You stay pulling "facts" out your ass.
As in no longer in Black people's hands. It belongs to outsiders now.
You stay pulling "facts" out your ass.
I've already touched on this in my "If you don't own, you can't complain about Gentrification." thread.
Why do blacks wait on whites to gentrify communities instead lf doing it themselves?
As in no longer in Black people's hands. It belongs to outsiders now.
I disagree. Ebonics in no way could be argued as being a language like Patois or Creole. It's colloquialism, plain and simple, easy to decipher too. Black Americans honestly don't have shyt to unite ourselves except free will.
If you were around some Spanish people who didn't want you to pick up what they were saying, they could put reverb, slang, and all types of shyt in their speech and still speak Spanish and only other Spanish people could pick that up. It would be akin to talking in code over the phone. Ebonics can't do any of that.
ebonics is decreolized to the fullest. while i have reservations, i do think Jamaicans should (and they have in Jamaica) start to standardize Patois and use it as a unifying force
Thing is one can argue Black Americans created their own language but allowed non Blacks to monetize it. "Ebonics" and other regional slangs are languages of the people who came up in those communities/cultures. Hell look at when Migos or Chi town rappers get interviewed white folks put captions on the screen so people can understand what they are saying. At the end of the day if you are Black no matter where you are from and hear other blacks talk you will essentially pick up the ear to hear the mother tongues. I`m not Jamaican but when I watched Money and Violence I could understand EVERY thing the Jamaicans would say on the show.
Aave/ebonics is one of the best examples of decreolization in the entire world. Prove me wrong. Do you even understand the difference between jargon, accents, dialects, syntax, or any theories surrounding creole languages?No shade but if you're not AA or didn't grow up speaking AAVE you wont be able to pick up on it. Hence sites like Urban Dictionary existing.
Mainstream AAVE is not the same as the AAVE spoken among US, we purposely "Decreolize" it as means to translate.
It's ever changing as well. People often forget America is Huge! Our states are bigger than countries and our cities are bigger than most islands. For that reason alone it's pretty silly to try and compare our our languages. Just as there is no Standard American accent ,there isn't a singular version of AAVE. We arent a monolith so why would we have a monolithic laguage?!?
The problem with these discussions is the fact that it is always had by Non-AAs, non Americans or Suburanites who really didn't grow up in our culture. Most of you know of our culture through Media e.i. Racist Propaganda News, Scripted RealityTV, Social Media, and Music videos.
Simply put just because you don't experience certain aspects of OUR culture doesn't mean it doesn't exist!
Im really curious why people who aren't AA feel they can speaking in absolutes about my culture.
Anyone care to answer that?
I agree with the bold.
Flushing is like taking a train to another continent.The Chinatown in Manhattan is heavily gentrified and will be mostly White owned in a decade or two so I don't buy this article. Most of the Chinese are moving to the Chinatown in Queens.
I really dont give af about anyone else's language to be clear.Aave/ebonics is one of the best examples of decreolization in the entire world. Prove me wrong. Do you even understand the difference between jargon, accents, dialects, syntax, or any theories surrounding creole languages?
Chinatown poverty levels are crazy
The poverty of Manhattan's Chinatown revealed in photographs
Living in cages is not what's hot in the streets
Dudes always wanna prop other cultures/situations up as better than black people.Yeah it was fairly common to hear about murder in these places.
You could rent those cages for 50 bucks a night in Chinatown so they tend to attract unsavory types.
Do you know how much Black wealth was bred in Harlem? Just how many Black millionaires have moved out of Harlem?How, Sway?
Do you know how much Black wealth was bred in Harlem? Just how many Black millionaires have moved out of Harlem?
If we'd kept the rappers, musicians, artists, actors, lawyers, doctors, business people and bankers in Harlem, it would look entirely different right now.
and harlem COULD be the epicenter in the US...but alas