Memorial Stadium Piru

Feb 8, 2017
Big Red

nikka get this type of thinking out your head. You’re gonna be heartbroken when you see these hoes thottin and cuffed up with brad. Stop all that simp marriage shyt. Focus on your studies and smash hoes who giving you play.

And who the fukk goes to Alabama over Miami? :laff:
I'm a legacy, my mom went to Alabama State

Pit Bull

Oct 27, 2016
Crenshaw Mafia
Before y'all sharpen the pitchforks, hear me out

I'm getting ready to move from Miami to Alabama for college. Since I am an obedient child of God and therefore adhere to biblical scripture, I am waiting to engage in sexual intercourse until I meet that special girl for me and we achieve marriage union in the name of God & the state. Since I'm going to college, this might be the LAST time I'm around THOUSANDS of ambitious, level-headed, beautiful black women, therefore I want to start my search for a wife NOW.

The problem is, these days there's a WHOLE lot of backlash against black men for the things we are perceived to do & not do. I read a lot of comments and honestly I'm mad confused about black women's stance towards me as a young black man. I ignore you, yet I simultaneously harass you? I abuse & assault you, yet I abandon & am apathetic towards you? On the site that shan't be named, there is a level of VENOM spewed towards black men that has me paranoid wondering if the black women I come across in my day to day activities really loathe my existence like this.

So can someone give me advice or an answer? I have black female friends and family that I love and cherish, and I speak to strangers on the street with respect. I'm not here to hurt black women, I'm here to provide love and respect & find the one God chooses for me so I can give her passionate love, affection, and intimacy & we can build a life together and have us some beautiful black babies.
A lot of them actually do. You'll find out, especially once you put that degree to use and you're surrounded by boujee ass women you'll see. Don't listen to these coli nikkas, they don't be around black people like that that's why they so pro black:pachaha:livin in fantasy land thinking shyt sweet.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
Before y'all sharpen the pitchforks, hear me out

I'm getting ready to move from Miami to Alabama for college. Since I am an obedient child of God and therefore adhere to biblical scripture, I am waiting to engage in sexual intercourse until I meet that special girl for me and we achieve marriage union in the name of God & the state. Since I'm going to college, this might be the LAST time I'm around THOUSANDS of ambitious, level-headed, beautiful black women, therefore I want to start my search for a wife NOW.

The problem is, these days there's a WHOLE lot of backlash against black men for the things we are perceived to do & not do. I read a lot of comments and honestly I'm mad confused about black women's stance towards me as a young black man. I ignore you, yet I simultaneously harass you? I abuse & assault you, yet I abandon & am apathetic towards you? On the site that shan't be named, there is a level of VENOM spewed towards black men that has me paranoid wondering if the black women I come across in my day to day activities really loathe my existence like this.

So can someone give me advice or an answer? I have black female friends and family that I love and cherish, and I speak to strangers on the street with respect. I'm not here to hurt black women, I'm here to provide love and respect & find the one God chooses for me so I can give her passionate love, affection, and intimacy & we can build a life together and have us some beautiful black babies.

Prepare yourself to get finessed and played :mjlol:


Mar 10, 2017
Have clean shoes and nails,
And dont holla ‘aye my size’ from across the street


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Before y'all sharpen the pitchforks, hear me out

I'm getting ready to move from Miami to Alabama for college. Since I am an obedient child of God and therefore adhere to biblical scripture, I am waiting to engage in sexual intercourse until I meet that special girl for me and we achieve marriage union in the name of God & the state. Since I'm going to college, this might be the LAST time I'm around THOUSANDS of ambitious, level-headed, beautiful black women, therefore I want to start my search for a wife NOW.

The problem is, these days there's a WHOLE lot of backlash against black men for the things we are perceived to do & not do. I read a lot of comments and honestly I'm mad confused about black women's stance towards me as a young black man. I ignore you, yet I simultaneously harass you? I abuse & assault you, yet I abandon & am apathetic towards you? On the site that shan't be named, there is a level of VENOM spewed towards black men that has me paranoid wondering if the black women I come across in my day to day activities really loathe my existence like this.

So can someone give me advice or an answer? I have black female friends and family that I love and cherish, and I speak to strangers on the street with respect. I'm not here to hurt black women, I'm here to provide love and respect & find the one God chooses for me so I can give her passionate love, affection, and intimacy & we can build a life together and have us some beautiful black babies.
Be yourself. Be genuine and do not act or appear desperate, or overly excited. Be confident in yourself. I wouldn't say complaints, but I have a problem with men that like to brag and boast, artificially inflating his ego because for those types.. they tend to live in the past or talk a lot about what they plan to do, while actually not doing much of anything. Then recently I had a man approach with what started as small talk during our commute eventually progressed to phone calls, lunch .. etc.. but a major turnoff for me was his constant need to talk or complain about his ex (ex wife which was his baby mother), just the constant bashing and complaining (which I take it the bm situation wont be that for you).. Not like they broke up recently either.. it was at least 10 yrs ago. I'm like.. this man can't be serious.. he's still living in the past, then bringing up the past.. i'm like get over it.. move on; then that I just stopped dealing with him-put him on delete. But my point if you're going to start a convo, make sure that it's an engaging conversation, something that sets you apart from all the other dudes that she could be talking to.

Like any man could talk about his sex game, other females they had problems with.. etc..that's basic you want to level up to other topics to show her that you don't just have one way of thinking. I know I respect a man who is up on current events, cultural issues.. and not just the everyday type stuff but that shows what their mentality is about. but on the initial approach compliments are nice. Some men think compliments are corny so they try to get attention by saying dumb shyt or being super extra with the body language, which does nothing for me. Don't go into any tirades about what you don't like about women.. or any past sexual exploits with other females. Some men think its cool to do that, bc it shows how in demand they are.. but trust me. its not. We like to feel special and it just makes them look like they overcompensating for something- insecurities that you have about yourself- that's for later on when are at a deeper level in an actual relationship, not a conversation starter. Like a major thing for me is the guys who I know liked or were attracted to me, but were real cool about it.. not appearing overly enthusiastic, played it low profile.. but would also do enough to let me know that were very interested. So its a fine line. Don't talk about yourself too much or anything too controversial until you know what her mindset is. Be distinguished but not closed off or totally unapproachable. Not too agressive either, like if you're going to stare or keep glancing, just come over and say I'm not the type of female that will approach first bc i'm shy that way.. so If he's not the type of dude to cold approach either.. it will end up being a missed connection. I always think a man should approach a woman first, if he's really interested and usually a "hello" or "pardon me, miss"then a compliment.. lol.. then i can size up what he's about on that approach..get a feel in order to exchange info. I like a clean cut.. nicely groomed, etc. but not to the point of giving off that feminine vibe (another turn off) . I usually give a burner number just in case he's full of shyt or weird until I actually get a chance to know him, chat, or easily stop communication etc...So if you get a number that doesn't seem like a normal cell #, don't take offense or take it personal- she's just being cautious. When she gives you the actual # means that you're doing something right. oh and I watch out for any man who talks about himself way too much.. same applies to females.. or always being the victim with the "its everybody's else fault but theirs" that's a sign of selfishness and materialism. that's just my two cents..
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Aug 7, 2012
How is a factor but It's not really about how as much as it's about who.