How many of you have no desire to get Married?

Kobes Two Jerseys

8 or 24 best player of the era
May 19, 2012
Fistful of jewels
I've never heard a good reason to get married. Some women get very upset when you speak out against marriage. Unless you're religious or dead set on having kids, there's no real good reason to take that plunge. People just do it because they don't want to look like the odd person out or they are afraid of "dying alone" (despite everyone dying alone anyway), so they kinda just do what everyone else does.
My gramps passed recently, and there was at least 30 of us in the room with him as he took his last breath. My grandmother was right there at his bedside, with most of their children, and some grandchildren. I guess for someone like me, who was raised in a family, I see things differently. I prefer to be a father to my kids with their mother right beside. I prefer to make memories for my kids of our family doing things together, like eating dinner, going to the park, joining the rest of our families at holidays, camping, etc. If you don't understand the concept of "family", and the happiness it can bring, I truly feel sorry for you. But then again, thats just me and my life. What makes you happy, could be entirely different from me. There is no one way to being a happy person. But in my belief, family is happiness.


Jun 5, 2012
Let's just call it a truce brehs!

If you never ever want kids and are 100% sure of this, snip ur tubes and enjoy the single life. if u really don't feel like marriage is for u I'm not knocking u at all. Just don't knock us. Some of us do think about our legacy and being a granpa someday and growing old with somebody. We kno it's a risk and that it requires work but the reward is worth it in the end.

Why the fukk you care about a legacy. you'll be dead nikka! My grandpa is 83 yrs old and my grandma is 79 yrs old. He hasnt had sex with her in over 25 years. If thats what I have to look forward to by getting married then I'll just stay single.


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
My gramps passed recently, and there was at least 30 of us in the room with him as he took his last breath. My grandmother was right there at his bedside, with most of their children, and some grandchildren. I guess for someone like me, who was raised in a family, I see things differently. I prefer to be a father to my kids with their mother right beside. I prefer to make memories for my kids of our family doing things together, like eating dinner, going to the park, joining the rest of our families at holidays, camping, etc. If you don't understand the concept of "family", and the happiness it can bring, I truly feel sorry for you. But then again, thats just me and my life. What makes you happy, could be entirely different from me. There is no one way to being a happy person. But in my belief, family is happiness.

I agree with the thoughtline in this post, however I will say I think the general majority of the dudes in here would get married if they were pretty much guaranteed that their wife wouldn't cheat or leave them. That seems to be the real underlying issue, the society we live in today makes it difficult to find someone that is worthwhile.


Jun 5, 2012
My gramps passed recently, and there was at least 30 of us in the room with him as he took his last breath. My grandmother was right there at his bedside, with most of their children, and some grandchildren. I guess for someone like me, who was raised in a family, I see things differently. I prefer to be a father to my kids with their mother right beside. I prefer to make memories for my kids of our family doing things together, like eating dinner, going to the park, joining the rest of our families at holidays, camping, etc. If you don't understand the concept of "family", and the happiness it can bring, I truly feel sorry for you. But then again, thats just me and my life. What makes you happy, could be entirely different from me. There is no one way to being a happy person. But in my belief, family is happiness.

There is no gaurentee that the woman you marry when be there for you when you take your last breath. For all you know she can divorce you after 3 years and you will die alone. Go ahead and walk that plank breh!

Kobes Two Jerseys

8 or 24 best player of the era
May 19, 2012
Fistful of jewels
There is no gaurentee that the woman you marry when be there for you when you take your last breath. For all you know she can divorce you after 3 years and you will die alone. Go ahead and walk that plank breh!
Like everything, there is risk involved. But say she does leave after three years. You say I'll die alone. Thats where you're wrong. My kids are proof of that. Dying alone is not an option when you have family. And family is the underlying concept of marriage, at least it is to me. But then again, I was raised in a family where the men and women do have tough times, but you work through it, persevere, and guide eachother and grow as individuals and as a couple. If thats how you feel about it, cool. But theres no reason to try and make me feel like its a burden to my life. I'm good with where I'm at, especially knowing that as my children grow, and they become productive citizens in society, it means I've done at least one thing right during my time here on this earth. I passed down a legacy they learned from their mother and I.
Now remember when I said there is risk involved? There is risk also involved for the people who choose to stay unmarried/committed to one person. The biggest thing you have to worry about is STDs. No matter how safe you are, with each female you choose freak with, you are taking a risk with your health, and possibly, your life. As you continue to be Billy Bad Ass whose "HARD ON HOES", you're also playing a dangerous game as well. Someday, you may cross paths with a Jody Arias type broad. But hey, I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the lifestyle you choose, I'm just saying, there is risk involved in any path we take. I'm happy with mine, I hope you're happy with yours.

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
My gramps passed recently, and there was at least 30 of us in the room with him as he took his last breath. My grandmother was right there at his bedside, with most of their children, and some grandchildren. I guess for someone like me, who was raised in a family, I see things differently. I prefer to be a father to my kids with their mother right beside. I prefer to make memories for my kids of our family doing things together, like eating dinner, going to the park, joining the rest of our families at holidays, camping, etc. If you don't understand the concept of "family", and the happiness it can bring, I truly feel sorry for you. But then again, thats just me and my life. What makes you happy, could be entirely different from me. There is no one way to being a happy person. But in my belief, family is happiness.

:jawalrus: I was raised in a good family. You write as if the scenario you painted was a guaranteed standard for people that got married.

Kobes Two Jerseys

8 or 24 best player of the era
May 19, 2012
Fistful of jewels
I agree with the thoughtline in this post, however I will say I think the general majority of the dudes in here would get married if they were pretty much guaranteed that their wife wouldn't cheat or leave them. That seems to be the real underlying issue, the society we live in today makes it difficult to find someone that is worthwhile.
Thats just the world we live in, and the chances we take. Love and marriage isn't a movie, and it never will be. A successful marriage is alot of work because you're a team of two personalities with two different thoughts, ideas, feelings, ways of living, etc. You have to learn about one another and adapt, compromise, and give up a part of who you used to be. For some, all of that is worth it, for others, not so much. I think the problem is, people just get married too young and expect "The Notebook" to happen. Nobody should get married before 30. Ever. Ever ever ever. Being in your 20s is still a kid, and how you think in that decade changes just like it did from when you were in your teens.

Kobes Two Jerseys

8 or 24 best player of the era
May 19, 2012
Fistful of jewels
:jawalrus: I was raised in a good family. You write as if the scenario you painted was a guaranteed standard for people that got married.
Its been a pretty good standard in the family I was raised in. But nothing is guaranteed. It all takes work. The marriage isn't a fairytale everyday. Its another job. Seeing my grandfathers legacy makes me feel like its worth it.

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
Its been a pretty good standard in the family I was raised in. But nothing is guaranteed. It all takes work. The marriage isn't a fairytale everyday. Its another job. Seeing my grandfathers legacy makes me feel like its worth it.

There are plenty of people that have plenty of legacies without having kids. Besides, even if somebody is surrounded by family at the time they die, they still pass on by themselves. It's not as if you leave this mortal coil bringing your most loved ones with you. I never really understood the "legacy" argument to begin with, as it can vary hugely from person to person.

Kobes Two Jerseys

8 or 24 best player of the era
May 19, 2012
Fistful of jewels
There are plenty of people that have plenty of legacies without having kids. Besides, even if somebody is surrounded by family at the time they die, they still pass on by themselves. It's not as if you leave this mortal coil bringing your most loved ones with you. I never really understood the "legacy" argument to begin with, as it can vary hugely from person to person.
Thats your opinion though. I can respect that. Why must you not recognize that we are different people with a different set of ideals? What works for me, obviously isn't going to work for you, so why continue to try to make my way of living as some mistake?

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
Thats your opinion though. I can respect that. Why must you not recognize that we are different people with a different set of ideals? What works for me, obviously isn't going to work for you, so why continue to try to make my way of living as some mistake?

I am just saying that I don't get why people do it and have never really heard a good justification for it. I double down on this when people get defensive and angry over it because it tends to feed my contention that I might be onto something. If you read back in the thread I even say, if you want to get married for some reason, have at it, hoss. I just see a huge potential mistake for a lot of people and when I point this out, people get very defensive over it. Then some of the dumber people will try to change the debate, saying it's about creating a better community and that if the laws are bad we should "just change them" as if it's getting a new set of tires or something.


Mar 18, 2013
:snoop: ya some sad quarrelsome ass nikkas.

A legacy means that my morals and values and my views on life get passed down and continue on. Most people that have good parents and most people with bad parents are a direct reflection of their parents. Good qualities and bad can be passed on generation to generation. Every man with a son has the same goal. "I hope I can raise my son to be a better man than me". Great men often come from these type of legacies. Every good quality in me i got from one parent or the other. I'm a equal combination of their best and worst qualities. When I have a son, I will try to make him be an even better man than me by trying to pass on only my great qualities.

Yea when I die ima die alone and I'llbe gone, but something of mine will live on. To me tthat's just amazing and a great part of life.

If u live single and never have kids, u really will just drop from the face of the earth and be forgotten in a couple of years :manny:

Kobes Two Jerseys

8 or 24 best player of the era
May 19, 2012
Fistful of jewels
I am just saying that I don't get why people do it and have never really heard a good justification for it. I double down on this when people get defensive and angry over it because it tends to feed my contention that I might be onto something. If you read back in the thread I even say, if you want to get married for some reason, have at it, hoss. I just see a huge potential mistake for a lot of people and when I point this out, people get very defensive over it. Then some of the dumber people will try to change the debate, saying it's about creating a better community and that if the laws are bad we should "just change them" as if it's getting a new set of tires or something.
I'm not mad though. Do you. You don't have to get why people do it. Its the same as some married people who don't get why people like you choose to not commit. You don't have to get why people do what they do. Everyone is different with a different set of values. I chose to be married to set an example for my kids. I don't see how a man would want to be a father without being married. This isn't a jungle. We as humans are built to do more than animals. Family to me, is the most important thing in the world. Whats a family without a father and mother being married? It isn't.

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
I'm not mad though. Do you. You don't have to get why people do it. Its the same as some married people who don't get why people like you choose to not commit. You don't have to get why people do what they do. Everyone is different with a different set of values. I chose to be married to set an example for my kids. I don't see how a man would want to be a father without being married. This isn't a jungle. We as humans are built to do more than animals. Family to me, is the most important thing in the world. Whats a family without a father and mother being married? It isn't.

Fair enough. I just am tired of people trying to act like I'm some sort of bad person for not wanting to get married and not really seeing the point.

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
:snoop: ya some sad quarrelsome ass nikkas.

A legacy means that my morals and values and my views on life get passed down and continue on. Most people that have good parents and most people with bad parents are a direct reflection of their parents. Good qualities and bad can be passed on generation to generation. Every man with a son has the same goal. "I hope I can raise my son to be a better man than me". Great men often come from these type of legacies. Every good quality in me i got from one parent or the other. I'm a equal combination of their best and worst qualities. When I have a son, I will try to make him be an even better man than me by trying to pass on only my great qualities.

Yea when I die ima die alone and I'llbe gone, but something of mine will live on. To me tthat's just amazing and a great part of life.

If u live single and never have kids, u really will just drop from the face of the earth and be forgotten in a couple of years :manny:

You do realize that you'll be forgotten either way, right? A photographic memory of our ancestors doesn't live on in our kids, they're completely separate people in fact, some of the most notable people in history were childless.