How did the Arabs get through North Africa so fast in the 7th century

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
The histories are to complex to say one group are the good guys and the other are the bad guys. Because of trade they have shared, culture, histories and bloodlines and because of imperialism they have shared borders, boundaries and atrocities. Half of Africa is not arab but half of Africa is Muslim.

B-Rock Odrama

Oct 24, 2012
Everything you type is out of bitterness it seems. Your worldview is way too simplistic (black and white). Nobody said there wasn't hesitation, but for the most part there really wasn't. You really shoot yourself in the foot by claiming that these people were remnants of advanced and thriving kingdoms, only then to say that they were easily conquered by a group of people they were stronger than, had more resources than, and outnumbered. shyt does not make any kind of sense.

You also make it seem like arabs are some kind of race when it's just a culture and linguistic group, again another byproduct of your very simplistic worldview. There were also different groups of arabs, such as the first arabs whom you'd identify as black, then the red arabs whom came later. There was also the pre-islamic arabs whom engaged in slavery, the Islamic arabs who did not beleive in slavery and were told to mary their slaves and treat them as borthers/sisters. There were also the Islamic Arabs after the time of mohammed who had later split into sects, and who did not have a general consensus on everything, including slavery. Btw you probably do not know this since but the persians tried to hijack islam since the beginnign with buhkari and the Hadiths but that's an entirely different story. The persians had their own shyt going on.

As for slavery, there were already trade routes and there was already slavery. Some greedy arabs got together with other greedy non-arab tribesman and created the slave trade using pre-existing routes. Has nothing to do with being Arab, it has nothing to do with Islam and has everything to do with human nature and that's greed. Just because someone is a muslim doesn't mean they're not human and have no flaws. For some the temptation of riches is too great (see Saudi Arabia). Once again you secretly hope everything was simple on some black=good everyone else= bad shyt. Everyone was involved, just like today, when big money is involved people get together and do foul shyt.

A lot of the shyt you say only would make sense if this was preschool and you better beleive I'd take an Africans word over yours any day. Most muslims aren't even arab and most muslims go by the saying " the arabs were the first muslims because they needed islam the most", it ain't for no reason. So that whole softening of the blows shyt is bs, people are not excusing Arabs for shyt they've done but they recognize that it has nothing to do with Islam. They also recognize that shyt isn't really black and white.

-no I deal in reality...your argument is based on wishful thinking and deflection... again the well documented history of arab/ islamist led invasion/conquest of North Africa and the centuries long African to Islamic world slave there after trade supports my position...are you saying advanced/thriving kingdoms don't decline and fall? you do know that the Islamic armies whom colonized north Africa were tens of thousands deep with soldiers from multiple nations all over the mid east and whom had they 1st conquered before moving on to Africa right? what makes you think i implied African kingdoms should've have easily defeated the arab islamist invaders or that they outnumbered them considering for the most part it was sole African civilizations whom at that point were in decline against the whole Islamic world/mid east?:wtf:

whether or not the original arabs were black is debatable..when I say arabs i'm speaking of the average middle eastern/western Asian origin sand cacs like DJ Khaled or or the royal Saudi family...they are the standard,majority of arabs and have been the authority on the arab world for atleast as long as the time of mohommed(may he burn in eternal hell fire) and arab invasion/conquest of africa ..I think you know/understand this...

the thing islam did was unite arabs under the banner of arab supremacy and give them a vehicle to use to justify their racism toward blacks(among other people of color) and an excuse to invade,rape, and pillage Africa(among other places) under the banner of spreading islam to the infidels....while modern Iranians arabs to me and i'm sure just as racist/oppressive toward Africans as Gulf/Levant raghead brothers I never hear about Iranians commiting half of the sadistic shyt to Africans which are all to common in the arab world..but let the abeeds tell it racism in the Islamic world mostly come from white Iranians not their muslim arab brothers/sisters:rolleyes:

islam promotes and condones the enslavement/inferiority of blacks period....many of the holiest Islamic scriptures even suggest the black race was made to serve doesn't get any more black/white..only a brainwashed abeed(arabic for slave nikker) could be in such denial:pacspit:

B-Rock Odrama

Oct 24, 2012
There really aren't any white arab or african historians that deny that much of African was converted without war.

Also, it was never about superiority in the beginning of Islam. You're just to basic to realize the landscape in those days. Those thousands of African tribes had no connection to one another... no loyalty, no unity, or singular identity. They weren't like... "yeaah, those tribes are black so they are with us." Some tribes traded more with different parts of Asia and the Mediterranean. There was an exchange of Cultures.

African groups that became Muslim were able to unite and dominate other regions because of two things --1)they were already some of the most advanced groups 2) they were able to unite under 1 banner, when they weren't able to do that previously.

Then after that... the black and brown Muslims travel up though Europe ; conquering a section over for hundreds of years.

You hating Muslims .... and confusing ideology with race is your issue not mine.


-the ugly truth is islam for the most part was spread in Africa via arab on African slavery and war...anyone whom suggest otherwise has an agenda at hand..

-the Africans whom converted to islam and united with other muslim Africans were nothing but emancipatd slaves(of arabs) whom worked together to spread the Islamic cult and help enslave rebellious African ethnic groups whom resisted arab imperialism.

to deny the racist core of islam is to be shortsighted..there is a racial hierarchy in islam and blacks are at the bottom.
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B-Rock Odrama

Oct 24, 2012
Ya man prolly doesn't even know that at one point Saudi and Yemen (all of it was yemen at the time) fukked with Ethiopia heavy in order to defeat the persians (Iraq/Iran) (whom the Ethiopians already had beef with bc of the byzantines)

which is why Yemen's black population today are considered an untouchable underclass due the belief by arab Yemenis that black Yemenis descend from Ethiopian troops whom once occupied/colonized pre islam Yemen pre Islam


All Star
Oct 24, 2013
-no I deal in reality...your argument is based on wishful thinking and deflection... again the well documented history of arab/ islamist led invasion/conquest of North Africa and the centuries long African to Islamic world slave there after trade supports my position...are you saying advanced/thriving kingdoms don't decline and fall? you do know that the Islamic armies whom colonized north Africa were tens of thousands deep with soldiers from multiple nations all over the mid east and whom had they 1st conquered before moving on to Africa right? what makes you think i implied African kingdoms should've have easily defeated the arab islamist invaders or that they outnumbered them considering for the most part it was sole African civilizations whom at that point were in decline against the whole Islamic world/mid east?:wtf:

whether or not the original arabs were black is debatable..when I say arabs i'm speaking of the average middle eastern/western Asian origin sand cacs like DJ Khaled or or the royal Saudi family...they are the standard,majority of arabs and have been the authority on the arab world for atleast as long as the time of mohommed(may he burn in eternal hell fire) and arab invasion/conquest of africa ..I think you know/understand this...

the thing islam did was unite arabs under the banner of arab supremacy and give them a vehicle to use to justify their racism toward blacks(among other people of color) and an excuse to invade,rape, and pillage Africa(among other places) under the banner of spreading islam to the infidels....while modern Iranians arabs to me and i'm sure just as racist/oppressive toward Africans as Gulf/Levant raghead brothers I never hear about Iranians commiting half of the sadistic shyt to Africans which are all to common in the arab world..but let the abeeds tell it racism in the Islamic world mostly come from white Iranians not their muslim arab brothers/sisters:rolleyes:

islam promotes and condones the enslavement/inferiority of blacks period....many of the holiest Islamic scriptures even suggest the black race was made to serve doesn't get any more black/white..only a brainwashed abeed(arabic for slave nikker) could be in such denial:pacspit:

First off you go into this whole Arab/Islamist shyt as if they both are the same thing, shyt is fukking laughable. The Arabs (pre Islam) did not have vast armies as you claim, they were not even united. They were warring tribes LOLOLOL nice try bruh. All of those places had small nomadic populations and this is why they were traders. History doesn't support your position since your position is just different periods of history all mashed up into one to try and make some kinda struggle argument which falls flat on its face every time. The reason why the arabs ( pre islam) had so much power was because of trade and because of the jinn cube in mecca (which was rented out to pagan cultures from all over the world for a very high price). Their armies would then consist of other groups of people as you said, but they were not muslims or even arabs, who do you think they were ??? Take a wild fukking guess pleighboi.

I'm not saying that thriving kingdoms don't fall, but their populations do not disappear, they leave power vaccuums and warlords...and you really think that these groups who were better equipped and better trained for war would've lost to the arabs that quickly. That just goes to show you really don't know as much about the reigion as you think you do. BTW you already know the first groups they would've had to go up against were what we call the present day Egyptians and Ethiopians (two of the fiercest in the region.). Come on my nikka I don't think you're really giving them much credit. When civilizations decline it doesn't mean their whole population dies off, but on the other hand the Arab population was never THAT large in the first place.

Now as for the Arabs under Islam, it is recorded by historians that people converted easily WITHOUT Compulsion for the most part, that goes for both inside of Arabia and Africa. If you did the knowledge (which I'm sure you didn't) you'd have seen that the ARABS WERE NOT UNITED when Mohammed sought refuge in Ethiopia. Therefore people were accepting Islam in that REGION before Mohammed even united all of ARABIA. So Islam was not some Alien shyt when the Arabs came, a lot of Africans already knew about it. They also saw how people were adopting it quickly which made others curious. That being said your shyt is really starting to fall apart here.

Now on to the other BS that you're spewing. You swear everything is about race and racism, which was not a concept back then. So you go on to say that Islam gave the Arabs (multiracial people, many of whom were still fully black at the time) a vehicle to convert people and spread more racism against African blacks LOLOLOL bruh this shyt is fukking laughable. So you're saying they spread Islam and made black people racist against other blacks? I guess they were so racist against black people in Africa that they had another Golden Age where they built universities and the largest libraries in Africa and later conquered Europe for 700 yrs. Yeah ok.... Once again you superimpose shyt going on NOW with the PAST... just like you superimposed european chattel slavery with slavery that happened in ancient Arabia/Islamic Arabia... I mean you just all fukked up.

The original arabs being black is not debatable. Arabs historians and other historians have documented this very well. A male from saudi,yemen, oman typically has 45% negroid genetics or more. There not only is documentation but there are also paintings and drawings. A lot of those popular "arab slave market" drawings show black arabs. You bringing up Dj Khaled and the Saudi royal family (a large group of people who are not royal and it is debatable whether they are actual saudi and not turkish) is laughable. Also palestinians are made up of a mixed multitude as many lived in other countries. Of course this is predictable because someone like you would never go by genetics, only by skin color. BTW you should go check out the Yemenis since they are the true original arabs not Saudis(saudi arabia was created in the early 20th century breh LOL).

You're saying that you don't know what the persians ever did to blacks. Look up the Zanj rebellion. One of the largest black rebellions ever, if not the largest... up there with Haiti (my other half).

LOL funny how you put abd is slave ****** in parenthesis. Homie, I don't need your explanation, I speak arabic fluently. Abd means slave it also means subordinate or submiter. Like someone name abd'elwahad means slave/subordinate/submitter to the one. It doesn't mean slave ****** , it doesn't mean black, althought it can be used as such.

Post the "holiest of islamic scriptures" that promotes the inferiority of black my nikka... I AM WAITING LOL

Slavery is forbidden As per the Qur'an bruh.. you fukked up with that one worse than you did with all the other shyt.

so basically what you're saying is blah blah blah blah i hate muslims blah blah blah arabs blah blah blah cacs slavery... i wish i wasn't disconnected from my people so imma blame it on errbody, even if i gotta distort the facts.

Another smart dumb nikka a victim of internet scholarship and lack of basic fact checking. Your emotions blind you. That's the difference between you and Africans who look into this shyt. Somehow they can see it objectively but you can't


All Star
Oct 24, 2013
-the ugly truth is islam for the most part was spread in Africa via arab on African slavery and war...anyone whom suggest otherwise has an agenda at hand..

-the Africans whom converted to islam and united with other muslim Africans were nothing but emancipatd slaves(of arabs) whom worked together to spread the Islamic cult and help enslave rebellious African ethnic groups whom resisted arab imperialism.

to deny the racist core of islam is to be shortsighted..there is a racial hierarchy in islam and blacks are at the bottom.

The only Africans who were slaves in Islam were the ones who were victims of war. Those that converted were never slaves and therefore had no need of being emancipated.

You don't know anything about islam to talk about it's core.


All Star
Oct 24, 2013

which is why Yemen's black population today are considered an untouchable underclass due the belief by arab Yemenis that black Yemenis descend from Ethiopian troops whom once occupied/colonized pre islam Yemen pre Islam

Yemen's black population is 40% of yemen

also all of Yemen's population has black blood in them.

Once again you're superimposing shyt to prove some kinda point. The "Racism" happened after the unification of yemen, the racism is from the north of yemen. Basically it's a new type of ideology that is being imported into some Islamic areas under the guise of islam. There are also a lot of tribal issues within the reigion as Yemen is on the brink of collapse with vaccuums being created.

Ignorance is bliss, everything is so simple to you that you can just mash it all up
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B-Rock Odrama

Oct 24, 2012
First off you go into this whole Arab/Islamist shyt as if they both are the same thing, shyt is fukking laughable. The Arabs (pre Islam) did not have vast armies as you claim, they were not even united. They were warring tribes LOLOLOL nice try bruh. All of those places had small nomadic populations and this is why they were traders. History doesn't support your position since your position is just different periods of history all mashed up into one to try and make some kinda struggle argument which falls flat on its face every time. The reason why the arabs ( pre islam) had so much power was because of trade and because of the jinn cube in mecca (which was rented out to pagan cultures from all over the world for a very high price). Their armies would then consist of other groups of people as you said, but they were not muslims or even arabs, who do you think they were ??? Take a wild fukking guess pleighboi.

Slavery is forbidden As per the Qur'an bruh.. you fukked up with that one worse than you did with all the other shyt.

so basically what you're saying is blah blah blah blah i hate muslims blah blah blah arabs blah blah blah cacs slavery... i wish i wasn't disconnected from my people so imma blame it on errbody, even if i gotta distort the facts.

Another smart dumb nikka a victim of internet scholarship and lack of basic fact checking. Your emotions blind you. That's the difference between you and Africans who look into this shyt. Somehow they can see it objectively but you can't

after Mohammed's followers conquered and consolidated the mid east most of the Islamist were infact arabs...i'm talking about the arab force post spread of islam dumbass..try to keep up....the arabs/islamist weren't shyt until islam united and gave them the notation they were allah's chosen people meant to rule the world...again before the spread of islam across the arab world..middle easterners were slaves to Ancient Egyptians and Sabeans.

is any of the nonsense you presenting as an argument really logical to you? ..I mean .since when is the existence war lords a remnant of past great civilizations? :wtf: native north Africans still exist but they are an underclass minority in their own lands similar to many decedents of Aztecs, Mayans,etc whom great created great Amerindian civilizations but are now reduced to 2nd class citizens on their own land by European origin many times must I repeat that the Islamic armies whom invaded North Africa did so when the region kingdoms were experiencing their own version of the dark ages and that the arab armies from all over the Islamic world combined were more than a threat to anyone during that period muchless isolated African kingdoms whom had no allies to support them due to lack of African unity..Ethiopia wasn't conquered by arabs but they are considered modern day slaves of arabs due to a few of their leaders literally selling them out in favor of friendly relations/business with the arab world...never said the whole native population died out...but they are only a fragment of modern North Africa's greater/dominant arab population due to a history of arab conquest of the region...everyone knows arabs bred like rats..the middle easern invasion of North Africa over the course of many centuries was epic...this is a testament to the fact arabs are the largest demographic group in North Africa by a wide margin.

it's also recorded in history that the arab/islamist on African slave trade is the longest and largest in the world..if Africans were just falling over themselves to be muslims cause they thought it was such an interesting religion f then obviously the arabs wouldn't have had felt the need to build up tens of thousand strong armies, invade Africa lands during Islamic jihads or force islam on Africans via slavery.:mindblown:

it's not me...the foundation of islam is built on the beliefs arab supremism/African inferiority...I think you need to study your Koran more thoroughly...yes i'm saying sowed the seeds of self hate in it's Africans/black followers not to mention an obvious slave complex toward arabs....look no further than Sudan for example...also I've noticed Somalis whom are arguably the most devout muslims among Africans are some of the most lost,ignorant, anti black, arab wannabe abids I've ever had the displeasure of encountering on the internet...hardly a coincidence 2 African people's whom take the most offense with their blackness are muslims...the moors/afr8cahs thrived because of their own African knowledge not islam...arabs invaded Africa stole the teaching they learned from Africans claimed them as their own.. the only thing islam did for them is literally made them docile slaves of arabs.

even if what you saying is true blacks in the arab world are considered a slave caste of lighter skinned more prototypical looking arabs...just cause blacks lived in today what are considered arab lands doesn't make them arabs...considering all the anti black racism littered in ancient Islamic teaching written by arab scholars it's unlikely those whom 1st considered themselves arabs were black... the ancient black people of west once lived in modern Arabia were Kushytes whom were once lorded over arabs until they were defeated after the expansion of islam in the arab world..

last time I checked Iraq(the place of the zanj rebellion is an arab country. Regardless i'm talking about modern times..i hear about the abuse of Africans all the time in arab countries never in iran and i'm sure iran has an small but present black population..though I don't trust him cause his people wiped out the original black Persians even iran's former black president is allies with pro black African leaders like Mugabe and has been known to speak on the manipulation of Africans by the West..i don't recall any arab leaders outside of Ghaddafi(whom was hated by the rest of the arab world cause of it)advocating for the plight of any blackfolk for obvious reasons..but like I said it's still Iranian sand cacs are invaders occupying black lands too

so you admit slave is interchangeable with black in the arab world:damn:

google is your friend..the racism within awashed in Islamic text aint hard to find

bs..even prophet mohommed had a large stable of slaves he bought and traded in


Jun 4, 2012
-the ugly truth is islam for the most part was spread in Africa via arab on African slavery and war...anyone whom suggest otherwise has an agenda at hand..

-the Africans whom converted to islam and united with other muslim Africans were nothing but emancipatd slaves(of arabs) whom worked together to spread the Islamic cult and help enslave rebellious African ethnic groups whom resisted arab imperialism.

to deny the racist core of islam is to be shortsighted..there is a racial hierarchy in islam and blacks are at the bottom.
lol, you are angry at a concept breh.

Arabs took each other as slaves long before Islam... Africans took each other as slaves, killed one another, etc.. long before Islam... and the African trade routes pre- existed the 'concept' of Islam. NTM, religion wasn't the primary influencer or cause of Arab slavery.... if the ideas of Islam never existed.... all of the slavery still would have existed, retard.

lol @ you being upset that black and brown Muslims took control of Christian Kingdoms, like Christianity was the original African religion. Also, most of the African areas changed cultures and religions as new invaders came from the north, south, Mediterranean, Christians, Roman, Muslims, etc... shyt changed with the wind.
Muslims were the only invaders that permitted original cultures to still be practiced.. and the one that united African forces strong enough to take over Europe up to Spain.

You sound silly addressing the other posters here; you don't even have basic knowledge on history, culture, customs, trade, and religion.. you said factually incorrect shyt about Islam. You're basically ignorant.. but fueled by some strange extreme levels of hate. .... for whatever reason.

Fyi, Most Muslims aren't even arab. There is sexism, classism, racism in each spot on Earth... You're confused if you blame a concept- for human bias.

You might as well tell us why you are so hateful about all of this though.

Ignorance of each other is what has made unity impossible in the past. Therefore we need enlightenment. We need more light about each other. Light creates understanding, understanding creates love, love creates patience, and patience creates unity. Once we have more knowledge (light) about each other, we will stop condemning each other and a United front will be brought about.
-Malcolm X


All Star
Oct 24, 2013
after Mohammed's followers conquered and consolidated the mid east most of the Islamist were infact arabs...i'm talking about the arab force post spread of islam dumbass..try to keep up....the arabs/islamist weren't shyt until islam united and gave them the notation they were allah's chosen people meant to rule the world...again before the spread of islam across the arab world..middle easterners were slaves to Ancient Egyptians and Sabeans.

is any of the nonsense you presenting as an argument really logical to you? ..I mean .since when is the existence war lords a remnant of past great civilizations? :wtf: native north Africans still exist but they are an underclass minority in their own lands similar to many decedents of Aztecs, Mayans,etc whom great created great Amerindian civilizations but are now reduced to 2nd class citizens on their own land by European origin many times must I repeat that the Islamic armies whom invaded North Africa did so when the region kingdoms were experiencing their own version of the dark ages and that the arab armies from all over the Islamic world combined were more than a threat to anyone during that period muchless isolated African kingdoms whom had no allies to support them due to lack of African unity..Ethiopia wasn't conquered by arabs but they are considered modern day slaves of arabs due to a few of their leaders literally selling them out in favor of friendly relations/business with the arab world...never said the whole native population died out...but they are only a fragment of modern North Africa's greater/dominant arab population due to a history of arab conquest of the region...everyone knows arabs bred like rats..the middle easern invasion of North Africa over the course of many centuries was epic...this is a testament to the fact arabs are the largest demographic group in North Africa by a wide margin.

it's also recorded in history that the arab/islamist on African slave trade is the longest and largest in the world..if Africans were just falling over themselves to be muslims cause they thought it was such an interesting religion f then obviously the arabs wouldn't have had felt the need to build up tens of thousand strong armies, invade Africa lands during Islamic jihads or force islam on Africans via slavery.:mindblown:

it's not me...the foundation of islam is built on the beliefs arab supremism/African inferiority...I think you need to study your Koran more thoroughly...yes i'm saying sowed the seeds of self hate in it's Africans/black followers not to mention an obvious slave complex toward arabs....look no further than Sudan for example...also I've noticed Somalis whom are arguably the most devout muslims among Africans are some of the most lost,ignorant, anti black, arab wannabe abids I've ever had the displeasure of encountering on the internet...hardly a coincidence 2 African people's whom take the most offense with their blackness are muslims...the moors/afr8cahs thrived because of their own African knowledge not islam...arabs invaded Africa stole the teaching they learned from Africans claimed them as their own.. the only thing islam did for them is literally made them docile slaves of arabs.

even if what you saying is true blacks in the arab world are considered a slave caste of lighter skinned more prototypical looking arabs...just cause blacks lived in today what are considered arab lands doesn't make them arabs...considering all the anti black racism littered in ancient Islamic teaching written by arab scholars it's unlikely those whom 1st considered themselves arabs were black... the ancient black people of west once lived in modern Arabia were Kushytes whom were once lorded over arabs until they were defeated after the expansion of islam in the arab world..

last time I checked Iraq(the place of the zanj rebellion is an arab country. Regardless i'm talking about modern times..i hear about the abuse of Africans all the time in arab countries never in iran and i'm sure iran has an small but present black population..though I don't trust him cause his people wiped out the original black Persians even iran's former black president is allies with pro black African leaders like Mugabe and has been known to speak on the manipulation of Africans by the West..i don't recall any arab leaders outside of Ghaddafi(whom was hated by the rest of the arab world cause of it)advocating for the plight of any blackfolk for obvious reasons..but like I said it's still Iranian sand cacs are invaders occupying black lands too

so you admit slave is interchangeable with black in the arab world:damn:

google is your friend..the racism within awashed in Islamic text aint hard to find

bs..even prophet mohommed had a large stable of slaves he bought and traded in


All Star
Oct 24, 2013
-This is where you about to get layed the fukk down breh.

You talk about Mohammed's consolidating the middle east happening prior to them spreading into Africa, and that's just false. Told you this already b, Mohammed was in Africa spreading Islam prior to his death, he died just 7 years later. Imma put your little coward ass in perspective real quick, Mohammed's pbuh forces were so disproportionate at the time he had to fall back into what we call Eritrea today for safe haven and that was just against the Arabs in medina. The arabs were not that deep, even if you included the ENTIRE arab region. Now as for him consolidating the whole middle east , Persia/Mesopotamia, that didn't happen until almost the end of the 7th century... and that wasn't consolidation that was just getting his foot in the door. So you tell me how they could've went into Africa all super deep if all the numbers he needed to do so lied in Persia/Mesopotamia and they weren't even down with ISLAM YET??

You're so ignorant about Islam this shyt ain't even fun. It's like I'm literally breaking down your arguments based on some fiction. Everyone knows the Arabs weren't shyt until Islam when you're talking about some kinda force. They were THE shyt economically though, ask the fukking byzantines, they nicknamed Arabia "Arabia Felix" (happy arabia). They were splurging and doing all kinds of shyt, it was like fukking Vegas with trade... all sorts of fukkery was going on... it was an anything Goes kinda place that was down with unGodly shyt. There were Pagans, Christians, and Jewish tribes.. mostly pagan. You act like that's some kinda diss, but arabs will tell you that themselves that they were relatively nothing til Islam. Islam isn't Judaism, there are no chosen people... that's how I know you're a fukking liar or just some idiot who lacks knowledge about it. No man is above the other in Islam, the only ones who are lower are those who don't believe in God, and your instructions are to not fukk with them just let them be unless they attack you FIRST. You asking me to keep up with you... but I wouldn't follow your lemming ass into a magma pit you're so damn lost. Yes middle easterners were also slaves to Ethiopians, good job in telling me something that I already know. I don't get how you can understand that but not understand that slavery was always there, always existed.. motherfukkers enslaved each other and it wasn't because of race...but it's a good thing you don't understand so I could ether the fukk out of you.

-Yes the existence of warlords are sometimes byproduct of great empires collapsing. It's called a power vacuum, shyt is politics motherfukkers try to usurp positions of power and it doesn't always work, leaving disconnected groups that try to compete for power in their respect regions. Tribal living is the name of the game for all the lands that are not united, you would know that if you actually did the knowledge instead of being an emotional fukkboy. You're the last person who needs tell someone to study the Qur'an more thoroughly when you know absolutely nothing about it. You're the same one who said it encouraged slavery. LOLOLOL

- It might have been a dark age for Ethiopia when muslims came in as a force, but Mohammed pbuh made his presence known while the axum were still at their height, before they were cut off from Europe. There were already very successful muslim missionaires which had made their way down south before any of what you're claiming took place, basically it was done peacefully. What seeds of self hate are even fukking talking about, there was no concept of race... there was no self hate going on because there was no races to want to be like other than what you were. There were cultures and religions and fragmented peoples. The majority of the Muslims would not even fukk with each other if not for Islam, they all hated each please tell me what the fukk you're talking about. You're saying that only a few decades after Islam, people who hated each other decided that they were one race that was better than the next (even though half these motherfukers looked the same as the Ethiopians, some do til this very day)? You're basically taking the European slave trade narrative and applying it to this shyt, predictable.

- Nobody gives a fukk or should give a fukk about your personal anecdotes or some shyt you "heard on the internets"LOL@ native North Africans being and underclass... btw my father is a native north African.. so please get this bullshyt the foh. So you really believe the arabs took over places then made as many babies as they could. Sorry, hate to break it to you, but the places where they rolled to they couldn't get through without intermarriage... so when you say they "bred like rats", they did it with other peoples. It's so funny because back home in Arabia Felix, their population was quite low compared to everyone much for "breeding like rats". They got together under islam, they were now united under language and religion. You know nothing about the bedouin, who would rather die for the most part than convert... they were all at war with each other and were still mostly pagan even after judaism and christianity reached their respective regions. All it takes to become "arab" is the adoption of the language and customs... that's it...they didn't outbreed native populations... they fukked and had kids. You say the natives are second class citizens.. shyt is fukking funny... who do you think hold all political offices and all the power... newflash fukko... it's their progeny.

There is no caste system so I'm not even gonna touch base on that fukkery.

- I didn't claim that people were falling over to convert, but it was much easier than it should've been and common sense and history proves that was due to mass conversion. The Arabs were at their height during Islam, it kinda makes sense that people wanted to get down with the winning team. They translated and preserved all documentation from the grecco-roman eras and prior.

You talk about the moors, but they were damn near interchangable with the arabs. You know why? Arabs are not a race. You say the moors had their own knowledge and it was stolen, bullshyt the knowledge came from the moors who were the byproduct of different groups of invaders and Africans. The moors also prospered the most under Islam, ruled Europe under Islam. They were the docile slaves of arabs? My nikka the moors at one point WERE the ARABS that you claim to fukking hate so much. The caliphate was also at one point ran from what we know as modern day Senegal, lower caste huh? Granted they pre-dated them, but they were Arabs at their height... Arabized berbers/africans.. .get a fukking clue.

Wow you know some ignorant Sudanese... congrats.. I know some too and ignorant Arabs that own corner store. I don't judge their whole population based on some shytty personal anecdotes... you're literally judging whole countries from their equivalent of hillbillies and hicks. You also judge them based on some ultra greedy ruling elite (the saudis). This is the same reason why whites clutch their purses and judge blacks based off a few bad apples. Nobody gives a fukk how you feel about a few sudanese and somalis. If they don't wanna be lumped up with African Americans, fukk it, it's their now you think they're all like that ?

Last time you didn't check Iraq was mesopotamia, and it had just got done being mesopotamia during the Zanj revolt. The Zanj rebellion wasn't only blacks it was all kinds of people, but mostly blacks from areas south of Ethiopia and there is no proof that they were even slaves... but it was a large bloody rebellion of muslim vs muslims. Contrary to your beleife, muslims aren't android they are humans and fall prey to the many vices and sins that the world has to offer. After mohammed died there was revolts, sectarianism. Islam was also later use for political purposes... it got worse and worse as time went on. So people did shyt for profit like loot and conquer, Arabs were the most successful because of existing trade routes... shyt had nothing to do with racism because they was down to do it to all races. This includes arabized people doing it to whites and other blacks. The truth isn't black and white.

and no Abd is not interchangeable with black... nice strawman.. but a little too obvious cuz i never said that shyt.

You don't recall arab leaders agreeing with mugabe.. because they are politicians with their own agendas.. The fukk does that gotta do with Islam? These are dudes that don't even get along without Gaddafi in the picture. Not even sure why you brought that up. Once again though you try to super impose modern times with ancient times.. shyt ain't gonna work.

You need to back up your bullshyt about Mohammed and The Quran with some facts.

Mohammed's job was to deliver the message and not to stray from it. What other people did was their business because they would be the ones paying the ultimate price.

There's nothing in the Qur'an about enslaving people, enslaving black people, about any people being inferior to any other. It claims all peoples have messengers throughout history. Slavery existed and Islam actually encouraged people freeing their captives for reward in life/the afterlife.


All Star
Oct 24, 2013
Here's what it says about Slavery:

"O Apostle ! say to those who are captives in your hands : 'If God findeth any good in your hearts, He will give you something better than what has been taken from you, and He will forgive you : for God is oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. But if they have treacherous designs against thee (O Apostle), they have already been in treason against God, And God is He who hath (full) knowledge and wisdom." (8, 70-71).

Those slaves are your brothers, only God gave you an upper hand over them. So let that who has his brother (i.e. slave) under him give him the same food he himself eats, and the same clothing as he himself wears. The master may not give his brother a task that is beyond his ability. If he does give him such task, let him lend him a hand.".

The Quran tells us to free the slaves (see 2:177, 9:60, 90:12-13).

Every mention of slavery is in the context of freeing those who are enslaved.

Mohammed has to follow the message.

Yeah google is my friend, but take your own advice and do due-diligence next time. If you're gonna be too lazy to read the Qur'an at least get some better sources. It's quite obvious you google search then post up the first results you find, without even fact checking.

Peace be upon you

B-Rock Odrama

Oct 24, 2012
The only Africans who were slaves in Islam were the ones who were victims of war. Those that converted were never slaves and therefore had no need of being emancipated.


which was virtually all African decent Muslims..Islam didn't take a strong foothold in Africa until after the arabs invaded conquered the North and startesd the arab on African slave trade stupid

B-Rock Odrama

Oct 24, 2012
Have anything to add?

only that your accusation about Ancient Egyptians embracing the arab invaders as saviors from Byzantine rule is as absurd as claiming Native Americans welcomed the British colonization of their lands cause they were persecuted by the Spanish colonizers.:what: