Freddy's Dead is better than New Nightmare. More people watched it then and would watch it now.
And I never said it was Craven's worst film. I said it was the worst Freddy film by Craven.
Again you're making blanket statements with no proof or facts to back it up. Gimme box office numbers or something man. You're just talking out your ass to make a point rather than using anything else to back it up. I'm pretty sure Freddy's dead made more than new nightmare. I'd be shocked if it didn't. But there's no way of knowing what more people would watch now in 2017 unless you're doing a poll or another way. Other than that it's just talk. You said the consensus was it's the worst one. I did the smallest bit of research and found articles written by at least one person who's old enough to have seen every single nightmare flick in theaters and none of them agree it's the worst in the series.
If you disagree with them cool man. No harm no foul. But you're making declaratives like you got the info to back it up