'Hunger Games' Star Criticizes Taylor Swift, Madonna for "Rampant" Appropriation of Black Culture


Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
:sas2: And this girl is only a teenager :whew:
I guess you were right. She spoke the truth. BM who are married to White women do seem more c00nish, and are more open and adamant about their dislike for black women, while the reverse is hardly true. So, you're right. Amandla is up on game at such a young age. I think her racial self awareness and pro-black self identification was foisted on her as soon as she saw the hatred she experienced from Whites when she was cast as Prue in the Hunger Games. That was a rude awakening at such a young age.
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May 1, 2012
Yall remember when the hunger games movie came out and all them white people were saying they didn't feel as bad about Rue dying after realizing she was black? They thought she was white in the book.

:whew: bet that incident lit the fire under her to not be a c00n


Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
what cause? Keeping cornrows to ourselves? Keeping twerking to ourselves?

how about a cause to stop black abortions how about a cause to stop our people going to jail....

my rep is like that is because you negroes cant stand being told about ya selves....

u coli militant negroes is brainwashed
Hmmmm. Why do you use militant as a pejorative? How do you plan to stop Blacks from going to jail? How do you plan on stopping Black abortions? I can't tell if you're pro black, or if you're using the social ills of the black community to take a "this is all your fault Black people" stance. I can't read your angle.

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The seperation between what's fake and what's real
May 20, 2012

Hmmmm. Why do you use militant as a pejorative? How do you plan to stop Blacks from going to jail? How do you plan on stopping Black abortions? I can't tell if you're pro black, or if you're using the social ills of the black community to take a "this is all your fault Black people" stance. I can't read your angle.

Why is there an 'angle' I call it like I see it. it's up to blacks to solve blacks social ills....

Having 'stenberg' being used as an example here is absolutely rediculius

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
what cause? Keeping cornrows to ourselves? Keeping twerking to ourselves?

how about a cause to stop black abortions how about a cause to stop our people going to jail....

my rep is like that is because you negroes cant stand being told about ya selves....

u coli militant negroes is brainwashed
You're missing the point. Black people are less than 12% of America's population. It is ridiculously easy for white people to never have to interact with us. A white person could spend his entire life never having to have a conversation longer than 1 minute with a black person. Let that sink in for a moment.

So now, how do you think white people learn about us, if it's obviously not through interacting with us on a one on one basis in real life like we do with them? Through schools in which students are basically taught that racism was a thing that happened back when photos and TV were black and white and was resolved with the help of Martin Luther king and we were slaves that lived in non-complex societies. They turn on the TV and they see us as entertainers and rarely as anything else. The media is overwhelmingly white. Many TV shows and movies are shown from a white point of view. They're taught that twerking is 'ghetto' that cornrows are for 'thugs' so whenever a black man is shot by the police or is victim to police brutality, all that white america needs to see is a picture of him with cornrows or with a grill in his teeth to conclude that he was a dangerous criminal that somehow deserved to be killed. Because they don't know us, they think that we are more dangerous than we actually are, and so we deserve whatever treatment we get. They associate our culture with stupidity and violence.

The point that she is making is that the way we are portrayed in the media is very limited and the culture that we have that keeps us united as a people(all elements of it. Good or bad, which again is subjective. Some people may think twerking for example should not be considered part of black culture, but it was invented by us so too bad if you don't like it. It's still ours) is being taken away from us.

They take our lives when they shoot us in the street
They take our families when they lock up our men over frivolous charges and deny us employment
And now they are trying to take our soul away from us. Our music, our fashion, our storytelling...they're trying to take away things that give us pride and a sense of identity. Something that can mobilize the community to do great things because they don't want us to be great.


May 1, 2012
I commend young Sistah Amanda:salute:

...needs more youngins like her:myman:
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Feb 26, 2014
Miami Gardens/North Miami
I guess you were right. She spoke the truth. BM who are married to White women do seem more c00nish, and are more open and adamant about their dislike for black women, while the reverse is hardly true. So, you're right. Amandla is up on game at such a young age. I think her racial self awareness and pro-black self identification was foisted on her as soon as she saw the hatred she experienced from Whites when she was cast as Prue in the Hunger Games. That was a rude awakening at such a young age.
Breh you can stop that lie right there.:comeon:


Sep 2, 2014
And what story is twerking telling?

Just stop:beli:
Don't worry about what story it is telling.
I really wish you bytches would mind your business when it concerns black culture. Twerking, good or bad, is black culture because black people created it. It is a unique expression that has roots in African dance. You can find variations of booty dancing by many names in African cultures on the mother land and amongst African descendants in the Americans. We can't help it we have a lot of rhythm in our hips.


Black women have always moved our hips and ass because we're good at. Your stiff ass white hoes can't do it so you hate. You have no business saying shyt about our culture. Twerking has always been around in black American culture. It was called poppin back in the day because my big sister and aunts used to do it. They're in their late 40s.That was before you white lames "discovered" it and b*stardized it.

In the 20s and 30s black women were flapping, similar to twerking. Anyway it has history. So be quiet about shyt your cac ass knows nothing about.

Watching dance line videos as I type this. Twerking is also apart of dance line culture which is old as hell. Just thought I'd share just because.



Im Not American
Aug 9, 2013
Since when is twerking "black culture?" That shyt is stripper "culture," let's stop associating negative shyt with black culture.
Twerking is not 'negative'. It is only seen as negative when Blacks do it. You saw that White ho Miley doing it and got great reviews and nice words but when Rihanna does it, shes ratchet.

Same thing with rap. It was positive till Whites got ahold of it. They own the media, nikka. They can spin shyt however they want with their Euro propaganda.

Stay Seeking

Mar 3, 2015
'What would America be like if we loved black people as much as we love black culture?'


The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
Twerking (and a whole host of other irrelevant shyt)....they can keep it :ld:

We should start appropriating other peoples shyt, you know the useful stuff. Asians wanna rap and sip lean? Cool, trade me stereotypes, i'll take the bad driving and the economic/academic status :laugh:

Dude, that's not the point.

The problem is that they tell us OUR shyt is awful and "ghetto", THEN they take it and make tons of money off of it and act like WE never had anything to do with it.

it's like Rock N Roll

They told Chuck Berry and Ike Turner and Ray Charles they were nikkaz making "race music", including other Black people, who such as yourself was on some ol' "Hell, let Whitey have that shyt".

THEN, White people start doing it and now Elvis and The Beatles are put over every single Black artist who's ever made music, even though they just took Black music and tweeked it. But Elvis' estate is worth billions and the Beatles sold a billion records and Paul McCartney is almost worth a billion by his damn self.

What do you think all those crackers and c00ns who thought Ike Turner and Chuck Berry and them were on some bullshyt think now? They think Elvis is the king of rock.

It's the same shyt

I saw a White bytch on TV who makes a living TWERKING. That's it. She quit her job teaching to twerk for a living. She wasn't ugly or nothing, but you can't tell me a Black woman in the N.O. or ATL or MIA wouldn't be able to do what that White bytch is doing and making tons of money off of.

Meet The Woman Who Twerks For A Living


It's not rocket science folks.

White people are infatuated with black culture...but hate black people.

People like Miley, Iggy, Katy Perry, Macklemore, Justin Bieber, Diplo, Eminem are a wet dream for these people cause they can finally have their piece of black culture without actually having to deal with black people or even support them in any sort of way.

And even with the overwhelming evidence that they are swagger jacking blacks...they'll try to act like whites did it somehow...kind of like how they claimed rap started in Ireland in the 1700s in pubs or Twerking originates to German origins.:francis:

It's the whitewashing of Egypt all over again.

Nah, that's definitely true.. but it's not like half black guys are :mjpls:

It may just be cause guys are less selective than women :yeshrug: Plus, we don't really look for intangibles if we're just fukking.. that black bloodline is underestimated.. the intangible advantage (on top of everything else) that we have is a major factor in getting girls. So, to us, when fukking, a dime who's black will be more or less equal to an Asian, Latina, or white dime.. to them, we're the end-all be-all. That's my theory.

Whenever race is discussed people often derail the conversation. Who cares about if twerking is black or not. You're attacking a piece of her argument thinking it invalidates or weakens the whole. The point is that when we do something it's seen as having no value, but whenever famous white people do it, it's suddenly great. Its something that's been happening for years and needs to stop. Some people are taking a thread where a young celebrity isn't c00ning and ruining it by arguing trivial elements.

I mean lets take a moment to see how many misconceptions and stereotypes are being addressed here. On the coli I've seen many people accuse black women of bedwenching and light skinned/mixed people of c00ning yet what are we seeing here?
1.A person that is calling out white supremacy in the media
2.A black female calling out white supremacy
3.A mixed person with a black mother and white father who is not afraid to go in on white people and identify as black

all in one. This is beautiful. In a world where the likes of T.I. and Kendrick Lamar are caping for white women who don't give a fukk about black people but are all too eager to steal our shyt and make money off it, here is a person whose career is still young basically hitting everyone with the :manny: and speaking with common sense and morality, not giving a shyt if it will fukk with her money or her so called 'golden opportunity' to become rich and famous for entertaining white people. How any of you can feel anything other than pride for this astounds me.

You're missing the point. Black people are less than 12% of America's population. It is ridiculously easy for white people to never have to interact with us. A white person could spend his entire life never having to have a conversation longer than 1 minute with a black person. Let that sink in for a moment.

So now, how do you think white people learn about us, if it's obviously not through interacting with us on a one on one basis in real life like we do with them? Through schools in which students are basically taught that racism was a thing that happened back when photos and TV were black and white and was resolved with the help of Martin Luther king and we were slaves that lived in non-complex societies. They turn on the TV and they see us as entertainers and rarely as anything else. The media is overwhelmingly white. Many TV shows and movies are shown from a white point of view. They're taught that twerking is 'ghetto' that cornrows are for 'thugs' so whenever a black man is shot by the police or is victim to police brutality, all that white america needs to see is a picture of him with cornrows or with a grill in his teeth to conclude that he was a dangerous criminal that somehow deserved to be killed. Because they don't know us, they think that we are more dangerous than we actually are, and so we deserve whatever treatment we get. They associate our culture with stupidity and violence.

The point that she is making is that the way we are portrayed in the media is very limited and the culture that we have that keeps us united as a people(all elements of it. Good or bad, which again is subjective. Some people may think twerking for example should not be considered part of black culture, but it was invented by us so too bad if you don't like it. It's still ours) is being taken away from us.

They take our lives when they shoot us in the street
They take our families when they lock up our men over frivolous charges and deny us employment
And now they are trying to take our soul away from us. Our music, our fashion, our storytelling...they're trying to take away things that give us pride and a sense of identity. Something that can mobilize the community to do great things because they don't want us to be great.

You all get it

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
I told nikkas on here, the mixed girls go harder for the movement sometimes than full black people. :sas2:

In typical Coli fashion, I was labeled a liar and all mixed people are c00ns looking for white validation though. :skip:

Hope she doesn't get black balled because of this, but you know how white people are. :francis:
cause they get it the WORST

they get around their black family and hear "fukk white people, they all ain't shyt, fukk them crackers"

then get around their white family and hear "fukk them ******s, they all ain't shyt, fukk them ******s"

then after BOTH statements, they realize that there's some half "other race" people in the room... and hit them with the "you know i didn't mean you" or "no offense but i don't consider you one of them" or some shyt like that

shyt must be terrible to go through... too white to be black... too black to be white
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