How the hell did Michael Myers learn to drive?


Feb 19, 2014
Dude it doesn't matter because Michael is designed as evil. I don't need my stalker/serial killer humanized.
Let's take Freddy since you brought him up: The more we learned about his backstory as the series went on, the less scarier he became and the less imposing he became. He became human, he became tangible and something we could connect to. After Nightmare 3, the series takes a nose dive until eventually splattering with freddy's dead, which is one of the worst flicks I've ever seen.

Freddy's Dead was brilliant. What makes Freddy scary is that nightmares are a real thing. Dying in your sleep is a real thing. So someone that can control nightmares and kill you in your sleep is scary. Beyond that, Freddy as a character is purposely campy and always has been since day 1. It's just covered up with the shock factor and weirdness in how he goes about antagonizing his victims. Freddy's Dead made sense to go the full camp route because the narrative focused on Freddy as a character. I thought it was brilliantly executed and was funny and a good watch for it's time.

I think the problem people have with the excessive campiness of the franchise as it went on, is that you were fooled into believing Freddy was supposed to be scary. No, Freddy was NEVER scary, you simply understood why the victims were afraid and that's where the tension came from. Once the victims participated in the camp (Freddy's Dead, half of Dream Warriors) it stopped being scary completely. But for the most part Freddy stayed true to who he was throughout, which is why we all kept watching it.\

Wes Craven saw what happened when he tried to make Freddy the character truly scary, it was a flop and his worst movie. Then the remake tried to do it and that also flopped. However, the campy Freddy vs Jason was moderately successful and there has been talks in the years following for a sequel.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Freddy's Dead was brilliant. What makes Freddy scary is that nightmares are a real thing. Dying in your sleep is a real thing. So someone that can control nightmares and kill you in your sleep is scary. Beyond that, Freddy as a character is purposely campy and always has been since day 1. It's just covered up with the shock factor and weirdness in how he goes about antagonizing his victims. Freddy's Dead made sense to go the full camp route because the narrative focused on Freddy as a character. I thought it was brilliantly executed and was funny and a good watch for it's time.

I think the problem people have with the excessive campiness of the franchise as it went on, is that you were fooled into believing Freddy was supposed to be scary. No, Freddy was NEVER scary, you simply understood why the victims were afraid and that's where the tension came from. Once the victims participated in the camp (Freddy's Dead, half of Dream Warriors) it stopped being scary completely. But for the most part Freddy stayed true to who he was throughout, which is why we all kept watching it.\

Wes Craven saw what happened when he tried to make Freddy the character truly scary, it was a flop and his worst movie. Then the remake tried to do it and that also flopped. However, the campy Freddy vs Jason was moderately successful and there has been talks in the years following for a sequel.

New nightmare isn't cravens worst movie nor is it the worst in the franchise so I'm already not with your argument here. Plus you lost me when you said Freddy's dead is brilliant

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Dude it doesn't matter because Michael is designed as evil. I don't need my stalker/serial killer humanized.
Let's take Freddy since you brought him up: The more we learned about his backstory as the series went on, the less scarier he became and the less imposing he became. He became human, he became tangible and something we could connect to. After Nightmare 3, the series takes a nose dive until eventually splattering with freddy's dead, which is one of the worst flicks I've ever seen.

What makes Michael work is the simplicity: He killed his sister with a knife, was taken to a mental institute, and he got out on halloween night to go on the prowl. That's all that matters. I don't need to know why Michael is doing it because unlike Friday the 13th, and the later Nightmare flicks, the first Halloween developed its protagonists. It made Laurie, Annie, and Lynda fully realized characters so the audience is with them, not with michael and wanting to see them dead. Ironically enough, the guy you're begging up right now spoke to that fact on an anniversary Halloween special. He said people will follow faceless killers all the time, but they won't follow faceless victims and won't give a shyt about it. Michael works best as a shape but you can't make the victims shapes.

He understood that simple fact then and then when he got the reigns, he decided to go against that completely.

Let's go with another horror analogy: Jaws. It's a shark and it wants to eat. Why does it want to eat? Doesn't matter, thats what it does and thats what makes it scary because there's no understanding. Joker in Dark Knight has no origin story, has no larger thing, he just wants to fukk shyt up to prove a point. We don't need to know who he was before he put on clown mask or what event drove him insane. It's irrelevant and again, it humanizes someone who's not supposed to be human. Michael Myers is an entity, he's a force. And entities or forces don't need to be defined or made so we can understand them. They need to act and we need to be afraid. Point blank period.

Also, breh stop rambling lol I have no idea what connection you're making between Loomis and Batman.

Oh stop,....

There is no way you are going to mention the dark knight.
Surely I know for sure I have one of the highest graded reviews on rt at superfrogsplashmountain.

In dk, joker goes on the actual villain soliloquy to batman and pretty much villain professes all his motives.
of which was sheer anarchy and anarchist movements he would rebel against amidst his own anarchy because he was a real anarchists.
That believed in the disbelief of sheer rebellious idea of anarchy at its core.
He enjoyed knowing batman was the complete fringe antithesis of being an anarchists and the whole played with batman's ethical code on the lines to die because joker was really tortured and secretly and now publically lures and attempts to lure batman into the joker' lifetime of remorseful misery by sabotaging batman's damage naïveté even further by making him kill the joker .

Also,...just stop with the idea that it does not matter what triggered Myers.
Simply because it does and it needed to be explained.
All because as far as we know in the original.
Loomis might as well be equipped with a wiering module and the voice the way like the movie dune.
As the og implies he is the only person who can relate and thwart Myers, by preaching at Michael like Joe Osteen or some southern evangelist.

when, Loomis is not shyt to Myers.
As the og story should not have been spent dealing with the idle time with Loomis and more on the back story and origin of Myersof what triggered myers to make him like that.
Case in point taxi driver explains his origin.
Spiderman two explains doc oc's origin.
Godfather two the better of the two og godfather films and regarded as the best movie of all time till city of god.
All have one thing in common they give the main trigger defining urgent points in the origin of the antagonists or main characters.

The reason why Myers movies were always behind Freddie and Jason.
Is it never explained Myers og origins from the perspective of a real time basis or chronological moment defining visual.
Freddie gives the origin of the claw in the first opening credit sequence to open.

In zombies, it gives what caused myers to stop speaking.
Or why myers made masks.
It gives what triggers him, and how it is detailed into the situation.
How myers finds out whom is who and how?

In the og, they never build the importance of why I should care beyond curtis's rack re-enacting the jiggling baby go head baby well before LL was going to record it.

She was just some errant white bih that always typically died.
In aliens we care about rioley because she figured out the liability of weylan to try to infect them or infection of earth and the entire brevity and urgency of the Zenomorph. So we cared about, Ripley and even knewt has her origin explained in the VHS long director cut of aliens as well.
in zombies it, gives you the skinny on the situation and even why he would get a couple during foreplay.
It gives how myers got certain looking gear and how he traveled.
Zombies even puts together the masks and even in realistic fashion has it peeled back to a distinctive face reveal finally.

Plus all of his intended victims reactions.
Including just a frightful scene when he has scout in the shack for the first time and goes on a rampage.

If you not a wuss go deal with the PTSD inducing scences.
you can't hang with and gl rewatch it till you peep how much better it is than the og.

Look at the director's cut back to back and part two watermark.
It runs as good of a story in quality to zombies other films.
Plus gives homage to the original and supplies encounters based around realism and some victims fighting chance options as well.

Art Barr
Last edited:


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Oh stop,....

There is no way you are going to mention the dark knight.
Surely I know for sure I have one of the highest graded reviews on rt at superfrogsplashmountain.

In dk, joker goes on the actual villain soliloquy to batman and pretty much villain professes all his motives.
of which was sheer anarchy and anarchist movements he would rebel against amidst his own anarchy because he was a real anarchists.
That believed in the disbelief of sheer rebellious idea of anarchy at its core.
He enjoyed knowing batman was the complete fringe antithesis of being an anarchists and the whole played with batman's ethical code on the lines to die because joker was really tortured and secretly and now publically lures and attempts to lure batman into the joker' lifetime of remorseful misery by sabotaging batman's damage naïveté even further by making him kill the joker .

Also,...just stop with the idea that it does not matter what triggered Myers.
Simply because it does and it needed to be explained.
All because as far as we know in the original.
Loomis might as well be equipped with a wiering module and the voice the way like the movie dune.
As the og implies he is the only person who can relate and thwart Myers, by preaching at Michael like Joe Osteen or some southern evangelist.

when, Loomis is not shyt to Myers.
As the og story should not have been spent dealing with the idle time with Loomis and more on the back story and origin of Myersof what triggered myers to make him like that.
Case in point taxi driver explains his origin.
Spiderman two explains doc oc's origin.
Godfather two the better of the two og godfather films and regarded as the best movie of all time till city of god.
All have one thing in common they give the main trigger defining urgent points in the origin of the antagonists or main characters.

The reason why Myers movies were always behind Freddie and Jason.
Is it never explained Myers og origins from the perspective of a real time basis or chronological moment defining visual.
Freddie gives the origin of the claw in the first opening credit sequence to open.

In zombies, it gives what caused myers to stop speaking.
Or why myers made masks.
It gives what triggers him, and how it is detailed into the situation.
How myers finds out whom is who and how?

In the og, they never build the importance of why I should care beyond curtis's rack re-enacting the jiggling baby go head baby well before LL was going to record it.

She was just some errant white bih that always typically died.
In aliens we care about rioley because she figured out the liability of weylan to try to infect them or infection of earth and the entire brevity and urgency of the Zenomorph. So we cared about, Ripley and even knewt has her origin explained in the VHS long director cut of aliens as well.
in zombies it, gives you the skinny on the situation and even why he would get a couple during foreplay.
It gives how myers got certain looking gear and how he traveled.
Zombies even puts together the masks and even in realistic fashion has it peeled back to a distinctive face reveal finally.

Plus all of his intended victims reactions.
Including just a frightful scene when he has scout in the shack for the first time and goes on a rampage.

If you not a wuss go deal with the PTSD inducing scences.
you can't hang with and gl rewatch it till you peep how much better it is than the og.

Look at the director's cut back to back and part two watermark.
It runs as good of a story in quality to zombies other films.
Plus gives homage to the original and supplies encounters based around realism and some victims fighting chance options as well.

Art Barr

Yeah whatever floats your boat homie lol. You're completely missing the mark on this one


Feb 19, 2014
New nightmare isn't cravens worst movie nor is it the worst in the franchise so I'm already not with your argument here.

Your opinion is null and void; New Nightmare is Wes Craven's worst Freddy Movie by consensus.

Plus you lost me when you said Freddy's dead is brilliant

Brilliantly executed, yes. Turning up the camp to finish off the franchise (at the time) was a smart move.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Yeah whatever floats your boat homie lol. You're completely missing the mark on this one

This sounds alot like nostalgic romance for the og, breh.

I am not missing anything.
Guys in this thread already made fun of why a nikka from the go would not fear Myers and the story is more interesting from a gore clinical study fringe new wave snuff style recording style of the current age.
Plus by someone who made a project where he probably loves the material more than all of us combined to be able to do it anyway.
After batting a thousand in a dead genre like horror on his previous two movies before his fourth movie and a white horse scene which is explained in depth in director commentary on the DVD.

So I am wondering just what it is besides a white horse scene you really have a problem with.
As this movie totally paints Myers as realistic as could be and made from the mind of a proven filmmaker from an outsider art basis that surpasses the quality of the new line public creation based horror films and our opinions as well.

So I believe in the overall depth and quality of the zombie Halloween interatioon more than the totality of the og series.
I will take those two over those other movies and get my fill of Myers.
As a matter of fact I kinda wish I saw the zombie Myers first like the noobs of the day to be honest and not have w frame of reference about the og at all to be frank.

Art Barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Your opinion is null and void; New Nightmare is Wes Craven's worst Freddy Movie by consensus.

Brilliantly executed, yes. Turning up the camp to finish off the franchise (at the time) was a smart move.

Are you talembout the movie when Freddy goes to the real world and fights the actress in the real world that plays Nancy?

Simply because all the Nancy movies are the best in just simple order just with dream warriors leading the way.
Plus being judged distinct fully as the gost and against itself first ad a franchise and then outside to other media after that.

Art Barr


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Your opinion is null and void; New Nightmare is Wes Craven's worst Freddy Movie by consensus.

Brilliantly executed, yes. Turning up the camp to finish off the franchise (at the time) was a smart move.

By who's consensus tho? Cause any list I've seen it's not even close to the bottom. So is this a list you found or just conversations you've had with your people? Or from the actual filmmakers because that's not their opinion either. So for shyts and giggles I googled it and the first list I found is from nerdist

All 9 A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET Movies, Ranked from Best to Worst | Nerdist

It's number 3 and Freddy's dead would be dead last if not for the remake. But that's one list

Here's BuzzFeed and it's the same. New nightmare number 3, Freddy's dead last

The Definitive Ranking Of The "Nightmare On Elm Street" Movies

And then collider has new nightmare also ranked number 3

Every 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' Movie Ranked From Worst to Best

So where would I find this consensus you speak of breh?
I'm not even saying these are end all be all but if it's a consensus like you're saying I shouldn't be able to find three lists all made within the past three years listing it as the third best in the series and Freddy's dead dead last or close to last in each one


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
This sounds alot like nostalgic romance for the og, breh.

I am not missing anything.
Guys in this thread already made fun of why a nikka from the go would not fear Myers and the story is more interesting from a gore clinical study fringe new wave snuff style recording style of the current age.
Plus by someone who made a project where he probably loves the material more than all of us combined to be able to do it anyway.
After batting a thousand in a dead genre like horror on his previous two movies before his fourth movie and a white horse scene which is explained in depth in director commentary on the DVD.

So I am wondering just what it is besides a white horse scene you really have a problem with.
As this movie totally paints Myers as realistic as could be and made from the mind of a proven filmmaker from an outsider art basis that surpasses the quality of the new line public creation based horror films and our opinions as well.

So I believe in the overall depth and quality of the zombie Halloween interatioon more than the totality of the og series.
I will take those two over those other movies and get my fill of Myers.
As a matter of fact I kinda wish I saw the zombie Myers first like the noobs of the day to be honest and not have w frame of reference about the og at all to be frank.

Art Barr

It's not nostalgic romance. I'm going off of what the creator himself said and what movie works and what doesn't. You have a fundamental misunderstanding of the character and you're saying you know the character better than the guy who created it, which is pretty presumptuous


Feb 19, 2014
By who's consensus tho? Cause any list I've seen it's not even close to the bottom. So is this a list you found or just conversations you've had with your people? Or from the actual filmmakers because that's not their opinion either. So for shyts and giggles I googled it and the first list I found is from nerdist

All 9 A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET Movies, Ranked from Best to Worst | Nerdist

It's number 3 and Freddy's dead would be dead last if not for the remake. But that's one list

Here's BuzzFeed and it's the same. New nightmare number 3, Freddy's dead last

The Definitive Ranking Of The "Nightmare On Elm Street" Movies

And then collider has new nightmare also ranked number 3

Every 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' Movie Ranked From Worst to Best

So where would I find this consensus you speak of breh?
I'm not even saying these are end all be all but if it's a consensus like you're saying I shouldn't be able to find three lists all made within the past three years listing it as the third best in the series and Freddy's dead dead last or close to last in each one

People say a lot of things in hindsight. I was there when both dropped and the consensus was New Nightmare was off the mark when it first came out and Freddy's Dead although campy was a cool popcorn flick. In hindsight critically New Nightmare will get the nod of course because Wes Craven directed it and its "serious" and "realistic". It's just like when Nolan's batman dropped, it would have been more critically acclaimed regardless because it's dark and serious.


Feb 19, 2014
Are you talembout the movie when Freddy goes to the real world and fights the actress in the real world that plays Nancy?

Simply because all the Nancy movies are the best in just simple order just with dream warriors leading the way.
Plus being judged distinct fully as the gost and against itself first ad a franchise and then outside to other media after that.

Art Barr

New Nightmare was good, make no mistake about that I'm arguing that. However the narrative missed the mark because it tried to make Freddy a real person and took itself too seriously.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
People say a lot of things in hindsight. I was there when both dropped and the consensus was New Nightmare was off the mark when it first came out and Freddy's Dead although campy was a cool popcorn flick. In hindsight critically New Nightmare will get the nod of course because Wes Craven directed it and its "serious" and "realistic". It's just like when Nolan's batman dropped, it would have been more critically acclaimed regardless because it's dark and serious.

And that's fine breh that's what people felt then. Some stuff ages better with time some doesn't. The thing and blade runner weren't thought of masterpieces when they dropped either but now they are. Time is the true measurement stick and in time new nightmare is generally thought of as one of the best in the series. And Freddy's dead wasn't then nor is it now. If you don't fukk with it that's fine but don't sit here and say there's a consensus when there isn't or it's cravens worst when it also isn't


Feb 19, 2014
And that's fine breh that's what people felt then. Some stuff ages better with time some doesn't. The thing and blade runner weren't thought of masterpieces when they dropped either but now they are. Time is the true measurement stick and in time new nightmare is generally thought of as one of the best in the series. And Freddy's dead wasn't then nor is it now. If you don't fukk with it that's fine but don't sit here and say there's a consensus when there isn't or it's cravens worst when it also isn't

Freddy's Dead is better than New Nightmare. More people watched it then and would watch it now.

No such thing as better with time. People overlook things and don't discover them until later on, doesn't mean it's a masterpiece the second time around. Someone can just like, "for an old piece of shyt movie it was pretty well made". You could argue all older movies are better made than newer ones so people look at older movies with rose colored glasses.

And I never said it was Craven's worst film. I said it was the worst Freddy film by Craven.