They are good for the uplifting of black people but that's about it.
Like any other religion, it's a temporary "fix" or bandaid, but ultimately not the solution for black people or anyone else.
Also, the 5% nation is NOT a split off from the NOI. One is a religion, and one deals with mathematics. We don't dismiss the founder of the 5%(Allah) history with the NOI, but we are not the same. Two totally different nations.
...that's all we want, that's all we ask.. as many in this thread have said, we could do without the religious aspects of their structure.
I know it'd be difficult to walk such a line with 0 amount of their religious influence, though..being that much of the steam behind their order and discipline is fueled by their spiritual beliefs..
But even with all that said, even with potential 'friction' over their religious beliefs, we would have still been better off living with the NOI mindset fermenting in our brains these past 100 years than the European mindset that was given to us.
It still would've been a far healthier, less violent, "friction", than the "frictions" we face today - a friction that comes from outsiders
and friction that is self-inflicted due to lack of collective discipline/direction.