Whenever race is discussed people often derail the conversation. Who cares about if twerking is black or not. You're attacking a
piece of her argument thinking it invalidates or weakens the
whole. The point is that when we do something it's seen as having no value, but whenever famous white people do it, it's suddenly great. Its something that's been happening for years and needs to stop. Some people are taking a thread where a young celebrity
isn't c00ning and ruining it by arguing trivial elements.
I mean lets take a moment to see how many misconceptions and stereotypes are being addressed here. On the coli I've seen many people accuse black women of bedwenching and light skinned/mixed people of c00ning yet what are we seeing here?
1.A person that is calling out white supremacy in the media
2.A black female calling out white supremacy
3.A mixed person with a black mother and white father who is not afraid to go in on white people and identify as black
all in one. This is beautiful. In a world where the likes of T.I. and Kendrick Lamar are caping for white women who don't give a fukk about black people but are all too eager to steal our shyt and make money off it, here is a person whose career is still young basically hitting everyone with the

and speaking with common sense and morality, not giving a shyt if it will fukk with her money or her so called 'golden opportunity' to become rich and famous for entertaining white people. How any of you can feel anything other than pride for this astounds me.