How did the Arabs get through North Africa so fast in the 7th century


over 14 years in the shade...
Apr 30, 2012



Jun 4, 2012
im not talking about arabs, im talking about black muslims that engaged in slavery in africa, there is no evidence of muslims standing up to slavery in particular

no the british did not have the same views about muslims, the spaniards and Portuguese had a history of dealing with muslims, the british didnt and we arent talking about the new world we are taking about the united states

1. i agree which is why its a lie to try to paint a picture of there being something different about muslims

2. if they converted then they werent muslim

3. you make it sound as if muslim children in particular where taking away or as if muslim children were treated differently, if not then what is your point, people that didnt believe in islam also had children taken away, whats your point?

4. so what? muslims were treated just like anybody else, whats your point? none of that is evidence that muslims in particular stood up to slavery, the reality is that you are simply spreading a lie
FYI - the United States is part of the Americas... Americas is what is being referenced when speaking on the new world. And actually this convo was about arabs in north Africa not whatever agenda crybaby shyt your making me discuss with you.

you're incorrect in all your points... Missed my point. And I was hoping you wouldn't respond with more foolishness. .

So two nations passing actual , on the books legislation to avoid getting Muslim slaves... says nothing to you? You always say the holy white man is the most advanced.. you always say they were light years beyond the Africans back in the day --- so why would they want to avoid any Africans, especially Muslims.

why is it that historians disagree with you.. or that film makers and authors paint the Muslim slaves as defiant? Why can't you put two and two together.. and see that their literacy, knowledge, environments, history, knowledge of the Mediterranean and cac cultures - affected their behavior in slave life.. and the British, French, spanish, and port... avoided them for a reason.

This lady is a doctor and a historian... you're just some random ignorant as hell broke nikka... so shall we see if your opinion lines up:lupe:
With remarkable determination they maintained an intellectual life in mentally sterile surroundings. … In freedom as in enslavement, Islam was the hope of the Muslims, their strength and their comfort. … Notwithstanding the limits imposed on them by their subordinate status, many succeeded in following, to the letter, the principles of Islam. … At the same time, paradoxically, Islam was the engine of upward mobility within the structure of slavery. …

African Muslims arrived in the Americas with a tradition of Arabic literacy that they struggled to preserve. After years of study in Koranic schools and centers of higher learning, they refused to let enslavement turn them into mere beasts of burden. They kept on reading the Koran and writing in Arabic, and they even established schools. Their literacy not only set them apart from most slaves and many slaveholders but became the basis of their disproportionate influence in slave communities and, in some instances, their key to freedom. …

Well organized and a galvanizing force, Islam in America was the catalyst of revolt and insubordination. It played a major part in the most elaborate slave uprisings and was the motivating force that sent freed men and women back to Africa. … Because Islam as brought by the Africans did not outlive the last slaves, one might think that the Muslims failed, that their story in the Americas speaks of defeat and ultimate subjugation. Through examining their history, their stories, and their legacy, however, this book reveals that what they wrote on the sand of the plantations is a successful story of strength, resilience, courage, pride, and dignity. …

Turbaned men and veiled women, their prayer beads around their necks, chopped cotton, cut cane, and rolled tobacco from sunup to sundown. Like other slaves, they were beaten, whipped, cursed, raped, maimed, and humiliated. They saw their families torn apart and their loved ones killed. In the midst of abuse and contempt, they continued to pray, fast, be charitable, read, write on the sand, help one another, sing their lonesome tunes, and display pride in themselves, their religion, and their culture.

The African Muslims may have been, in the Americas, the slaves of Christian masters, but their minds were free. They were the servants of Allah.
Sylviane Anna Diouf is an award-winning historian. She is the author of Dreams of Africa in Alabama: The Slave Ship Clotilda and the Story of the Last Africans Brought to America (Oxford University Press, 2007, which received the Wesley-Logan Prize of the American Historical Association and the James Sulzby Award of the Alabama Historical Association.
She received the 2001 Africana Book Award for Older Readers from the African Studies Association for her book Kings and Queens of West Africa, part of a four-book series (Scholastic, 2000). She authored a book on the lives of children enslaved in the United States, Growing Up in Slavery (Lerner, 2001). Her fiction book, Bintou’s Braids (Chronicle Books, 2001) has been published in the USA, France, and Brazil.
Diouf has appeared on PBS in the documentaries This Far by Faith: African-American Spiritual Journeys and Prince Among Slaves, an award-winning film produced by Unity Productions Foundation, and in History Detectives. She has also appeared on ABC.

You're adding nothing of value + just got bodied - though I tried to avoid it 3 times... so now you don't even deserve any further replies regardless of what you type. :whew:


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
FYI - the United States is part of the Americas... Americas is what is being referenced when speaking on the new world. And actually this convo was about arabs in north Africa not whatever agenda crybaby shyt your making me discuss with you.

you're incorrect in all your points... Missed my point. And I was hoping you wouldn't respond with more foolishness. .

So two nations passing actual , on the books legislation to avoid getting Muslim slaves... says nothing to you? You always say the holy white man is the most advanced.. you always say they were light years beyond the Africans back in the day --- so why would they want to avoid any Africans, especially Muslims.

why is it that historians disagree with you.. or that film makers and authors paint the Muslim slaves as defiant? Why can't you put two and two together.. and see that their literacy, knowledge, environments, history, knowledge of the Mediterranean and cac cultures - affected their behavior in slave life.. and the British, French, spanish, and port... avoided them for a reason.

This lady is a doctor and a historian... you're just some random ignorant as hell broke nikka... so shall we see if your opinion lines up:lupe:

Sylviane Anna Diouf is an award-winning historian. She is the author of Dreams of Africa in Alabama: The Slave Ship Clotilda and the Story of the Last Africans Brought to America (Oxford University Press, 2007, which received the Wesley-Logan Prize of the American Historical Association and the James Sulzby Award of the Alabama Historical Association.
She received the 2001 Africana Book Award for Older Readers from the African Studies Association for her book Kings and Queens of West Africa, part of a four-book series (Scholastic, 2000). She authored a book on the lives of children enslaved in the United States, Growing Up in Slavery (Lerner, 2001). Her fiction book, Bintou’s Braids (Chronicle Books, 2001) has been published in the USA, France, and Brazil.
Diouf has appeared on PBS in the documentaries This Far by Faith: African-American Spiritual Journeys and Prince Among Slaves, an award-winning film produced by Unity Productions Foundation, and in History Detectives. She has also appeared on ABC.

You're adding nothing of value + just got bodied - though I tried to avoid it 3 times... so now you don't even deserve any further replies regardless of what you type. :whew:

i think she's exaggerating but you got this one

:pacspit: islam anyway tho


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
and you know this how?

read these pages:

North Africa before being a desert was lush and green. Not too different from the rest of Africa. The original inhabitants of North Africa were black people that migrated from the South because of the migration of the animals. The modern Berbers look the way they do as a result of centuries of mixing with outsiders. Once the sahara built up, it stopped the migration of more black people north, so the population got whiter. Even with all the mixing there are still many berbers who look black. The Tuareg tribe being the most prominent.

:myman: I keep telling people that all this Sahara shyt did not exist many years ago. Ancient Egypt was green, lush, and full of life. It looked pre-Saharan or better yet sub-Saharan. No population can grow and sustain itself in a desert for a long period of time, especially back then. Trying to live in a desert is a death wish. I don't think people understand how many people starved to death due to the expansion of the Sahara. In fact, many so called"Saharan" tribes like the Fulani are migrating South because they cannot not sustain their cattle herding because of lack of fertile grassland. They are consistently fighting tribes south of them over land. Timbuktu is barren now and It used to be lush. That is why the term sub Saharan throws so many people off. People keep associating it with race when it should be strictly a geographical term.

B-Rock Odrama

Oct 24, 2012
I'm not suggesting anything... I said in my opinon- AA should focus on our children with regards to group economics, technology and business.
and I'm not preaching any Arab brotherhood. There are search functions on this site for you to use. I am cool w Muslims who aren't black if they are cool w me that's it. But I preach black unity-- pro black isn't anti- any other group. We don't have time for hate. At the same time... I'm not generalizing every group of people on Earth either... especially when my own people have been generalized and hated on for generations.

And unlike you I went to a large university.... I doubt that you finished high school. I interacted with many different types of people. I deal w different types of people now because of business.... and during and after the military, I traveled a lot. But I really wouldn't have needed to travel to realize the obvious.... And I get it, I've been in the Afrocentric circles.. my bm went to an afrocentric high school w all these fake revolutionaries n shyt.... I get it.

Afrocentric live under the glamorized false idea that everyone in the diaspora is our friend... and if we just learn OUR history then we will progress.

I know my history.. I know my shyt going back forever. I also know that not everything that happened in Africa is all of OUR history... most of us don't know where we are really from. You have different shyt to be proud of being from South Africa and being from Benin. I also know that black Americans need to focus on US before anything. I know that muthfackers out there or in here -don't care about us..... as much as we care about them. I think I meet one dude in Africa that broke shyt down the way that an AA afrocentrist would. Most of the world is more realistic.


you don't think having connections with our people across the globe would help us achieve those goals? white unity and cooperation is why cacs have been able to run the world the last few centuries and Pan Arabism is why your gods(arabs) run most businesses in the black community and were able to take a whole region of Africa(including our most sacred lands/kingdoms).

-you give passes to arabs for abuse of blacks way to often and obviously have some type of slave like attachment(affection) to them due to your religious beliefs....I disagree and feel the reason AAs(black people I general) are so far behind is cause we lack unity, hate ourselves too much, and are a little to forgiving/or scared of our oppressors..blacks having more hate of those whom have wronged us would actually be a relieve and prevent that misplaced being directed to eachother resulting in black on black violence.

so cause i'm po black you just gone stereotype me as being a highschool drop out...:ohhh:that's very oreo of you for an supposed be pro black muslim but hey you are a black muslim which in itself has been proven to be a slave caste of arabs.

nah afrocentrics are blacks whom want to see our African descent people advance and prosper the world over.,,i think that dream is possible with unity but cacs,ayrabs, and c00ns like you are holding us back.:smh:


Jun 4, 2012
you don't think having connections with our people across the globe would help us achieve those goals? white unity and cooperation is why cacs have been able to run the world the last few centuries and Pan Arabism is why your gods(arabs) run most businesses in the black community and were able to take a whole region of Africa(including our most sacred lands/kingdoms).
You have no argument to you paint someone elses points falsely. smh. That's weak and childish. It's also weak to not realize when you've lost and been exposed as not being knowledgeable on this.

You been wrong about -over 50 facts.. but you keep pressing forward like a retard.
LACK OF KNOWLEDGE in business is why arabs, persians, other asians.. were able to take over businesses in the hood fakkit.
LACK OF knowledge in history is why you made every post you've made in this thread. You speak about this shyt like a 4 year old... talking about our "most sacred lands/kingdoms", lol.. . don't you know that these were Christian kingdoms.. not 'arab' kingdoms before Islam even existed... did you know these kingdoms captured, enslaved, and killed other African's long before Chrisianity ever existed. Regardless, these weren't some pagan traditional african religious kingdoms from the beginning of time that the Muslims took over..... you are confused.

-you give passes to arabs for abuse of blacks way to often and obviously have some type of slave like attachment(affection) to them due to your religious beliefs....I disagree and feel the reason AAs(black people I general) are so far behind is cause we lack unity, hate ourselves too much, and are a little to forgiving/or scared of our oppressors..blacks having more hate of those whom have wronged us would actually be a relieve and prevent that misplaced being directed to eachother resulting in black on black violence.

Nobody gave any 'passes' to any ethnic groups for any abuses.. you just say that because you were to unintelligent to form an argument to back your bullshyt.
You say that anyone who disagrees with your foolishness - has a slave mentality.... when the real slave mentality is not having basic knowledge on Africa and history--- BUT being unwilling to even educate yourself. The real slave mentality is not realize that these groups weren't some big dominating force that subjugated the' inferior dumbfounded AFrican man'. A slave menatitly is always being full of hate.... because hate has never led to progress.
so cause i'm po black you just gone stereotype me as being a highschool drop out...:ohhh:that's very oreo of you for an supposed be pro black muslim but hey you are a black muslim which in itself has been proven to be a slave caste of arabs.

nah afrocentrics are blacks whom want to see our African descent people advance and prosper the world over.,,i think that dream is possible with unity but cacs,ayrabs, and c00ns like you are holding us back.:smh:

I don't say you haven't passed high school because you're pro black... I say it because it's apparent that you might not have. You don't even know the different between Afrocentric and pro black.

What 'Afrocentic' work have you put in nikka?? lol, I can PM you my credentials if you want. You're just on here talking all these regurgitated glamorized Ideas about some 1 African world were all blacks on Earth have unity. That's dumb and foolish. You need to grow up.
There are dark people in Africa that would be offended you even tried to have unity with them.
There are nations in Africa that don't have unity within those nations. Even pre CAC colonialism.. THERE WAS NO African Unity.
I can support an African Union right now... because they have economic interest with each other. But that shyt has nothing to do with blacks in the Caribbean. There aren't caribbean black groups that are gonna make sure that black american youth eat or learn technology.
I donate maddd money to Africa, and my 'group' donates even more nikka... I doubt if my sons can't eat some random African dudes gonna search for a way to help.
FOH with all you naive Bullshyt. grow up...... The afrocentrism ideology is mainly contained within the United States!!!
You might have never left your city but I've been all over... People care about their own particular issues.... And in the United States there are very few educated and intelligent Afrocentrics.... and many So-Call pro black Afrocentrics who 1)call anyone who doesn't agree w them a c00n. 2) don't know basic facts about history or makes it up 3) can't speak on their own ideology because they don't truely know anything about it. You do all three of these things so I suggest you get your life nikka.