Isaiah Bradley
-It's defeatist when you're making a situation seem out of control, when that's not the reality- Nothing defeatest as recognizing in situations where the majority controls the power structure and has a overwhelming amount of force that the minority is going to be subjected to their whims.
- Not minimizing asian, italian, or jewish success. You don't become succesful without work and all those communities have largely worked to make inroads in US society, fact of the matter is this though, they aren't black, so in a anti-black society, they have the benefit of leaving associations with black people that most of these societies developed in this nation with. Now what group of people in a anti-black society, will always get it worse than others? Thats right, the group that is black.
- I didn't wrongly summarize your stance, you literally said white racism wasn't the reason black enclaves were destroyed.
- I specifically said why little italy was brought up, I specifically said the exact reason I mentioned it. If you ignore that, thats on you, again if you want to argue strawmen feel free, just don't reference me in it.
- I haven't ignored anything regarding white supremacy, I've acknowledged it wholly.
- I haven't passed any opinion on Chinatown off as fact, nothing I've said about it has been factually incorrect.
-You're clearly minimizing Chinese efforts by simply saying they not Black. Again, stop trying to find inspiration for the Black plight by minimizing the success of other communities, there's no reason or benefits in doing so
-If I literally said that, then just post my quote, which you didn't cause I did not say it. Nice try
-You brought up Little Italy to prove that Whitefolks allowed it to exist because they didn't draw the ire and angst, which is exactly I said summarized without the ire and angst words. I proved that this was BS, so again you failedYou never had a documented history of asians ever drawing the ire and angst of white americans in ways that Native americans and black americans did, to the point where even to this day you still have whites who justify killing black children because they look "dangerous" ie are black. That is the difference in why chinatowns can stay chinatown, why little italy can stay little italy, why koreatown can stay koreatown, and etc. To a very real extent the white populace had no desire to destroy these areas, they weren't scared of these areas, so they allowed them to exist.
Clearly I meant to write China. Once again, my point had nothing to do with Blackfolks. It doesn't make sense why you compared what I wrote to Black folks when I've at no point attempted to compare the plight of two different communities. Again, stop trying to find inspiration in the Blackplight and feeling the need to push a narrative at the expense of facts and miniziing other community sucessesYou didn't right about cultural connection in chinatown, you specifically said china.
That is what I replied to, either keep up with what you write or just admit you are looking for a choir to preach to.
You literally said it wasn't white folks idea to take advantage of and destroy black communities with the interstate
lol I literally said something that wasn't said at all. If you read for comprehension versus being geeked to click the reply button to fish for daps, you'll notice I made a point to distinguish the inability of the whiteman to see the future and purposely abandon once white communities, so that black folks could move in cause they knew in a few decades, they will erect an interstate to undermine the Black community that was growing there. You're giving the whiteman too much credit
lol. It's too easy to expose folks like you with an agenda because you're so eager to connect imaginary dots that you're literally making up arguments and lies of what I said, so to have the ability to response with something you wanted to say orignially, but are using a round about way of doing itNow I'm trying to take the non attack the victim mentality of your post, but if what you are saying is that its black americans fault that white people went out of their way to destroy their communities, its even worse than what I said before. Because you would then not have been excusing the white power structure for its crime, but actually blaiming the black american victims of white supremacy for what white people did to them.
Let us get this clear,
The only person comparing Chinese communities to other communities, is you
The only person that is giving the Whiteman godly abilities and credit for seeing the future, is you
The only person that is trying to minimize the successful efforts of the Chinese, in a thread about Chinatown, by talmbowt what happen to other communities, is you