How many of you have no desire to get Married?

Jesus Shuttlesworth

I Got Game
May 2, 2012
You've made some decent points, especially concerning how lack of family values contributes to the problems Black Americans have, but you're going a little overboard. Not every man wants to get married and the bolded is ridiculous.

Every man 50 plus has either been married at least once, has mad kids, or spent a lot of time in prison or :usure: ?

Or at least co-habitating as they do now a days. :yeshrug:

Before my man got married he asked me what was gonna be different. I said nikka yall been living together 4 years and bout to have baby number 3. :what: Nothing is changing.

But if you don't meet a woman that's gonna at least cook, clean and take care of your biological urges like a champ then you're not looking hard enough.

A wife to a man is like a girlfriend to a boy. Like you still don't have a girlfriend? Still? :usure:

Like I said at least show me some kids that look like you. If you're gettin some on the regular you're gonna empregnate somebody.

Unless you never hit it raw. :usure:

But my original point them kids born just to "prove your manhood" have to now grow up in a broken home. Now watch the cycle...

Marriage is a microcosm for COMMUNITY. We are men. We take control of a home situation as we would take control of a community situation. There are roles to be played for the community to thrive. These basic principles are practiced everyday in a marriage.

There is a treasury. There's definitely a treasury :pachaha:. There's a King/mayor/president/CEO/HNIC or whtvr that position is called in whatever home or business... See now we're talking about community again.

And I wanna echo the homie @biscuitsnbangers who pointed out that it begins at the INDIVIDUAL level. We have to get control of our own lives. Clean our selves up and proceed to the next level, family. Then community, then nation.

For the community to be the best we have to prepare the future generations. We prepare them for community life by showing them the example in family life. From a very young age. We show them how a family is run, we show them how a BUSINESS is run. It's exactly the same. No family, no tribe, no legacy...

The thing is, kids are inevitable. Like I said if you got mad kids I can see you not getting married but even then...

But I don't see how you can never have kids unless there's something wrong biologically. Soldiers not marching or chromosomes not adding up but you can't tell me you never hit it raw? Never? :usure:

I'm telling you if you're straight and you're hittin puss on the regular :usure:, them kids is coming so for our future generation's sake, let's show em how to do this, son.

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
TS is a homo troll

WinB is a latent homo

Reincar is a closet homo

And Blvd Brawler has been too afraid to break up with his girl friend that he complains about relentless for the past +4 years, got banned for posting penis pics and is therefore probably a homo and his girlfriend is probably his beard.

I have no idea why you all arguing about heterosexual marriage with any of them.

That is all.

And you're a lying simp that got exposed as a fraud and ran out months ago.

Air Nikes N Hats

Poor mans Johnny Football Lifestyle!
May 28, 2012
I'm 33, and I can honestly say that I don't desire it in any way, shape, or form. I spent most of my 20s, working on my degrees, putting in hours at my job and enjoying the little free time I had the best I could.

I was in a 4 year relationship.....many ups, but even more downs (had to deal with a hardlined Middle-Eastern family who didnt approve of the relationship). Eventually it wore us both down, the end was pretty ugly. I didn't know what to do with myself after.....rather then sulk/be angry, I started traveling....seeing places....meeting people, experiencing new things. I've since become somewhat self-centered. I've met a few nice women I've dated casually but I cannot stay interested. Ill give a woman 3-4 months before I become "bored" and move on. I also enjoy the freedom of doing what I want, when I like, without feeling the need to consult with a significant other.

Lets face it.....Marriage isn't for everyone, and society in general is slowly opening up to the idea that getting married doesn't define who you are, what you want, or where you want to go in life.

I'd rather be by myself, then one of those people who fails over and over at marriages ala Larry King

Jesus Shuttlesworth

I Got Game
May 2, 2012
Yes lawd, with all my spirit :lawd: :blessed:

:whoa: My bad, breh. No disrespect. I'm just bsing. But you're most likely gonna have kids. Don't you want that kid growing up with the best guidance possible? Be a part if that? Oversee that? It's in everyone's best interest, the kid, me, the world...

Marriage/family life is for the kids as much as anybody and if done right can at the very least teach our future generations to love and take of one another. Not oh you're my kid? Well, see you on the weekend lil nikka :myman:

We gotta at least try. And you're most likely gonna meet a woman and get serious with her, we're men, that's what we do. All we do is hunt women, now's your chance to bring one home so now you can chill. It's like, we used to hafta go tithe movies but now we got 3D projectors at the crib. Go to the pool hall? Pool table in the game room. We could go out to eat but our chef at home is better :ld:

We could go to the club meeting crazy chicks, and yes the older the crazier, or we can come home to a nice young thing who hasn't been emotionally dragged through a broken car wash only to have a car splash a mud puddle on her precisely upon her exit.

And guess what, the good ones/baddest ones get snatched up early. Yall nikkas left with them broke bytches. :umad:

Damaged, deeply depressed, bitter, bad body... Chicks in the club past 30? :scusthov:

That's something nobody wanted to wife up but it's all you now. :yeshrug:

Plus the babies, breh. :ufdup: It's inevitable, that's what sex is about, procreation. Straight men who get tang make babies. This is how the earth is populated. I'm just pointing out the obvious, and you have to know this, that those kids are better off in a family environment so they deserve at least a try. I would say get one earlier than later though because why wouldn't the good ones get taken? This is common sense.

If you're chasing women at 50 odds are they're not going to be very high quality :scusthov:. :yeshrug:
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LWO suicide bomber
Nov 19, 2012
Out here in my damn drawls
:whoa: My bad, breh. No disrespect. I'm just bsing. But you're most likely gonna have kids. Don't you want that kid growing up with the best guidance possible? Be a part if that? Oversee that? It's in everyone's best interest, the kid, me, the world...

Marriage/family life is for the kids as much as anybody and if done right can at the very least teach our future generations to love and take of one another. Not oh you're my kid? Well, see you on the weekend lil nikka :myman:

We gotta at least try. And you're most likely gonna meet a woman and get serious with her, we're men, that's what we do. All we do is hunt women, now's your chance to bring one home so now you can chill. It's like, we used to hafta go tithe movies but now we got 3D projectors at the crib. Go to the pool hall? Pool table in the game room. We could go out to eat but our chef at home is better :ld:

We could go to the club meeting crazy chicks, and yes the older the crazier, or we can come home to a nice young thing who hasn't been emotionally dragged through a broken car wash only to have a car splash a mud puddle on her precisely upon her exit.

And guess what, the good ones/baddest ones get snatched up early. Yall nikkas left with them broke bytches. :umad:

Damaged, deeply depressed, bitter, bad body... Chicks in the club past 30? :scusthov:

That's something nobody wanted to wife up but it's all you now. :yeshrug:

Plus the babies, breh. :ufdup: It's inevitable, that's what sex is about, procreation. Straight men who get tang make babies. This is how the earth is populated. I'm just pointing out the obvious, and you have to know this, that those kids are better off in a family environment so they deserve at least a try. I would say get one earlier than later though because why wouldn't he good ones get taken? This is common sense.
If you're chasing women at 50 odds are they're not going to be very high quality :scusthov:.

:what: You're dealing alot of "what-ifs" her , Shuttlesworth, and I'm saying how it is for moi. Marriage and kids (for the most part) are a choice, and I'm not choosing either. The whole reason for these failed relationships and marriages, in my opinion, is because people aren't honest or sure about what they want or don't want; I know for a fact that me and my personality is not a fit it, and it's that simple for me. I can only take people in small doses because they demand too much attention and are emotional leeches, just needy for no reason :scusthov:. That's why I don't waste a female's time if I know that an attached relationship is what she's looking for because I ain't the one :no:

And guess what, the good ones/baddest ones get snatched up early. Yall nikkas left with them broke bytches.

Guess I'd have to get at 'em before they start wanting to "settle down" with their future husbands, now wouldn't I? Almost every woman has a history before they decide they want to get married,and I don't mind being apart of that history (maybe even after she gets married too takedat:smile:

Marriage/family life is for the kids as much as anybody and if done right can at the very least teach our future generations to love and take of one another.

Exactly why a person like myself should avoid those types of entanglements, I'm too much of a free independent spirit heh:.I don't want that stuff, but if an accident happens, my children will have a father, he just wouldn't be married to their mom. To be quite honest, future generations are not my concern at this point.

If you're chasing women at 50 odds are they're not going to be very high quality .

But a wife will be on menopausal mode around that time and :flabbynsick:, and I wouldn't have to be stuck with her :heh:

You seem happy with what you have (for now), but it's not my thing :yeshrug:


Best After Bobby
May 26, 2012
Nah, that's your President Reincar. I don't like the condition of my people and you're one of the main reasons it's so fukked up. What's the difference between you and Zimmerman? Neither one of yall give a fukk about black people. If you did you would raise a family and teach them how to be productive members of society. nikkas like you who run from just the thought of responsibility are why we can't grow as a people.

I'll say it again. Grow up, b.

Wow, one person can't be this dense.

Not getting married = not caring about black people? In this thread I've seen you insinuate that kids in married homes don't commit crimes, that a poster's unborn son will die of murder because he doesn't want to get married, and that not wanting to get married means you're estrogen filled (despite the fact that women crave getting married).

I don't even see how @BlvdBrawler has been able to respond so many times to your strawman arguments. All you can do is attack his character by saying he likes cartoons or implying he lives with his parents despite not having any evidence of the fact, rather than present a logical explanation for your stance. It's ridiculous that you can't accept some men not wanting to get married -- what are you, the marriage Gestapo?


Best After Bobby
May 26, 2012
this is the truth right here.

Everyone that like p*ssy and women eventually gets married because no one is going to be chasing women in their lates 30s.

Derek Jeter apparently likes p*ssy and women and isn't married.

Sorry, but why do you all have a problem with some men not wanting to get married? It's creepy. The lack of respect for another human's choices is astounding.

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
My parents never got married so I'd like to because of that, plus I'd love to have kids, I love kids, but I don't want to get married at the wrong time. I see so many married couples who don't get along but settle for each other for the kids. Hell no, not for me.

Mr. Jack Napier

May 1, 2012
The Empire State
My parents were never "officially" married and they were together for 17 years. Me and my brothers turned out pretty damn well, if I say so myself. All 3 of us are college graduates, never been arrested and don't have any children. So I really don't understand the notion unmarried couples/families are a problem in this society.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
And you're a lying simp that got exposed as a fraud and ran out months ago.

Not even going to waste my times trying to "prove" myself to a stranger on a message board but,

If I got run off of an Internet message board, why am I still posting on this bytch? :laff: I grew up, graduated, got more free time, used it and now :umad: cause I'm not on here enough for you to hang on my nuts everyday now?

Maybe you should be like me instead of chasing me around messageboards when I do decide to post and wasting your time at a tier 3 law school for idiot underachievers that probably won't lead to any good or lukewarm job prospects :dead:

Thanks for reminding me to put you back on my ignore list. With my alert notifications off, you'll be just as unnoticeable as you are in the real world. :ehh:
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May 15, 2013
Okay so how many times are you guys going to talk about marriage? We already know the majority of these strong independent men dont need no wife :heh: