
Aug 29, 2014
I have a boyfriend. But a man tried to holla at me at work and he was very respectful I politely declined.

So I'm guessing just be respectful and approach them in the way you would want a guy to approach your Sister or Cousin.
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Nov 17, 2017
You my nikka bruh, hear me out on this.

The best way to develop a mouthpiece is cold approach especially if you're out of high school or college.

Most women do not make their intentions known like that. It's very subtle, and you can get more p*ssy by cold approaching.

I have always had women throw themselves at me without any work. It was easy enjoyable p*ssy, but it fukked up my mouthpiece big time because I didn't learn how to finesse the p*ssy. It was basically there for me and I just ran game how I knew to finish it.

For example at the club there's a lot of nikkas there so bytches be in they stuck up zone, most ain't gonna Holla at ya, you gotta go up to them and put in some game.

I know for a fact most women don't let nikkas know they don't like em off bat. So many times I heard from pepole that a girl was checking me out when I had know clue until after I left.

If nikkas not approaching, why would girls do it.

I was like that all my life waiting for bytches to choose, I love when they choose, but I hate letting a bytch I think is cute walk by and I don't say nothing. I'm trying to get over this asap 100% I'm here and there with it currently.

To make a long story short I think it's good to cold approach, but don't cold approach every damn girl.

"Say bytch.... Let me kick this pimpin in ya ear, yaddamean bytch? I could change yo life baby... I got that type of game that'll make you go insane and blow ya brains, yaddamean?"

*alpha male strategies hand rub*


Nah breh, fukk that.... Check it out... Its simple.

Wait for them to choose on you...

Then approach and just start casual convo/small talk... It'll be easier since she already chose you instead of you making an annoying ass cold approach

Theyre just like us... Except they have titties.

Youre nervous because you place women on pedestals.... Theyre human just like you bro.

Keep it short... Get the number... Bounce.


Nov 26, 2016
I honestly don't know.

If she don't like how you look she simply won't bite.

I would give off an generic answer but I know a bunch of nikkas will come in and say I'm lying etc.

Just definitely don't come off creepy.

King Khufu

Jan 1, 2018
At Ur Mama's Bando
A man "searching for marriage" is feminine.

You should be searching for wealth & riches.

Let the women worry about that p*ssy ass marriage shyt......

Just to add on to this!

Women want the marriage for a guy's riches and wealth and guys want the wealth to access p*ssy. #Enslaved2OurOwnMindsDesires
The cycle don't end.

King Khufu

Jan 1, 2018
At Ur Mama's Bando
Cold approaching only works if the girl is social or might find you attractive.

fukk that, I never entertain approaching anyone unless I know it's to my benefit. My selfishness saves me as a person lol


Dec 14, 2015
Beside the normal and respectable approach most women have extreme preferences , They usually get out of that stage in their thirties.
Nevertheless To many variables tho to pin point ,

I think you get dissed harder by BW tho :russ: just like bro in that other thread, He had flowers and everything :mjcry:

that chick was like this with that young man :russ::picard:


Mr. Glass

All Star
Aug 10, 2017
Don't listen to complaining women online.

I'm going to tell you a little secret about females: Their nikkas never match their words. They go on and on about what they want, and what they'll accept, and what they deserve, but 99 times of out 100, the nikka they end up with is lacking in all those areas.

It's all lip service. If you get your confidence up, get swole, and need them for nothing, they will bend at your will. I promise you.


Feb 12, 2015
I don't think you are going to have a problem. You are going to be a normal young man. You will probably encounter some fiendish chicks and some really ignorant males in your life, but you seem too resilient to allow them to break you down or make you bitter.

There will be times that seem tough, but your optimism will not allow you to succumb to mental weakness such as becoming jaded or hateful towards women.

Your faith will help you temper the more absurd yearnings of your dikk and ur self-control will allow you to focus and thrive. Before I address how to get chicks, I want to give you a little encouragement and advice. Too many good spirits fall prey to hatefulness and corruption so I'm super proud of you for maintaining ur soul in the midst of it.

First of all, I never want you to seek out the approval of others in how you move. Including women. They are human beings. Focus on your goals and on refining your personality. Especially communication skills. Pragmatic communication skills are our lifeline to the world. The end of your ability to communicate is the end of you purpose in life. A lot of what lonely people online complain and vent about is actually housed within their own inability to effectively communicate with others and reciprocal language skills.

You should be able to have a conversation with anybody and anything and not only feel comfortable doing so, but make THEM feel comfortable too. It's not just about having a mouthpiece. It's about an aura of vitality and fun and positivity you exude that makes people want to be around you. They trust you and want some of ur effect to rub off on them. Find that attribute and hone it. Cultivate a love and curiosity about EVERYTHING in life. Every person is my own personal novel. My friends get irritated b/c I'm absent-minded. But what I've realized about myself is that i forget stuff b/c I get so excited to interact with others that EVERYTHING else goes out the window. That's how beautiful people are to me. And when you have that outlook, you tend to attract some of the best people in the world. Think about how much easier it is to find a mate if you've raised an entire community around urself.

When ur operating from that perspective, you won't falter in ANY avenue. From interviews to romantic pursuits. Once again it's not about being a smooth talker. It's about being interested in a variety of people and then when u move in a way that shows how much you love life, you won't have to search. They will come to you. (Not to sound like a corny ass Morpheus LMAO! But I'm serious!) I'm super proud of you for all your accomplishments thus far and you are gonna be great!


Feb 12, 2015
As for the approach,
1.) Read the environment. Women (with some damn sense b/c some of these hoes are ridiculous these days) who are feeling you will be giving you signs for the most part unless they are too shy.
2.) Determine if the timing is right. Not every venue is an opportunity to score.
3.) Focus more on enjoying urself than on her.
4.) Approach in quiet intimate settings when they are alone instead of around other groups of women. Bookstores (I meet the best fukking dudes in bookstores...), cafes, gym.
5.) Learn the art of body language and making people feel comfortable with u.
6.) Be detached from the outcome so you aren't crushed if it doesn't work.
7.) Establish a wide social net with people from all walks of life to minimize the need to approach as much.
8.) Never be afraid. She is human. She shyts and farts, cries, feels pain, embarrassment, joy, pettiness, and fear just like you do.
9.) Be urself but be ur best self. If there is something u know you need to work on deep down to attract what you want then work on it.

Good luck and protect ur heart!


Apr 13, 2017
Don’t listen to ANY of the advice women in this thread will give you. Would a lion ask a rabbit how to eat it?

First off, become strong. Physically, emotionally, and financially.

Become physically strong by engaging in regular exercise.
You don’t need to become huge (it damn sure helps) but the confidence from strength is the real key. This is going to take time but with consistency you’ll be fine in 3-6 months. However it will become a lifetime goal.

Become emotionally unavailable. Don’t ever sweat a woman. Ever. Not until you’re ready to be with her as in commit to have sex with her and no one else. Even then, never sweat a woman. This also has the added effect of making you emotionally available only towards yourself, and you’re gonna need to learn to love being yourself and by yourself because the path to being a desired man is lonely. Develop your own interests, hobbies, role models.. Take time to do this. Nothing good comes overnight. It's a lonely path but you have to accept being alone in order to be strong. This is what they won’t tell you.

Become as financially independent as possible. Get yourself a job. Doesn’t need to be the most paying job, but something to keep money in your pockets. Finances lead to premium experiences which lead to a more interesting you.

Constantly evolve all three of these factors.

As simple as it sounds these things don’t happen overnight. It takes a very long while to get to the point where women would want to throw themselves at you because you seem to have it so put-together, despite what anyone may tell or show you. True results take time so enjoy the process (you will; the thing with success is once you get it it tends to come easier the more you try at it). It may be a year or two before you get to this point, but once you get there you’ll be so into yourself women will just draw themselves to you. The girls you can’t get now? Do not sweat it. If you stay on the right path you can get them later if you do choose. But by then I promise you’ll have more options than you’ll ever care for to backtrack.

I myself am not at this level yet; I’m focusing on bettering myself, but even just a little self-improvement shows results and those I’ve experienced. I have a friend who completely bossed up and changed his life and just yesterday we were laughing it up at how all these fine ass women throw themselves at him because years ago it was a completely different story. Some of the women that knew him from before even try to throw shade at him now because he improved himself and became what they actually wanted. They just know they can’t have him now.

Focus on yourself. Women will always be there and every woman was once someone’s trash, so no need to put them on a platform. That saintly, cute girl you think is completely innocent loves to get dogged out and she will remain that way until... maybe never. If she hasn’t been dogged out and you have your shyt together, you can be the one to own her ass.
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