After looking at TigerDirect's Black Friday ad, I think I'll be able to shave off a little bit more of my final cost or upgrade some things for the same price that I initially found. Black Friday / Cyber Monday Ad Scans, Deals, Previews and Secrets at
They have the CPU I just copped for 20 less than Micro Center, but that's cool cause I got the 40 off on the motherboard so...
But they do have a 3TB internal for 89, and if I opt to stay with the 2TB they have one for 69. I'm only on page 2 of the add and I've already noted a few things.
I'm all over that 3TB.

that motherboard has a built in sound card. plus that sound card you linked to is kinda bo-bo. that mobo actually has an optical out, but that sound card doesn't. basically you don't need a sound card, but if you really want one, get something better then that
True story. Thought dude was an audiophile or something so I ain't say nothing. fukk a sound card if you're not.