God Emperor of SOHH
Anderson is not talking about Small Business at all. He's talking about creating wealth. Real wealth as in cornering the market on an area that we are the major producers of a said product. He realizes that the start must be small & community focused but that is not his end all be all breh.
Like his Waterland Fisheries Factory. Dude is trying to be the main source of Gourmet Organic, clean, bred fish. I can't find the link/vid now but dude was speaking about trying to take the company Public as well.
and that's all good, i support that 100%,
but i was referring to Sony, Apple, type of companies, and also the manufacturing growth of China, Taiwan and South Korea, the specialized skills required to create those companies or manufacturing power houses can only be had through higher education
im not sure where people got the idea that i was opposing anderson, im just adding on, i agree that business is important and fundamental, anybody that knows my posting record knows i say that black people need to double down on capitalism so there is no reason for my to be going against what anderson was saying
im just adding on that K-12 education is even more fundamental than business and that in fact if we eliminate public schools and switch to vouchers and charters that itself is huge business opportunity for black people