How many of you have no desire to get Married?


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
I know right. I know dudes that want to travel to Brazil or Dominican Republic on vacation but their wives wont let them. I'll be damned if a woman tells me where I cant vacation at.

I couldn't imagine a broad telling me when I should wake up or go to sleep.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
Nobody's chasing you around, kid. You came here to post and we called you out on your obvious ducktales. :rudy:

You said yourself you're avoiding posting here recently because you are offended by the way people post on here. People have easily handled your retarded arguments and have called you out on your obvious "stories" that you post on here to try to prove your points, so there's no real reason for you to stay anymore except to try and look cool for a bunch of strangers here. And don't try to act like you don't lie and pretend to be someone you're not on here to look cool, because we've already exposed you. We're just calling you out on your obvious and predictable bullshyt every time we see you post because we like to remind you that you're full of shyt and that your ideas always have been and always will be beneath everyone else's.

:leon: And who's going to a tier 3? Certainly not me. :jawalrus: I already got a job offer anyway, maybe you should worry about spinning more stories about this fantasy life you lead about "lesbian roommates that want to have sex" or being in college for the last 8 years?

:blessed: Face facts, you put me on ignore because I show you the pathetic truth that is yourself. :umad:

I said I was offended? How can I get offended at anyone's opinion? :laugh: Do I think you all are stupid when it comes to topics like race, marriage, money, etc.? Yes. That's different from being offended. Has nothing to do what you all say about me. It's funny to me and I know the exact kind of response I will get when I make threads; I've been doing it for years. I get roasted, then still come back arrogant each time. It's a joke to me.

Also, no one exposed me. I admitted I lied in a thread when parlaying with a female poster who had a thing for me. She doesn't care. And unless you are trying to suck my dikk or I'm a father figure that you look up to, I don't get why you care.

And sure, I was in college for 8 years. :laff: I literally posted my 2008 high school graduation photos and screen shots from my old FB on some random shyt and some of you tards still seriously believe I was in college in 2006. :dead: And where did I say I had lesbian roommates? I had one. :mjpls:

And no, I'm putting you on ignore because all you do is follow me around and when you're not doing that you're talking about dumb shyt that's idiotic to me. Like, there are completely no redeeming qualities all around, on various counts. I'm not here to argue about shyt about my life that I don't personally care to prove, nor constantly argue with you about dumb shyt we don't agree on for our own reasons. For instance we have different views on marriage. Why, in your mind, do we need to keep arguing about such? What's the point? In your mind, why do we need to argue about it? Are either of us changing our opinions? I'm frankly, not offended by anything, just moreso old on this message board arguing, I literally been doin' the shyt for years and its so pointless and wasteful.

If you have a job offer, then congrats fool. Pretty sure you're lower tier 2 at most breh. No good law schools even in the top 60 in San Diego breh. I hope once you step into the real world and you are a salaried employee with money, you will have less time to post on here because you're too busy tending to life shyt to post like I do. I don't get whats hard to grasp about this concept. I hope you're not posting as much M-F 6 PM - 9 PM or Saturday and Sunday because you're too busy out having fun with your friends rather than sitting at home reading books/writing papers for class/sitting in class or tending to other extracurricular activities. Right now, apparently the concept of having a social life is foreign to you. I graduated, had a nice gig going, and I was chillin' too hard :noah: :umad: at that? Congrats. You are mad at your average person age 22-27.

And that's the elephant in the room that many can't or won't accept. It's fukkin okay not to be married, but society (esp fam) just can't accept that sometimes.
I think the problem that people have with people who staunchly don't want to get married is that these are the same people who will eventually litter the world with their illegitimate children.

Your average man who is anti-marriage isn't getting a vasectomy, isn't using condoms every time, and damn sure isn't practicing abstinence and therefore will more than likely, eventually bring about a b*stard ass child that other members of society have to stand in for as a proxy parent and that's frankly something a lot of people don't want to deal with.

Given the dynamics of the black community, it's particularly mindfukking because black men seem to have a serious distaste for black single mothers. What you're saying is either (a) women should never have sex with men who don't want to get married (b) women (who more than likely want to have children, get married) should have a lifetime of popping birth control, emergency contraceptives, and abortions to meet the needs/wants of men (something that will never happen)

Every country in the world promotes some form of marriage, because it's understood that communities fair better with such in tact.

If you all have a problem with the laws surrounding marriage, that's one thing. But all the anti-marriage stuff just frankly comes off as a lazy response to a lack of umph to do something about what's really the problems and an excuse/scapegoat for another feeling. If you have a problem with the laws, fix the laws instead of complaining. Doesn't that make sense?

The way people answer questions when this thread topic comes up, breeds no positive outcome for anyone. The end result is always gonna be, more baby mamas, less marriages.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Too many fukkin' people like to cheat too damn much, for me to believe there could EVER be a woman who'd only open her legs for me, for life

And that's one of the main reasons for marriage, IMO - to officially make that p*ssy yours and yours only

If that's what you feel is the purpose of marriage, then you definitely should never get married.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
I've never heard a good reason to get married. Some women get very upset when you speak out against marriage. Unless you're religious or dead set on having kids, there's no real good reason to take that plunge. People just do it because they don't want to look like the odd person out or they are afraid of "dying alone" (despite everyone dying alone anyway), so they kinda just do what everyone else does.

I never knew a good reason to get married until my boy told me how much he saves on taxes :wow:

I'd be making an extra $1600 a month if I was married, not to mention the extra money my gf would make :damn:

My boy just hit me with :umad:


May 1, 2012
I think the problem that people have with people who staunchly don't want to get married is that these are the same people who will eventually litter the world with their illegitimate children.

Your average man who is anti-marriage isn't getting a vasectomy, isn't using condoms every time, and damn sure isn't practicing abstinence and therefore will more than likely, eventually bring about a b*stard ass child that other members of society have to stand in for as a proxy parent and that's frankly something a lot of people don't want to deal with.

Given the dynamics of the black community, it's particularly mindfukking because black men seem to have a serious distaste for black single mothers. What you're saying is either (a) women should never have sex with men who don't want to get married (b) women (who more than likely want to have children, get married) should have a lifetime of popping birth control, emergency contraceptives, and abortions to meet the needs/wants of men (something that will never happen)

Every country in the world promotes some form of marriage, because it's understood that communities fair better with such in tact.

If you all have a problem with the laws surrounding marriage, that's one thing. But all the anti-marriage stuff just frankly comes off as a lazy response to a lack of umph to do something about what's really the problems and an excuse/scapegoat for another feeling. If you have a problem with the laws, fix the laws instead of complaining. Doesn't that make sense?

The way people answer questions when this thread topic comes up, breeds no positive outcome for anyone. The end result is always gonna be, more baby mamas, less marriages.




I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
You keep thinking about YOURSELF, that's why you don't understand.

Marriage benefits men because they are a part of society. And society, as a whole, is much better without a bunch of fatherless children running around.

Your mind is shallow. All you can see is you. That's why I don't even expect you to understand me. Hopefully you will mature soon and will realize there are other people in this world.

Besides, you should never be taken serious in these talks because we all know your history, breh. :beli:

Thank God she aborted it though because he'd just be another fatherless b*stard. :yeshrug:

:damn: throw in the damn towel


the heir apparent
Jun 21, 2012
Jesus Christ was a man of peace
Jesus Shuttlesworth is a man of ether :to:

What ether? :rudy:

@Jesus Shuttlesworth made some GREAT points at the beginning of the thread but he's starting to sound like one of those broads who gets offended when a man says he doesn't believe in marriage. Just because something is right for you doesn't make it right for everybody else, AND THIS IS COMING FROM SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO GET MARRIED SOMEDAY

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
I said I was offended? How can I get offended at anyone's opinion? Do I think you all are stupid when it comes to topics like race, marriage, money, etc.? Yes. That's different from being offended. Has nothing to do what you all say about me. I been gettin' roasted on SOHH for years and I often purposely make threads to make myself the butt of the joke on some troll shyt. It's funny to me and I know the exact kind of response I will get when I make threads; I've been doing it for years. I get roasted, then still come back arrogant each time. It's a joke to me.

Also, no one exposed me. I admitted I lied in a thread when parlaying with a female poster who had a thing for me. She doesn't care. And unless you are trying to suck my dikk or I'm a father figure that you look up to, I don't get why you care.

And sure, I was in college for 8 years. I literally posted my 2008 high school graduation photos and screen shots from my old FB on some random shyt and you tards still seriously believe I was in college in 2006. And where did I say I had lesbian roommates? I had one.

And no, I'm putting you on ignore because all you do is follow me around and when you're not doing that you're talking about dumb shyt that's idiotic to me. Like, there are completely no redeeming qualities all around, on various counts. I'm not here to argue about shyt about my life that I don't personally care to prove, nor constantly argue with you about dumb shyt we don't agree on for our own reasons. For instance have different views on marriage. Why, in your mind, do we need to keep arguing about such? I seriously don't get it lol. It's like having a nagging girlfriend who wants to keep bringing up shyt we already decided we differed on. What's the point? I'm frankly, not offended by anything, just moreso old on this message board arguing, I literally been doin' the shyt for years and its so pointless and wasteful.

If you have a job offer, then congrats fool. Pretty sure you're lower tier 2 at most breh. No good law schools in San Diego. I hope once you step into the real world and you are a salaried employee with money, you will have less time to post on here because you're too busy tending to life shyt to post like I do. I don't get whats hard to grasp about this concept. I hope you're not posting as much M-F 6 PM - 9 PM or Saturday and Sunday because you're too busy out having fun with your friends rather than sitting at home reading books/writing papers for class/sitting in class or tending to other extracurricular activities. Right now, apparently the concept of having a social life is foreign to you. I graduated, had a nice gig going, and I was chillin' too hard at that? Congrats. You are mad at your average person age 22-27.

You seem to take my disagreements with you awfully personal and yes, I do think, like many others, that you're generally pretty dumb when it comes to a very broad variety of topics. :ld: I think that you take great offense to being called out on your ducktales and to when people disagree with you, which is why you seem to like getting into these extended, protracted arguments with people on here. You take the subjects just as personally as anyone else and to pretend that you're somehow above it when you're participating with everyone else is also bullshyt. You get "roasted" because people called you out on treads and posts that you made that you probably had intended on being serious about at first, but then people exposed you, so then you decided to pretend that you were trolling the whole time. :stopitslime:

I enjoy pointing out that you're full of shyt because it discredits the stupid things that you post on here and it seems to run you up the wall quite a bit. You take it really personally and you can't understand how funny it is to the rest of us. You also can't seem to understand that you keep making claims on shyt that you can't be held to prove because you posted some shyt on SOHH (that you didn't post in your exposal thread) or you'll talk about knowing posters in real life that don't lurk here anymore. :comeon: You then go on to talk about how you hate how you disagree with me on things and that you don't like the other things that I post about, but in reality you just don't like that I and many others here are able to counter the dumb things you say. Essentially you're like the little fat kid that gets beaten at a sport, so he'll take his ball and go home crying. :manny: Then you try to tell people that you're not offended by the things that I write after you announce that you put me on ignore because you "can't handle the negativity." :comeon:

Now I know that after being exposed as a total fraud multiple times (we all know you're a fraud so you can stop desperately denying it) you want to pretend that you have a cool job elsewhere and that you "don't have time" to post here, but we all know that you can't handle the fact that you've been outed and that you're going to keep getting called out on your stupid opinions and your lies. The only argument you ever seem to have is to either simply declare yourself correct or to just tell anyone who disagrees with you "hurr u mad bro." Sometimes you'll act like USD is a bad law school, which it isn't, but hey, graduating without debt and a great job isn't exactly a huge L to me. :yeshrug: Getting a scholarship to the best law school in San Diego while graduating toward the top of my class isn't my idea of a bad life. Maybe you'll make up a story to one-up that one, though? :mjpls:

Your last three sentences pretty much summarize the way you talk to people on here. You'll pretend that you've made an argument when you've just been making childish insults the whole time. Come to think of it, in a way, your posting style simply reeks of blatant projection. :leon:


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
:dead: @ This dude's screen name showing up as "Ignored Member" :laff:

New ignore function >>>> Old ignore function. :stylin:

SN: Brehs, I used to be staunchly against marriage too on some hippie shyt. Really on some "We can be together with out papers" type shyt too. But then I started to consider my legacy, and my future seed(s), and what rights I want the woman I want to be with to have, and where I want to be financially and I said, fukk that dumb shyt :damn:

Tax breaks, legal rights, shared benefits, etc. IMO, it's too many certainties to let go of in the fear of an uncertainty that may never happen, or that may happen amicably.

I mean, the homos out here ain't protestin' and shyt for no reason. There is a certain value to marriage in our way of life.

Marriage ain't gotta be bad if you do it right. I agree that certain laws should be changed, but talkin' shyt on a message board or dropping marriage completely ain't gonna do the trick. In fact, leaving unwed mothers is just gonna make people punish unmarried dudes/fathers more in the long run. We could have a mass "Don't get married brehs" movement, but dudes are still gonna be knockin' bytches up which will only incite government anger towards fathers and bring about harsher laws in child support and divorce proceedings.
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I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
Goddamn I wish I could dap this post more than once. People always try to pull that shyt in order to shame you into adopting their way of life because they can't possibly fathom that people want to life a live that's different from their own. They try to call your sexuality into question or loyalty to your ethnic/racial group to get you to fall in line. Personally I know myself well enough to realize that I can be mature about this and just avoid marriage all together while having a good career, being a good citizen, paying my taxes, and traveling, but others insist that you need to marry someone and have kids in order to be happy somehow. If someone else wants to marry and have kids, fine. Have at it, hoss. I've never heard a good reason to do it, but hey, people are gonna do what they're gonna do. Doesn't mean that you have to be threatened by people that live differently than you.

I know...and at best they call you "selfish" which is absolutely ridiculous, because, selfish against whom or what exactly? The shaming tactics used are so played out and redundant.

One fool said in another thread that single lifestyle leads to the problems of the black community which is the biggest load of horseshyt. So I should just go out and get a wife to prove I'm a "real man" and ignore building myself as a person just because you say so? FOH. And yes, just how everybody rightly criticises black men who have illegitimate kids all over the place, they have just as much a right to criticise a lot of these single mothers who are just as much to blame for opening their legs to dudes whom they know 9 times out of 10 are no damn good anyway. I ain't got shyt to do with any of that and never will.

I think some dudes are deep down simply resentful of other guys who still have a choice. I've said it before, anyone who has a particular lifestyle and is happy with it and know who they are don't care about other people's choices. If I ever did get married again, it wouldn't be until I'm at least in my late 30s which is the only way I'd ever have children IF life goes that way for me. I may be starting a new job soon that would require a lot of travel, so marriage simply isn't on the cards for me right now anyway. I get a few family members talking in my ear from time to time, but I ignore it. I'll do shyt when I'M ready.

I would never name call and dissuade any dude who wants to get married, period. Why should I? It has fcuk all to do with me. I would just advise them not to do it unless they've known the chick for three years at least.
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Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
:dead: @ This dude's screen name showing up as "Ignored Member" :laff:

New ignore function >>>> Old ignore function. :stylin:

SN: Brehs, I used to be staunchly against marriage too on some hippie shyt. Really on some "We can be together with out papers" type shyt too. But then I started to consider my legacy, and my future seed(s), and what rights I want the woman I want to be with to have, and where I want to be financially and I said, fukk that dumb shyt :damn:

Tax breaks, legal rights, shared benefits, etc. IMO, it's too many certainties to let go of in the fear of an uncertainty that may never happen, or that may happen amicably.

I mean, the homos out here ain't protestin' and shyt for no reason. There is a certain value to marriage in our way of life.

Marriage ain't gotta be bad if you do it right. I agree that certain laws should be changed, but talkin' shyt on a message board or dropping marriage completely ain't gonna do the trick. In fact, leaving unwed mothers is just gonna make people punish unmarried dudes/fathers more in the long run. We could have a mass "Don't get married brehs" movement, but dudes are still gonna be knockin' bytches up which will only incite government anger towards fathers and bring about harsher laws in child support and divorce proceedings.

You seem to keep making the huge assumption that anyone who doesn't want to get married is an absentee father. You can have a "legacy" without kids. In fact, many people do. Marriage just isn't for everyone. Kids aren't for everyone. Getting waist deep into an institution that even you admitted had laws that need changing doesn't sound like an ideally good time to people.


May 27, 2012
qc NC
:whew: glad I didn't get caught up in the marriage/baby-momma matrix...These dumb btches is more concerned about competing with other females than the idea of building something meaningful through marriage's all about the competition for these hos whether it's about marriage, having kids, or just simple dating...I refuse to play the game...I'm slowly evolving into the "you can have whatever you like" type of ngga and I'm ok with that lol...


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
One fool said in another thread that single lifestyle leads to the problems of the black community which is the biggest load of horseshyt.

How is this horseshyt? How does one side of the race completely shunning the idea of marriage ever help out a community? Are the same people also, ya know, shunning sex as well?

Gonna use a **** line here, but what you guys want is all of the privilege with none of the responsibility.

In the situations that you all want, pregnancy is pretty unavoidable. There's a reason none of you are rushing to get vasectomies and that's because you (subconsciously) want to have kids, which is crazy because you don't want to get married. If y'all are so about that life, why do none of you have vasectomies yet?! :damn:

I will be damned if any woman who is not in my family, lives under my roof (and with the way laws are set up today) and I still be financially responsible for her if she decides to leave. I will be damn if I live in a separate house from my family and leave them open to predators and my kids open to other men being around them. What you all are pretty much saying is that you're fine with all of that :damn: :damn: :damn:

That's just a little weird to me. Maybe if one of y'all could explain it better. But from what I'm seeing, every nikka in here wants kids and wants to make that kid himself, otherwise you'd be smart, freeze your sperm up, and get the big snip. But no one here has done that, meaning that we have a lot of irresponsible dudes talking something, that if they go through with it in the way they are now, will probably lead to some detrimental situations for society in the future. Get that snip brehs.
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