wind/energy/fukkery just surging your way......with a NOISE.

The noise sounded.....fukked up. I don't know if you play videogames but a popular thing out now is those Battle Royale games, with Fortnite being the main popular one (Apex Predator and Pub-G better though..but still) and they got that mechanic where this wall of energy basically closes in, forcing you more inward into the was like that.

Just watching all that calm and blue sky being taken over by that white wall of power and energy, with the noise. Nearly blew me away since we were JUST about to pull in the last bit of luggage from the refugees when it started picking back up again. Scary stuff, man. Scary, fukking stuff.


Apr 30, 2012
Jacksonville, FL girl due date is tomorrow, but it can be any time. If it doesn’t take a hard right away from us, it’s possible my daughter will come right during the hurricane. :damn:

And she’s supposed to be delivered at Baptist in Riverside and that area will probably be flooded if Dorian hits. We just might have to show up at Baptist south if she goes into labor which kinda sucks cause that’s not where the doctor and staff we been working with are.

I’m tired of this uncertainty. The last several days I been waiting on a baby and a hurricane. Hope the baby comes before the hurricane. They say orgasms and semen can cause contractions and induce labor, so I been fukking and eating her out around the clock.

You mean St. Vincent's Riverside or Baptist Downtown? Either one are great hospitals


Apr 30, 2012
Jacksonville, FL
I ain't ashamed to say I sat the second half of Irma out in the basement of the house we headed to shelter for since it was basically just a concrete bunker that my Cousin was staying in. I went under them stairs, pulled a comforter over me and tried my best to drift off to sleep while they dealt with shyt clattering and banging upstairs.

Explained in detail about the eye and how the winds are most powerful around it. The Inside of the eye, where the calm is always brings the worst of the weather cause the rest of the hurricane that's following behind it, usually bats clean up as the stronger part of the storm.

I've been in two to Three eyes. Most Notably Hurricane Hugo and in 2017, Hurricane Irma. Hugo was when I was a kid way back in the late 80's and some say the eye passed over us, but as a kid you never noted or payed much attention to what was going on outside of the fact that you couldn't play Nintendo or ride ya bike and wouldn't have power for a minute so I'm not so certain it did, but I do remember a calm for a minute when we went outside, only to have to go back inside when the rest came.

For Irma, I was very much the fukk aware of this since the eye passed us (BVI) and that's when we alot of folk, myself included had to dip from wherever they were to go find shelter someplace else. When the eye came, you had an errie moment of calm that just happened upon the place that made it sound like someone just flicked a switch and turned off the whole thing. You went from 220+ MPH winds to just nothing. Like shyt fell out of the air and just clattered with no wind to push it.

For my experience, I had to basically rally everyone to pick up their shyt and bounce 'cause I knew the eye was over us and we'd have to deal with the back end of the eyewall, which only left you with a 15-30 minute window. We live up on two hills so we had to battle through broken trees and roof debris to reach to where we were going, which should take a fit person about 2 minutes to reach, but with folk travelling with suitcases, bruised bodies and two scared dogs, shyt took us damn near 15 and that's AFTER folk wasted so much time cooing at the fukking destruction.

When we arrived to the house we were gonna take shelter at, I basically had to lift people over a fukked up wall onto a tree with the help of another neighbour by the road, then I also had to rush and help him move his folks over to the house we were staying at, which had us watching the calm, sunny rays of light that was pouring down on us, quickly dwindle and all you could see was a fuzzy, white wall of wind/energy/fukkery just surging your way......with a NOISE.

The noise sounded.....fukked up. I don't know if you play videogames but a popular thing out now is those Battle Royale games, with Fortnite being the main popular one (Apex Predator and Pub-G better though..but still) and they got that mechanic where this wall of energy basically closes in, forcing you more inward into the was like that.

Just watching all that calm and blue sky being taken over by that white wall of power and energy, with the noise. Nearly blew me away since we were JUST about to pull in the last bit of luggage from the refugees when it started picking back up again. Scary stuff, man. Scary, fukking stuff.

If you've been through Hugo, you're an old head :salute:


All Star
May 17, 2012
I live on Grand bd Bahama, there is severe flooding. Ppl are trapped in their attics calling for help and the water is still rising in some areas.

The island of Abaco has been completely devastated. I haven’t heard from my parents since 3pm yesterday.

Compete’s unreal


Compound Kingpin
May 8, 2012
Focusville, USA
I live on Grand bd Bahama, there is severe flooding. Ppl are trapped in their attics calling for help and the water is still rising in some areas.

The island of Abaco has been completely devastated. I haven’t heard from my parents since 3pm yesterday.

Compete’s unreal
Hopefully they ok and same for everyone else.