How did the Arabs get through North Africa so fast in the 7th century


May 1, 2012
I agree with a lot of what you say about certain Africans giving up their belief systems very easily and how Arab-Islam was more sophisticated than the peoples and systems who did in fact give up their culture, history, heritage for a foreign one. African tribes who are mostly Muslim and Christian can't argue with what your saying...they unfortunately have to accept this ugly truth.

But, you should also remember that there are tribes and countries that never embraced foreign religious ideology and still have a majority of their people practicing their indigenous belief system or culture. There are many of us who haven't drank the poison.

I know that there are exceptions I was speaking in general....but I don't see how Africans accepting Islam is "drinking the poison."


over 14 years in the shade...
Apr 30, 2012
I came across this this morning and wanna paste it

In Arabic language, Elaha is God and Allah is the plural for Elaha meaning God of Gods!

The story [history?] says that Mecca was the trade hub of 7th century Arabia, in which the, one month a year, numerous Arab tribes would come together stop the tribal wars and commence trade. During this month of Ramadan, each tribe would flash their totem god as more superior to the others at nightly peaceful but harshly argumentative environment with frequent murders and rapes. No one had overwhelming power until Mohammed invaded Mecca unexpectedly brining his army from the rival city of Medina.

He claimed that his Elaha is the most powerful of them all so it is the god of all gods or Allah. Anyone who wouldn't agree or protest would be killed. That doctrine continues today, "you are to submit to God of Gods in full or you will be killed".

For centuries, the cronies of the God of Gods were in weak position until the oil under their feed became the most needed commodity of the western word. The Arab leaders are now wealthiest group of people on the planet and got the arms to revive their 13 century of world domination.

From view of the Muslims, God is not Allah. Allah, they deeply believe, is the Superior god to the Christian, Jewish and Hindu Gods.

However, they have made one big mistake ….. They don't know …. Their god of gods was not God at all and it is already dead!


May 1, 2012
I came across this this morning and wanna paste it

Elohim is the word used for God in the Old Testament and it is plural as well. Not surprising since Hebrew and Arabic are sibling languages.

You should post sources for this kind of garbage anyway.


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
Because I'm native to the continent.

Stop reading cac material, it's bad for your health. Always rely on DNA, it's mapped within us all that no one can cheat.

E1b1b1b1 -- Berberbs. No relation to subsaharan blacks, their close cousins are ethiopians.

Berberbs were quite successful from keeping their land from Arab invaders until about 600AD, which is recent. Read the battles yourself. They adopted Islam by choice to assist the Arabs, in turn, they weren't 'purged', but welcomed as brothers.

Same happened in Mali (Mansu's kingdom), Chad and Nigeria. That is why these areas don't have a crazy amount of black arabs like the Sudanese. Are you going to tell me these 3 countries are also 'arabized'? of course not, the people look the same as they always have.

they are still black

even if black is just considered a west African phenotype, most black Africans still fall within roughly the same look just like most europeans and asians....sure there are differences but are the differences any wider than you see between the Swedes and Italians......or how about the Japanese and Indonesians?

can someone really say that this Borana (Oromo) guy looks any different than a random west African in Nigeria for instance?


To me West and East Africans look roughly the same in the same way that a swede doesn't look that different than a italian.

Just so some clowns don't come in here thinking this guy is from some west african tribe, here is an article about him being named leader of the Borana in Ethiopia.

People just like to focus on the extremes when comparing West and East Africans. Sure you got your extremely light skin and fine haired Habesha chicks but there are also light skin West Africans like the Fulani. You also have very dark skin, wide nosed, nappy hair East Africans like the Karayu Oromo of Ethiopia.


Can anyone watching this video really make an argument that these East Africans look fundamentally different than West Africans? These guys are Oromo. They have very dark skin, curly afro textured hair, wide noses.

Is anyone really gonna argue that they aren't black?

folks are straight up and down black. @emoney is about the only person on here that will say those folks aren't black because he doesn't want to be known as black :snoop: its sad really.

because they weren't and aren't

black and white in racial terms is relative to who's doing the describing and perceiving
back down from what? I stated my POV, you state yours or not

see what I mean...:rudy: the people are black breh

For unknown reason you posted a particularly black Oromo and according video, inferring that all Oromo look this way. This apparently isn't so. The following is a picture an Oromo immigrant family in the United States:


In the future you should post recent and group pictures of people, not isolated examples which support whatever agenda you are pushing. There are more or less black (er) people within the Oromo, just as there are more or less black (er) people within East African peoples in general. That is, there are some tribes and some individuals who are more black and less black than others. That is not to say the population at large is like them though.

All those people in that picture are black folks man :russ: they look like or similar to African Americans of today

Despite Russians have a great deal of Asian blood whites still consider them white. Oddly black people barely mixed with some arabic blood, are no longer considered blacks by cacs that want to take away their achievements. :snoop:

this basically sums up my stance...yet folks are going with it & drinking it down like it taste good



May 17, 2013
they are still black

folks are straight up and down black. @emoney is about the only person on here that will say those folks aren't black because he doesn't want to be known as black :snoop: its sad really.

see what I mean...:rudy: the people are black breh

All those people in that picture are black folks man :russ: they look like or similar to African Americans of today

this basically sums up my stance...yet folks are going with it & drinking it down like it taste good

never said they weren't.......


over 14 years in the shade...
Apr 30, 2012
Elohim is the word used for God in the Old Testament and it is plural as well. Not surprising since Hebrew and Arabic are sibling languages.

You should post sources for this kind of garbage anyway.
How is it Garbage?
Jesus spoke in Armaic. Elaha is originally an Armaic word and is ancestral to ARABIC.


Elohim is the HEBREW GOD.. He then turned into ELAHA and then turned into "ALLAH."
May 16, 2012
For unknown reason you posted a particularly black Oromo and according video, inferring that all Oromo look this way. This apparently isn't so. The following is a picture an Oromo immigrant family in the United States:


In the future you should post recent and group pictures of people, not isolated examples which support whatever agenda you are pushing. There are more or less black (er) people within the Oromo, just as there are more or less black (er) people within East African peoples in general. That is, there are some tribes and some individuals who are more black and less black than others. That is not to say the population at large is like them though.

1. I never said that is how ALL Oromo look. If you know anything about the Oromo you would know they are an ethnic group that is the amalgamation of many different peoples. They are linked by language and culture not entirely by blood. You have Oromo like the ones you posted that mixed with and look similar to the highland Habesha tribes that are lighter skin and with less kinky hair. You also have some Oromo that live near the border with Sudan that mixed with and look similar to the Dinka and other Southern Sudanese tribes. And then you have some Oromo like the Borana that live near the border with Somalia/Kenya that mixed with and look like Somalians. The Oromo like all Africans don't have one single look. I never said that.

2. The video I posted is from the Karayyu Oromo tribe. They are significant because they are considered "the guardians of Oromo cultural heritage" in the Horn of Africa. Here is the website and some more pictures detailing this:*tic.html (replace * with an "i")

The Karrayyu are ancient pastoralist Cushtic speaking Oromo ethnic group residing in the Awash Valley, around the volcano of Mount Fentale and the Metehara Plain (Great East African Rift Valley) in the Fantalle District of the Oromia region in Ethiopia.

As one of the few Oromo groups to have preserved their indigenous tradition and pastoralist way of life, the Karrayyu are seen as the guardians of Oromo cultural heritage of the Horn of Africa.

Interestingly, the main parent Oromo people are the largest Kushtic group and the second largest nation in Africa. Their population is about 33 million representing the majority (32%) of the Ethiopian population.. They have a distinct cultural and linguistic identity of their own. They have inhabited a separate and well-defined territory in the Horn of Africa for centuries.

From the way they style their hair to the way they dress and live, the Karrayyu can be considered in many ways the most ancient Oromo stock. While the other Oromo mixed with other groups, one could argue the Karrayyu have kept to themselves. To me they are the most representative of what the ancient East African stock probably looked like. The people that ended up ruling Egypt and the rest of the Horn.
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custom user title
May 9, 2012
they are still black

folks are straight up and down black. @emoney is about the only person on here that will say those folks aren't black because he doesn't want to be known as black :snoop: its sad really.

see what I mean...:rudy: the people are black breh

All those people in that picture are black folks man :russ: they look like or similar to African Americans of today

this basically sums up my stance...yet folks are going with it & drinking it down like it taste good

Stop it.

I said Berbers are not Black.

I didn't mention the Oromos at all.


A genius is the one most like himself
Aug 5, 2013
Ancient Local Evolution of African mtDNA Haplogroups in Tunisian Berber Populations

Frigi et al.

Human Biology

August 2010 (82:4)


Our objective is to highlight the age of sub-Saharan gene flows in North Africa and particularly in Tunisia. Therefore we analyzed in a broad phylogeographic context sub-Saharan mtDNA haplogroups of Tunisian Berber populations considered representative of ancient settlement. More than 2,000 sequences were collected from the literature, and networks were constructed. The results show that the most ancient haplogroup is L3*, which would have been introduced to North Africa from eastern sub-Saharan populations around 20,000 years ago. Our results also point to a less ancient western sub-Saharan gene flow to Tunisia, including haplogroups L2a and L3b. This conclusion points to an ancient African gene flow to Tunisia before 20,000 years BP. These findings parallel the more recent findings of both archaeology and linguistics on the prehistory of Africa. The present work suggests that sub-Saharan contributions to North Africa have experienced several complex population processes after the occupation of the region by anatomically modern humans. Our results reveal that Berber speakers have a foundational biogeographic root in Africa and that deep African lineages have continued to evolve in supra-Saharan Africa.


Jun 4, 2012
The Berbers were never Black and will never be Black.

We've been over this time and time again.

The only Berbers that might be anywhere near Black are the Tuaregs and they are a mixed group.

The two main groups of Blacks in Libya (besides Sub-Saharan African Immigrants) are the Tuaregs (who come from Mali/Niger area) and Tebbou (who come from Chad). Both groups are Saharan/Sahelian groups NOT indigenous to the Maghreb (North Africa)
umm.. I wasn't making the black berber point..

reading comprehension... because you clearly didn't see the post I was responding to.

we haven't been over this.


Jun 4, 2012
I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty disappointed by theae replies. Not much knowledge backed with sources getting dropped, much more like public opinion
First four pages of this thread... you clearly had a goal in mind and an agenda

... but couldn't back it because you didn't really know the basic history on the region enough to actually debate.


Jun 4, 2012
To answer the original question it was because the new muslims had already conquered the eastern Levant under Abu Bakr and the Byzantines weren't able to stop them from going further west. The Byzantines were the ones that nominally controlled north africa in the 7th century before they were taken over. I dunno what the fukk you guys are talking about.

the Arabs were a backwards people who were heavily afflicted by divisional bullshyt like tribalism, cheifdoms, etc. similar to Africans...until they unified under Islam and crushed buildings. Islam as a way of life was vastly superior to what people in these areas were working with at the time....they recognized that for the most part and got with the is what it is. Lower taxes and more benevolent rulership didn't hurt either. Y'all can whine about it and try to re-write history all you want, it won't change the facts.
had to rep these..


Jun 26, 2013
First four pages of this thread... you clearly had a goal in mind and an agenda

... but couldn't back it because you didn't really know the basic history on the region enough to actually debate.
if you wanna call 'finding out whart artillery was used and why the occupation was so fast'... an agenda, i just dont know

i did state what battles were thought, and no one elaborated, so lets not speak on debates.

Much of you guys views were based on public opinion, which quickly derailed onto other topics, as they were in protection of other ideologies


Jun 4, 2012
if you wanna call 'finding out whart artillery was used and why the occupation was so fast'... an agenda, i just dont know

i did state what battles were thought, and no one elaborated, so lets not speak on debates.

Much of you guys views were based on public opinion, which quickly derailed onto other topics, as they were in protection of other ideologies
they had submarines and laser guided missiles... I believe Allah also gave them ancient stealth bombers. :mjpls:

actually, some of the most already advanced african groups... combined knowledge with other Mediterranean cultures...
and then united 1 religion as opposed to 8580380394 different tribes... so they could have used straws and sticks and won
but I think only South Africa had weapons as advanced.
Plus they had longer range weapons passed to the East muslims from China and asia.
The north and west African Muslims and Arabs.. had advanced sword designs from failed cac kingdoms and mid east.
Just so happened that these areas already had ancient egyptian wisdom, medicine, and ships and boats before everyone.
Egypt adopted Islam and after that it was easy to dominate. .... even later on.. when the Mongols were going around murking much of the worlds population the Egyptians developed the first portable 'hand cannons' - they stay on that new shyt.
Sahelian kingdoms - Ghana kingdom and areas below the north(niger, algeria, mali, nigeria, cameroon, etc)- had advanced miltaries, calveries, armor on their horses--- and Yeah they loved trading with the Arabs... so all the arabs could benefit from Gold, weapons, slaves (used for hard core fighters), etc.

NTM the creation of the most advanced communication systems knows to the world - which is helpful for takeovers.

Belief that Allah has ur back damn near makes you fearless.

And a unity (not based on nationality, tribe, color, race, etc) that didn't exist anywhere else in the world