You basically just said exactly what I said.
I don't know how you're refuting that berbers aren't apart of E1b1b1b1 which are the majority in north africa. They are light because of the region they are in, they evolved that way. They're a mere stone throw away from Italy.
Berbers are not white nor arab, they are light skin africans. Everyone on the continent knows this. We do not view them as arabs. Arabs do not view berbers as arabs.
who the hell said anything about arabs
all I said is that the original inhabitants of North Africa (that the Berbers descended from) were BLACK PEOPLE
you are the one that got his panies in a bunch and started talking about them always looking the same.......I'm saying NO.....they are a heavily diluted group now......they used to look as black as the Borana of Kenya......however because of thousands of years of mixing with groups of europe and arabia, they have become what we see them as now.....almost white