Breh I swear mixed girls will fukk with a full black man before most mixed dudes will fukk with a full sista... In my life experience though b

... Maybe yours is different...
Exact opposite in my experience. Had mixed dudes with the WTF face on when full blk dudes make a big deal outta!
Some give em the straight work. "How da hell you gon cape an albino cave bish and overlook a sista?"
Brought a tear to my eye. But on the real, mixed people don't go harder than people in our own race. They just get acknowledged more b/c of the new and different factor. Youtu er Chelesleigh been at it for a while, just like Lupe Fiasco, but it's only noticed when somebody mixed does it.
That tells more about who we really value than anything...smh
Regardless it's always refreshing to hear the truth and I have seen a few mixed people go hard, probably b/c they're trying to solidify their place within our culture. Kinda like those Asian Rastafarians I met at a club in Japan. Dudes only let blks in the VIP section...lmao.
Otherwise, she's partially right. Whites appropriate stereotypes of blk culture they've superimposed onto our race. Most hip hop producers and companies are white/Jewish. They pay blks to hide their intelligence and act clownish to sell whites the fantasy that our sub-culture truly is who we are as a race. Nothing brings in white dollars like popular racial narratives that support the lies whites have told about us since we left the shores of W. Africa.
Twerking is a subset of African dance culture. Negative hip hop culture is a subset of oral historic culture of telling story through rhythm. Whites take the b*stardized versions of our culture so that they can enjoy them but still maintain that our culture is inferior when it is judged negatively as corrupting these poor little white women.
Enjoy shakin ur azz, blame it on blks when it's not accepted. Pawgs are masters of this dynamic. Enjoy blk dyck, cry rape when it's not acceptable.