How the hell did Michael Myers learn to drive?

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
:whew: That Zombie Halloween 2 gotta be in the running for worst movie of all time in any genre. God damn was that just some awful shyt.

First one tho is prob Top 4-5 Halloween movies tho

Halloween 2
Halloween 3- If they just named this Season of the Witch and kept it moving it would be thought of a classic. Straight creepy movie that theme is haunting.
Zombie remake

The Halloween series as a whole isn't holding a candle to Jason or Freddy anything involving the Cult shyt is truly a mindfukk that I don't believe can be coherently explained

Imo, the zombie films are superior to Freddie in the real world and also better than the Jason relaunch as well.
Next I would like to know how is part two of zombies's that bad and you can run it right after part one and it picks up in the pocket of the first one. Not to mention I seen the ones ahead on this list you provided and can easily argue to the superiority of the zombie flicks. to those you have above it on this list. Also, are we judging these movies by horror movie standards or a movie grade standards cause people are making replies like Halloween is some top shelf standard and all horror falls under b standard. So where are we getting these high marks for Halloween the og and low marks for zombies and zombies's movies have superior continuity and plausibility. Especially for a b grade level movie. That if we do compare Halloween even the og original. It loses plausibility and we are in a thread asking and exposing its plot holes and credible plausibility as well.

So,.if we are gonna sandbag zombies.
You only have one gripe, a white horse. While we can cite in just part one a number of the movie should have been over but okay we will suspend belief well beyond the parameters of plausibility.
Then hold someone like zombie accountable when he has one hiccup over two movies in the conclusion of the second movie. When the first og movie shoe horns on the worst setup for a sequel in a franchise ever and all time in any film just for starts.

We can do the dance on this if we wanna get petty and pick this shyt all the way apart past nostalgia. Of which the zombie flicks throws away for realistic sensible plausibility. With an attention to detail and shot creation on par and almost better than the og.
To the point it fits in to update and also give the nostalgia of the og series in feel when needed. While elevating the series for the millenial and post divorce Gen ideas of realism featured in film.

Art Barr

Zombies flicks are as good as making Michael Myers into a b grade of zodiac. Yet, people are trying to make it like zombies flicks don't give homage to cult horror film b grade fanboys. When that is not true.
As zombies film give homage to all those b grade horror movies of past lore.
Plus incredible dialogue based realism in every scene of zombies's Halloween.
while also elongating or trying to surpass moments of lore from the so called b movie grade horror purist of the originalm. That won't let a clinical psychosis be diagnosed to explain why this humongous motherfukker was not in the pen.
While also,...
Opening up the dark truth of jail and psyche facilities white privilege allows their race class to go by in the world just because.
Down to even the most asinine and mundane comedic urban killings of lore that even goes into the realm of new line cinema's Roger Moore comedic live action cartoon era bond applies to new line's comedic iteration style kills in a realistic Freddie meets the actress who played Nancy in real life.
Including how it even applies to gummi meets Jason in the hood. When Myers destroys the spring breaker style strip club.
as I have seen it entertain fans of the new line cinema interation. While holding that audiences attention just as well and in silent praise as rivaling those in two succinct movies and in full explanation in the director's cut and/or director commentary.

Art Barr
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Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Breh again making Michael human and explaining his motives and relying on cheap scares and pop psychology are also the flaws of the series. If you fukk with it cool but don't try to convince us it's high art. Zombie had a take which I appreciate but it just didn't work for me. I don't want or care to know who Michael is as a person. He's scarier when it's mysterious

I had to think about this too.
What makes Michael so fukk'n scary.
When he bih's up every time some weak ass old man comes giving him the fukk'n Joel Osteen. Myers was a serenaded neutered robot moving bih to Loomis in the first one. That what makes the first series so damn cringe to watch compares to zombies. Plus why I suspect people try to shyt on it.
As zombie exposes how bih the og is to the superior zombie beast mode Myers.
Real talk, Joe grizzly would have bodied og Michael.

As og Michael would have been still shook of dr Loomis telling him not to kill nobody during his potty break back to the facility.

Art Barr


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
I had to think about this too.
What makes Michael so fukk'n scary.
When he bih's up every time some weak ass old man comes giving him the fukk'n Joel Osteen. Myers was a serenaded neutered robot moving bih to Loomis in the first one. That what makes the first series so damn cringe to watch compares to zombies. Plus why I suspect people try to shyt on it.
As zombie exposes how bih the og is to the superior zombie beast mode Myers.
Real talk, Joe grizzly would have bodied og Michael.

As og Michael would have been still shook of dr Loomis telling him not to kill nobody during his potty break back to the facility.

Art Barr

He wasn't a robot man. He was evil lol..that's it. He liked fukking with people and liked killing. Why? Who knows. It doesn't matter

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Nah man lol I've seen Teen Wolf enough times in my life.

I started watching it for the first time since I first saw it. I was to old by the time it came on cable again when Chicago finally got cable to watch it back then. Just wanted to know if it aged well enough to sit through.
As I don't remember a cot damn thing about the movie and that is the best time to revist an old movie. I just do not wanna waste my time. So I figure ask the resident Michael j fox username guy.

Art Barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
He wasn't a robot man. He was evil lol..that's it. He liked fukking with people and liked killing. Why? Who knows. It doesn't matter

Yes, it does matter.

So you want me to sit through by your own admission the convoluted state of the og. Suspend belief just because we are not supposed to know about the villain. When we are supposed to know the motivations of the villain.
That whole thing is what make Myers rank below Jason and Freddie.
People see just how Jason and Freddie arose to be and it was concise in the early movies. Incomparison to Myers who is just a fakkit bogey man in an romper with long sleeves and long pants legs. Who is entranced and under the controlling swan song of a fat batman meets joel osteen superhero named Dr Loomis.
How do people excuse this whole bullshyt dr Loomis as basically batman meets the condescending cop from svu.

The shyt is bullshyt to the zombie flicks.
Where Loomis got exactly what his ass should have got like joker did for fukkin with Lois lane in dc video games.
Y'all arr like evil batman made to be the villain in the dc videogame and comic. When superman is right. Somebody needs to kill this nuisance and no, the og Myers should not be saved by dr loomis. He needs to meet the forged in fire weapon death. Loomis got in the zombie flicks for revenue grabbing off the Myers name and trying to keep Myers alive so he had more material to revenue grab off of.

Art Barr

Batman is the real villain in dc mortal combat videogames and comics. Superman is right.
world peace needs to had. Yet the war and weapon tyc00n batman wants to keep villains alive to warrant the idea weapons and violence need to exist. Under the guise of whatever freedom bullshyt he keeps spinning everyone on. so Wayne enterprises can continue makin dollars on the low off all the conflict.

Art Barr


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Yes, it does matter.

So you want me to sit through by your own admission the convoluted state of the og. Suspend belief just because we are not supposed to know about the villain. When we are supposed to know the motivations of the villain.
That whole thing is what make Myers rank below Jason and Freddie.
People see just how Jason and Freddie arose to be and it was concise in the early movies. Incomparison to Myers who is just a fakkit bogey man in an romper with long sleeves and long pants legs. Who is entranced and under the controlling swan song of a fat batman meets joel osteen superhero named Dr Loomis.
How do people excuse this whole bullshyt dr Loomis as basically batman meets the condescending cop from svu.

The shyt is bullshyt to the zombie flicks.
Where Loomis got exactly what his ass should have got like joker did for fukkin with Lois lane in dc video games.
Y'all arr like evil batman made to be the villain in the dc videogame and comic. When superman is right. Somebody needs to kill this nuisance and no, the og Myers should not be saved by dr loomis. He needs to meet the forged in fire weapon death. Loomis got in the zombie flicks for revenue grabbing off the Myers name and trying to keep Myers alive so he had more material to revenue grab off of.

Art Barr

Batman is the real villain in dc mortal combat videogames and comics. Superman is right.
world peace needs to had. Yet the war and weapon tyc00n batman wants to keep villains alive to warrant the idea weapons and violence need to exist. Under the guise of whatever freedom bullshyt he keeps spinning everyone on. so Wayne enterprises can continue makin dollars on the low off all the conflict.

Art Barr

Dude it doesn't matter because Michael is designed as evil. I don't need my stalker/serial killer humanized.
Let's take Freddy since you brought him up: The more we learned about his backstory as the series went on, the less scarier he became and the less imposing he became. He became human, he became tangible and something we could connect to. After Nightmare 3, the series takes a nose dive until eventually splattering with freddy's dead, which is one of the worst flicks I've ever seen.

What makes Michael work is the simplicity: He killed his sister with a knife, was taken to a mental institute, and he got out on halloween night to go on the prowl. That's all that matters. I don't need to know why Michael is doing it because unlike Friday the 13th, and the later Nightmare flicks, the first Halloween developed its protagonists. It made Laurie, Annie, and Lynda fully realized characters so the audience is with them, not with michael and wanting to see them dead. Ironically enough, the guy you're begging up right now spoke to that fact on an anniversary Halloween special. He said people will follow faceless killers all the time, but they won't follow faceless victims and won't give a shyt about it. Michael works best as a shape but you can't make the victims shapes.

He understood that simple fact then and then when he got the reigns, he decided to go against that completely.

Let's go with another horror analogy: Jaws. It's a shark and it wants to eat. Why does it want to eat? Doesn't matter, thats what it does and thats what makes it scary because there's no understanding. Joker in Dark Knight has no origin story, has no larger thing, he just wants to fukk shyt up to prove a point. We don't need to know who he was before he put on clown mask or what event drove him insane. It's irrelevant and again, it humanizes someone who's not supposed to be human. Michael Myers is an entity, he's a force. And entities or forces don't need to be defined or made so we can understand them. They need to act and we need to be afraid. Point blank period.

Also, breh stop rambling lol I have no idea what connection you're making between Loomis and Batman.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
This gives a good write up on how good the zombie flicks are if you get past your nostalgia. Plus how the cop plays a great follow up to part one as well.


Art Barr

Breh...he shytted on them lol. Did you read the article? He said they're both terrible flicks but there's one good thing about halloween 2 and its the hospital scene.

Rob Zombie’s Halloween is an abomination, no matter how many nice things my homegirl A.M. Novak says about it. Most of the reason it sucks so bad is because it feels like a movie at war with itself. Regardless how you feel about Zombie’s demystification of Michael Myers – saddling John Carpenter’s avatar for ultimate evil with a rote serial killer backstory – it’s still his movie, including the white trash dress down of the Illinois monster’s clan. Sure, the scene where Michael’s stripper mom (Sheri Moon Zombie) takes off her clothes to “Love Hurts” while the homicidal youngster dejectedly commits his first heinous crime is incredibly silly, but it’s undeniably owned by the grimy auteur who delivered a neo-explo classic in The Devil’s Rejects just two years prior.

Does that really sound like a guy who thinks these are good movies? Did abomination turn into a good thing overnight?


Dec 14, 2015
:whew: That Zombie Halloween 2 gotta be in the running for worst movie of all time in any genre. God damn was that just some awful shyt.

First one tho is prob Top 4-5 Halloween movies tho

My thoughts too. Zombie's Halloween 1 is really underrated. The second is literally one of the worst movies ever made, for those who haven't seen it this ain't an exaggeration :mjlol: