How many of you have no desire to get Married?

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
How is this horseshyt? How does one side of the race completely shunning the idea of marriage ever help out a community? Are the same people also, ya know, shunning sex as well?

Gonna use a **** line here, but what you guys want is all of the privilege with none of the responsibility.

In the situations that you all want, pregnancy is pretty unavoidable. There's a reason none of you are rushing to get vasectomies and that's because you want to have kids, which is crazy because you don't want to get married. If y'all are so about that life, why do none of you have vasectomies yet?! :damn:

I will be damned if any woman who is not in my family, lives under my roof (and with the way laws are set up today) and I still be financially responsible for her if she decides to leave. I will be damn if I live in a separate house from my family and leave them open to predators and my kids open to other men being around them. What you all are pretty much saying is that you're fine with all of that :damn: :damn: :damn:

That's just a little weird to me. Maybe if one of y'all could explain it better. But from what I'm seeing, every nikka in here wants kids and wants to make that kid himself, otherwise you'd be smart, freeze your sperm up, and get the big snip. But no one here has done that, meaning that we have a lot of irresponsible dudes talking something, that if they go through with it in the way they are now, will probably lead to some detrimental situations for society in the future. Get that snip brehs.

I get it, you never have anything to say to me because you can't handle the ether.

You do realize that marriage is about more than just kids, right? And that not every man that doesn't want to get married thinks that he'll never change his mind about not wanting kids, right? Are you gonna cry some more, now?


Jun 17, 2012
frank has it right. we live in an ugly world where cometition is encouraged instead of cooperation. the ethos trickles down to the point where women want early marriage, children by 25, trophy wife status where she doesn't have to go back to work. but she wants to keep up with the joneses so that means the man has to keep working to buy all the new stuff. to feed the wife, the babies.

after all, it is a race to the top for these women. all the man is is a steppingstone for her to get there. welcome to capitalism, young brehs

Chelsea Bridge

Aug 3, 2012
If I find someone that wants to get married for the right reasons, I may consider it but all that love, soul mate shyt doesn't last so I don't see t he point of getting married for those reasons.


Let That Hoe Go
May 30, 2012
You can have a family without being married. Love when dudes present the either or scenario. Loaded with fallacies and misinformation

In today's society, women get bored with relationships, and you'll be assigned as her entertainment. If not, she'll find somebody else to entertain her. Then what? You get divorced because of infidelity. She's still gonna win because it's unlikely that you have pictures on her in the bed getting banged out. And the longer you were married, the more she is entitled to. And since she doesn't want you anymore, she's going for the jugular. Take the chance if you want to.

The common rebuttal is marry the right one. Where you the same person 10 years ago? Then how the hell do you know that she's gonna be the same woman 10 years from now?

It's a law binding contract, and as a man I should reserve the right to walk away from any person or any situation that causes me stress, grief, and sadness without fear of penalty


All Star
May 22, 2012
The problem isn't "not believing in marriage." The problem is, potentially, the lifestyle you choose to live when you don't believe in marriage. The problem is having kids out of wedlock and continuing to live as if you're a single man/woman with no family. The problem is remaining single, but ruining other marriages because of your own selfish desires, preying on the temptations and weaknesses of married people(temptations and desires that everyone has, married or not). It's not that you don't believe in marriage. It's that you don't recognize the responsbiblities and implications of raising a child, or that you don't respect other people's marriages.

If you don't want to get married, then fine. But being single doesn't relinquish you of the responsibility of being a decent person. The selfishness comes into play when you start ruining other people's lives in order to maintain your own "single life." Depriving your children of a father or mother, prying your way into other people's marriages, raising children without providing them the emotional support they need in order to be functioning members of society, all because you want to live it up as single person.

Look at the reasons some people on here don't want to get married. Because they want to sleep around? Because they don't want to get cheated on? Because they don't want to get taken for everything in a divorce? You want a pren-up, marry someone who's okay with that. You don't want a person who will cheat on you, well then marry a person you believe to be a decent person and that has respect for themselves and you.

Looks to me like some of your minds are just warped to begin with. Anyone who has integrity, is rational, is respectful, and is a decent decision maker should be able to make a marriage work and marry a good spouse. If you don't think you can do that... then you're probably lacking in at least one of those areas.

Be single, be happy, and do you.... But don't ignore the implications of your actions. Don't enjoy your lives at the expense of others. That is when you become selfish.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
It's a law binding contract

Laws can be changed right? Laws change all the time.

Why aren't you working to change laws for some you claim to be very passionate about, why aren't you suggesting that people get good lawyers and prenups instead of standing behind actions that lead to perpetual generations of baby mama hood, detriments to society, heightened crime rates, pedophilia/child abuse by stepfathers/"uncles", lowered educational abilities, lowered self-confidence/esteem amongst kids, etc. ?

This is what I was talking about earlier. It's a very quitter-esqe mentality and a lazy cop out to something more that actually exists subconsciously/internally with MAJOR outward consequences. In reality, it just seems like you guys are covering up for another feeling because you're doing nothing about the "problem" you supposedly have.

If you have actually really have a problem, I think you should work to fix it. No BS. If there are as many men who agree with you and your ideas have a logical credence, then you should have no problem accomplishing such changes in this male-dominated power structure.

This post is encouragement. Not smart-assery. I seriously hope you all do something if you have a problem. I hate seeing single parent homes. shyt's atrocious and does not bode well for this claim that men are "leaders".
May 9, 2012
If that's what you feel is the purpose of marriage, then you definitely should never get married.

:what: I said ONE of the main makin' it sound like I said that's the ONLY reason

So fidelity isn't an important part of marriage? A man shouldn't try to marry a woman who he believes will be faithful, among other things?

You DEFINITELY need to explain this one.

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
Laws can be changed right? Laws change all the time.

Why aren't you working to change laws for some you claim to be very passionate about, why aren't you suggesting that people get good lawyers and prenups instead of standing behind actions that lead to perpetual generations of baby mama hood, detriments to society, heightened crime rates, pedophilia/child abuse by stepfathers/"uncles", lowered educational abilities, lowered self-confidence/esteem amongst kids, etc. ?

This is what I was talking about earlier. It's a very quitter-esqe mentality and a lazy cop out to something more that actually exists subconsciously/internally with MAJOR outward consequences. In reality, it just seems like you guys are covering up for another feeling because you're doing nothing about the "problem" you supposedly have.

If you have actually really have a problem, I think you should work to fix it. No BS. If there are as many men who agree with you and your ideas have a logical credence, then you should have no problem accomplishing such changes in this male-dominated power structure.

This post is encouragement. Not smart-assery. I seriously hope you all do something if you have a problem. I hate seeing single parent homes. shyt's atrocious and does not bode well for this claim that men are "leaders".

You make it sound like it's really easy to just go in and lobby to change family law like that. In addition, there are lots and lots of people that would like to maintain the status quo. It's not a male vs. female thing, either. There are women that simply don't want to get married, either. You're right. Your post isn't smart-assery, it's dumb assery.


May 1, 2012
nikkas actin like getting married automatically makes you a legitimate father though...

You know how many triflin' nikkas get married and then still live life like a single nikka? :dead: Getting married doesn't make you any more or less of a father than an unmarried one. At the end of the day it's about the dude. If he's a responsible dude, he gon' be a good father to his kid whether he's married or not. Marriage doesn't transform you into a responsible adult.

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
Thread started out asking if coli posters would like to get married, now it's just turned into a full fledge argument.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
:what: I said ONE of the main makin' it sound like I said that's the ONLY reason

So fidelity isn't an important part of marriage? A man shouldn't try to marry a woman who he believes will be faithful, among other things?

You DEFINITELY need to explain this one.

You said fidelity is one of the main reasons for marriage. It's not. Historically marriage was never about fidelity or romance. Marriage has always been about the joining of families and wealth.

Is fidelity important? Absolutely. Would I expect fidelity in my marriage, of course. But the number 1 purpose of marriage HISTORICALLY is the combination and accumilation of wealth. It's why there was a bride price (paid by the husband to the wife's family) and a dowry (paid by the wife to the husbands family).

This African cat at my job got married to a chick from hist tribe (they're from Tanzania). After he received his dowry from his wife, dude showed up in a 2013 Range Rover.

The concept of getting married because of love is a relatively new ideology. Like I said in my other post, I had 0 intentions of getting married before my boy showed me the tax benefits. Right now, I pay about $4000/mo in taxes. If I was married, my take home pay would go from $6300/mo to almost $8000/mo because married couples with dual incomes are taxed at a lower rate than single people are in the US.

fukk with y'all niggs talking bout, I'm getting married breh.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
What ether? :rudy:

@Jesus Shuttlesworth made some GREAT points at the beginning of the thread but he's starting to sound like one of those broads who gets offended when a man says he doesn't believe in marriage. Just because something is right for you doesn't make it right for everybody else, AND THIS IS COMING FROM SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO GET MARRIED SOMEDAY

May 9, 2012
You said fidelity is one of the main reasons for marriage. It's not. Historically marriage was never about fidelity or romance. Marriage has always been about the joining of families and wealth.

Is fidelity important? Absolutely. Would I expect fidelity in my marriage, of course. But the number 1 purpose of marriage HISTORICALLY is the combination and accumilation of wealth. It's why there was a bride price (paid by the husband to the wife's family) and a dowry (paid by the wife to the husbands family).

This African cat at my job got married to a chick from hist tribe (they're from Tanzania). After he received his dowry from his wife, dude showed up in a 2013 Range Rover.

The concept of getting married because of love is a relatively new ideology. Like I said in my other post, I had 0 intentions of getting married before my boy showed me the tax benefits. Right now, I pay about $4000/mo in taxes. If I was married, my take home pay would go from $6300/mo to almost $8000/mo because married couples with dual incomes are taxed at a lower rate than single people are.

fukk with y'all niggs talking bout, I'm getting married breh.

I don't care about the historical reasons for it. I was speaking for me personally.

If I'm dating a chick and I find out at some point that she cheated on me (or even that she cheated on some other nikka), then there's no way in HELL I'm ever putting a ring on her finger. One-time mistake my ass; you do it once then you're capable of doing it again. I don't care how good the marriage is money-wise, or how good the wife looks, or if she can cook, clean, be a good potential mother, etc.....if you got a wife who's likely to sneak nikkas in your home while you're out, then you fukked up

If one of your main reasons for getting married is financial, then do you :manny:......but it's not one of mine