How many of you have no desire to get Married?


Goat ™
May 2, 2012
You said fidelity is one of the main reasons for marriage. It's not. Historically marriage was never about fidelity or romance. Marriage has always been about the joining of families and wealth.

Is fidelity important? Absolutely. Would I expect fidelity in my marriage, of course. But the number 1 purpose of marriage HISTORICALLY is the combination and accumilation of wealth. It's why there was a bride price (paid by the husband to the wife's family) and a dowry (paid by the wife to the husbands family).

This African cat at my job got married to a chick from hist tribe (they're from Tanzania). After he received his dowry from his wife, dude showed up in a 2013 Range Rover.

The concept of getting married because of love is a relatively new ideology. Like I said in my other post, I had 0 intentions of getting married before my boy showed me the tax benefits. Right now, I pay about $4000/mo in taxes. If I was married, my take home pay would go from $6300/mo to almost $8000/mo because married couples with dual incomes are taxed at a lower rate than single people are in the US.

fukk with y'all niggs talking bout, I'm getting married breh.
finally someone that gets it. the fact that most millionaires and billionaires are married. (and aquired that wealth WHILE MARRIED) should tell em something. :snoop:


All Star
Jun 14, 2012
Then yall wonder why the black community is so fukked up. :snoop:

First you work on the INDIVIDUAL. Individuals come together to form FAMILIES. Families come together to build COMMUNITIES. Communities united form NATIONS.

Yall nikkas refuse to see past the individual. As long as that's the case, fatherless children will run rampant. Poverty will be commonplace. Poverty leads to violence. It's a vicious cycle and yall young brothers need to realize that.

I better not hear any of yall talking about anything pro-black until you understand the concept of family. Selfishness is the root of all evil.

:obama: Powerful post ... Give this dude a round of applause :salute:


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
I don't know, you tell me....because I never said or even remotely implied that.

Why you feel the need to ask the next man about something like vasectomies is anyone's guess, but it's obvious you're just trolling and not in the mood for serious discussion.
You're the one who said that the idea that lack of marriages hurts the black community was "horseshyt". I'm just asking you to back it up. So, what do you have?

I'm not trolling. But it's always trolling on here when someone points out that your logic doesn't match up with your actions.


You can get cheated on in a marriageless relationship
You can get someone pregnant with out marriage, and it probably will happen if you're having sex +30 years with no commitment unless you get a vasectomy
You can still be held financially responsible for someone if they are living with you, even if she's just your girlfriend.

But these are all things many of you are readily opting out for, as if you're subverting the "consequences" of divorce/marriage.

At what point are you all going to admit that you really want companionship just as much as anyone else in this thread who wants to get married, but you just have no idea about how to make such happen successfully? You're making illogical leaps and bounds to justify not getting married when the consequences of your actions will lead to the same consequences of marriage.

The only person who makes sense out of all of you is WinB and his self-induced life of porn and jacking off.


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
You're the one who said that the idea that lack of marriages hurts the black community was "horseshyt". I'm just asking you to back it up. So, what do you have?

I'm not trolling. But it's always trolling on here when someone points out that your logic doesn't match up with your actions.


You can get cheated on in a marriageless relationship
You can get someone pregnant with out marriage, and it probably will happen if you're having sex +30 years with no commitment unless you get a vasectomy
You can still be held financially responsible for someone if they are living with you, even if she's just your girlfriend.

But these are all things many of you are readily opting out for, as if you're subverting the "consequences" of divorce/marriage.

At what point are you all going to admit that you really want companionship just as much as anyone else in this thread who wants to get married, but you just have no idea about how to make such happen successfully? You're making illogical leaps and bounds to justify not getting married when the consequences of your actions will lead to the same consequences of marriage.

The only person who makes sense out of all of you is WinB and his self-induced life of porn and jacking off.

I'm going to make it easy and quote what it is I posted:

One fool said in another thread that single lifestyle leads to the problems of the black community which is the biggest load of horseshyt.

Very different to what you claim it is I said. I was referring to an old thread from last year when someone said a man who chooses to remain childless and unmarried (in other words, being celibate) and just focuses on his goals and building himself up is "selfish" and still a problem to the black community for the simple fact that he's "neglecting" his "obligation" to marry and start a family.

As for the rest of your post, it's totally irrelevant to me because you're just arguing against a whole bunch of points I never even made. I can't speak for other dudes in this thread. They have their views, I have mine. You need to specifically address the people who made those claims.

Jesus Shuttlesworth

I Got Game
May 2, 2012
Can't agree with this....Its a lot of people fukking like crazy that do not want kids and take preventive measures to make sure that does not occur.

Nobody wants to have kids. :heh: But urrbody got em or will have em soon. Seems like the only people who don't have kids are the people that try.

I'm willing to accept a few valid reasons. Prison and/or substance abuse, some biological preventative like a vasectomy or bad swimmers or a barren, long-time monogamous partner, which is a common-law marriage. Other than that, every man who gets puss on the regular is having kids eventually. They must not be getting puss on the regular which would raise another question these days. :usure:

Unless you're saying these people never go raw? :childplease: :usure: And even condoms don't guarantee anything. A lot of nikkas got kids and don't even know it. :stopitslime: A lot.

How you think Earth's population got so big? Anyone who never has kids is a minority because most people have at least one. Whether they want to or not. That never really mattered. :heh:


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
finally someone that gets it. the fact that most millionaires and billionaires are married. (and aquired that wealth WHILE MARRIED) should tell em something. :snoop:

I was on the ":childplease: man fukk marriage" tip too (mainly because I had 0 desire to even live with another human being, much less sign a contract with them) but after my boy put me on to game, I had to change my tune.

Getting married essentially is a 25% pay raise for the rest of my life. Plus me any my girl already has plans on real estate investing. We're not even married yet and we gotta income property.

Get married and get paid brehs.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
I'm going to make it easy and quote what it is I posted:

One fool said in another thread that single lifestyle leads to the problems of the black community which is the biggest load of horseshyt.
So does the "single lifestyle" lead to good things in the black community? Going around and maintaining individualism despite what happens is good for a community? :dwillhuh:

And I drew a line specifically there for you to see that I wasn't talking to you. If the shyt doesn't apply to you, why are you still responding to it unless you want it to apply to you? :laff:


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Thats why you get a nice car and a house before getting married so when women come around and things go south you keep it :lolbron:

This is the coli. Most these nikkas don't even have a house or car that they own outright, but are in here complaining about some bytch taking half of their imaginary billions :russ:
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52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
You're the one who said that the idea that lack of marriages hurts the black community was "horseshyt". I'm just asking you to back it up. So, what do you have?

I'm not trolling. But it's always trolling on here when someone points out that your logic doesn't match up with your actions.


You can get cheated on in a marriageless relationship
You can get someone pregnant with out marriage, and it probably will happen if you're having sex +30 years with no commitment unless you get a vasectomy
You can still be held financially responsible for someone if they are living with you, even if she's just your girlfriend.

But these are all things many of you are readily opting out for, as if you're subverting the "consequences" of divorce/marriage.

At what point are you all going to admit that you really want companionship just as much as anyone else in this thread who wants to get married, but you just have no idea about how to make such happen successfully? You're making illogical leaps and bounds to justify not getting married when the consequences of your actions will lead to the same consequences of marriage.

The only person who makes sense out of all of you is WinB and his self-induced life of porn and jacking off.
Almost everything has a cost. Wanting something isn't the same as being willing to pay the price for it.

Marriage has a cost. You trade your freedom for that companionship and you guarantee the success of that marriage at the expense of half of what you own in the event it fails.

Some people look at that gamble and in the face of sacrificed freedom to make the gamble and come to the conclusion that you're crazy to take those odds. That's a rational decision to make.

Many people who are married don't even have real companionship. Many a woman use marriage as a way to subsidize their lives and marry providers they have no real emotional attachment to.

It's all a gamble really and you have to way the pros and cons and come to your own conclusions.

Me personally I'd rather have pornagraphy and masturbation than the bullshyt most women try to pass of as companionship which is really just a bunch of sacrifice and obligation on your end and you come up with the short end of the stick.

Women almost always get the better deal in a marriage. If we're really being honest here marriage is a concession men make to appease women.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
Marriage has a cost. You trade your freedom for that companionship and you guarantee the success of that marriage at the expense of half of what you own in the event it fails.

Many people who are married don't even have real companionship. Many a woman use marriage as a way to subsidize their lives and marry providers they have no real emotional attachment to.

Women almost always get the better deal in a marriage. If we're really being honest here marriage is a concession men make to appease women.
You only trade your freedom if you want. Many men have no desire to fukk hoes and what not for the rest of their life. Many men don't have naggy wives. You're making a conjecture there bud.

You only owe half if you chose a broke woman that has no desire to work.

Many people who are married DO have real companionship and that doesn't go away just because you want it to. Many women like having their own many to spend and want to help and grow money within their family.

Marriage is only a concession if you didn't want to get married to someone, but you did anyway. And unless your wife is a non-working woman with 0 responsibility, how does she fare better in marriage? I think your only problem is that you've never seen a truly equal marriage and from that you have a lot of negative experiences.

At any chance, I'd take my probables, rather than your certainty of loneliness.


Seduce & Scheme
Apr 30, 2012
If you're going to engage in any long term relationship you don't plan on ending you'll likely have to consider marriage. Marriage has advantages such as taxes, hospital visitation, leaving your spouse or them leaving you their assets in death.

A life long relationship without marriage is to your determent. This brings you to the obvious point. If you have no desire to get married then committed relationships themselves become something not worth bothering with.

You finally made some sense and the premise of this post would be a good thread
Jul 26, 2012
Nobody wants to have kids. :heh: But urrbody got em or will have em soon. Seems like the only people who don't have kids are the people that try.

I'm willing to accept a few valid reasons. Prison and/or substance abuse, some biological preventative like a vasectomy or bad swimmers or a barren, long-time monogamous partner, which is a common-law marriage. Other than that, every man who gets puss on the regular is having kids eventually. They must not be getting puss on the regular which would raise another question these days. :usure:

Unless you're saying these people never go raw? :childplease: :usure: And even condoms don't guarantee anything. A lot of nikkas got kids and don't even know it. :stopitslime: A lot.

How you think Earth's population got so big? Anyone who never has kids is a minority because most people have at least one. Whether they want to or not. That never really mattered. :heh:

A lot of people are having kids, some aren't. But guess what, everybody is fukking.....TRUST ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't see why its hard to believe that with all of the contraceptives available to women\and men, its hard to fathom that career oriented women don't have kids until later in life, cause please believe me, they are fukking.........:youngsabo:

That kid may not come until mid 30s for a lot of woman though

I deal mostly with chicks that got shyt to lost if they get pregnant right now.....

I love the young ratchet bytches too, but I am extra careful with them and keep them to a minimum

That's all I'm saying....I agree with everything else you stated, especially about how the family is the basic element of any functional community and it's one of the main reasons why the black community is in such disarray......

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
I'm going to make it easy and quote what it is I posted:

One fool said in another thread that single lifestyle leads to the problems of the black community which is the biggest load of horseshyt.

Very different to what you claim it is I said. I was referring to an old thread from last year when someone said a man who chooses to remain childless and unmarried (in other words, being celibate) and just focuses on his goals and building himself up is "selfish" and still a problem to the black community for the simple fact that he's "neglecting" his "obligation" to marry and start a family.

As for the rest of your post, it's totally irrelevant to me because you're just arguing against a whole bunch of points I never even made. I can't speak for other dudes in this thread. They have their views, I have mine. You need to specifically address the people who made those claims.

He's turned this into a "save the community" debate because it's a common go-to tactic in order to shame men into marrying. It's a very old-fashioned idea that implies that the only way a person can be a good, productive member of society is by having a family. He also keeps making the assumption that all men that don't marry are single fathers somehow, which is absolutely not the case. I personally could see myself just being perfectly content being a law abiding, tax paying, career driven citizen without a family that did things like travel and use my spare time for cool hobbies, but people get very offended when you don't conform to what their idea of the life of a good man is.

In the end, @DaChampIsHere espouses opinions that sound like they were formed by out of touch, old fashioned church ladies.