Take out everything anecdotal and you still have the main points about group economics.
you havent made any points about group economics
all you said was that you believe in group economics without defining what that means
if you mean what anderson is saying, those arent your points, those are anderson's points and i agreed with anderson's main points, all i said is i disagree that it was business that was fundamental, but i co-signed all the things he was advising
The logic is sound and your clueless on the root causes of black issues. You'd rather focus on the symptoms of an issue and not the things that we need to fix.
this is a meaningless statement and k-12 education is not a symptom its a cause that arises directly from having an anti academic culture
We can only survive in a global economy with group economics and education that goes wayyyyy pass simple reading and writing.
why are you trying to rebut something i never said
i didnt say reading and writing was enough, i said that lack of reading, writing and math skills is at the core of black people being behind
dont put words in my mouth
Even if a portion of the population isn't formally educated, immigrant and even some cac communities all over the world show that with a focus on group economics you can prevail.
what does this have to do with anything i said
again what i said is that the core of black problems are K-12 education
the only communities that prevail are those that focus on education, all other communities perish or are left behind
We are in a unique position right now to scale our communities.... don't get caught up in generalizations about poor and black people. shyt's truly not like that
are you retarded? you just cosigned a video where a guy spent 2 hours generalizing black people
If a few of us are educated n shyt, that does nothing for the masses
yeah that is my whole point im trying to make
If most of us are focused on community and group economics, that leads to better living situations, culture, conditions, mindset and educational focus - over generations... IMO.
you're an idiot so your opinion doesn't matter
Side Note: you do not have to be in love with Western Imperialism or romanticize the ideas of America to take advantage of resources for the sole focus of benefiting your people.
this sentence makes no sense but thanks for sharing