In December 1994, we were able to purchase, with contributions from the Three Year Economic Saving Program, some farmland located in Bronwood, Georgia. This land is located in the northeast corner of Terrell county, which is in the southwest part of Georgia, not far from the Florida border. The farm consists of 1556 acres of land that stretches 1.45 miles east and west and 2 miles north and south. The farm, which is called Muhammad Farms, was once part of a 4500-acre farm owned by the Nation of Islam until the 1970s. If it is Allah’s (God) will, with your continued support and prayers we plan to repurchase the remaining acreage in the near future. In our first year of farming we purchased three tractors, a new diesel farm truck, a new three bed-room double wide trailer (which is used as an office/living quarters), a large array of farm equipment, a refrigerated trailer for on-site vegetable storage and an irrigation system. In 1995 we planted and harvested 76.3 acres of land, including watermelons, cantaloupes, sweet corn, snap beans, okra, yellow squash, zucchini, butternut squash, peas and greens.
The produce, excluding the greens and peas, was distributed to most of the Eastern, Mid-Atlantic, Central, Southern and Southwest regions of the Nation; the peas and greens were sold locally to co-ops. Our 1996 planting season was a remarkable improvement over the 1995 season. 250 acres of wheat, 80 acres of field corn, 150 acres of sorghum was planted, harvested and sold locally. We were blessed in our 1997 planting season to plant and harvest 450 acres of wheat, part of which was sold on the market and part was grounded into wheat flour. The vegetable crops consisted of 50 acres of navy beans, 40 acres of watermelons and 105 acres of assorted vegetables.