B-Rock Odrama
Keep in mind that this Islamic "conquests" that we speak of was not a one size fits all campaign. In cases like Egypt they were welcomed because they had been under the domination and the oppression of the Byzantines. .

Keep in mind that this Islamic "conquests" that we speak of was not a one size fits all campaign. In cases like Egypt they were welcomed because they had been under the domination and the oppression of the Byzantines. .
Stop it, it doesn't soften shyt... it's common fukking sense. A bigger empire than the romans in about a century? I'm sorry were they using machine guns? Come on now.that's just to save face..and soften the fact their very culture/identity is a result of being conquered by/losing to arabs
Stop it, it doesn't soften shyt... it's common fukking sense. A bigger empire than the romans in about a century? I'm sorry were they using machine guns? Come on now.
btw you're saying different countries with different cultures all used the same story to soften shyt? Bullshyt. Read up about the Ethiopians and why they were cool w the arabs.. they both had beef with Persians... so there's different reasons why people would be accepting of them and their culture. You really thing shyt would've been that easy if everyone put up a fight? The Arabs number were very small at first compared to everyone else,their land was barren, etc, etc... all they had was poppin trade routes.
you came in to make African's seem inferior... and to paint history as simplistic and least complicated as possible.yeah fabricating a story about willingly accepting conversion is a lot more digestible than admitting your ancestors were unable to resist the will of foreign invaders and thus surrendered to spare themselves.
Ethiopians are treated like slaves in arab countries..where are you getting this from?
to answer the question the Islamist/arabs attacked North Africa when the region/peoples were undergoing a great decline(after the collapse of the Nile Valley Kingdoms) and used similar snake tactics as the European cacs whom won the trust of the native people of Amerikka by pretended to be peaceful nomads just looking to trade goods when infact they were scouting out there prey and waiting for the right time to pounce
native/pure berbers are black btw..unfortunately they are a minority for obvious reasons...most modern berbers are arab/European origin mutts whom descend from Islamist invaders from the mid east and European Roman/Greek colonist or slaved brought to the region during the Moorish rule of Europe
The only one fabricating shyt is you. So you're claiming millions of Africans are fabricating shyt and you have the truth. Your little narrative is the fabrication, it's not even a practical explanation of how they spread so fast. I'm sorry I think I'm gonna believe the Africans and not you.yeah fabricating a story about willingly accepting conversion is a lot more digestible than admitting your ancestors were unable to resist the will of foreign invaders and thus surrendered to spare themselves.
Ethiopians are treated like slaves in arab countries..where are you getting this from?
you came in to make African's seem inferior... and to paint history as simplistic and least complicated as possible.
there's more to it than what you're saying.
I think I was the first one to say African's weren't primitive.says the self loathing Uncle Bilal whom claims Africans readily accepted Islam with no hesitation cause it was much more advanced than their primitive traditional culture/religions
....if Islam was as embraced by Africans as you claim there wouldn't have been any need for the arab/iranin led Islamic invasions/wars on the continent and the African to Islamic world slave trade wouldn't have been as wide scale or lasted as long..this is common sense
i'm sure it want make you feel any better being a muslim and all but blacks/Africans( ancient Kemites and Sabeans) had advanced thriving kingdoms whom conquered, civilized, and ruled over arab lands 1st and for just as long if not longer as arabs have dominated north and the Islamic africa
The only one fabricating shyt is you. So you're claiming millions of Africans are fabricating shyt and you have the truth. Your little narrative is the fabrication, it's not even a practical explanation of how they spread so fast. I'm sorry I think I'm gonna believe the Africans and not you.
Ethiopians are treated poorly in Saudi Arabia and Oman. Two saalafiist nations that the US supports, that's not all Arab countries. They also have terrible records of human rights abuses.. so now you're comparing modern day shyt to the past when Ethiopia was at it's peak... stop it slime. Once again you're superimposing shyt to make a point.
The only one fabricating shyt is you. So you're claiming millions of Africans are fabricating shyt and you have the truth. Your little narrative is the fabrication, it's not even a practical explanation of how they spread so fast. I'm sorry I think I'm gonna believe the Africans and not you.
Ethiopians are treated poorly in Saudi Arabia and Oman. Two saalafiist nations that the US supports, that's not all Arab countries. They also have terrible records of human rights abuses.. so now you're comparing modern day shyt to the past when Ethiopia was at it's peak... stop it slime. Once again you're superimposing shyt to make a point.
I think I was the first one to say African's weren't primitive.
Never said there were no wars. But since you say Uncle Bilal, lol, I guess we see that you aren't standing on the side of objectivity.
your second statement is disconnected.
You're lacking reading comprehension.... and really should chill out.
Everything you type is out of bitterness it seems. Your worldview is way too simplistic (black and white). Nobody said there wasn't hesitation, but for the most part there really wasn't. You really shoot yourself in the foot by claiming that these people were remnants of advanced and thriving kingdoms, only then to say that they were easily conquered by a group of people they were stronger than, had more resources than, and outnumbered. shyt does not make any kind of sense.says the self loathing Uncle Bilal whom claims Africans readily accepted Islam with no hesitation cause it was much more advanced than their primitive traditional culture/religions
....if Islam was as embraced by Africans as you claim there wouldn't have been any need for the arab/iranin led Islamic invasions/wars on the continent and the African to Islamic world slave trade wouldn't have been as wide scale or lasted as long..this is common sense
i'm sure it want make you feel any better being a muslim and all but blacks/Africans( ancient Kemites and Sabeans) had advanced thriving kingdoms whom conquered, civilized, and ruled over arab lands 1st and for just as long if not longer as arabs have dominated north and the Islamic africa
There really aren't any white arab or african historians that deny that much of African was converted without war.did you not imply Africans accepted islam cause they thought the a-rab mans religion was superior to their own?i'm not surprised you don't want to touch my second statement cause it's contradicts your slave complex toward arabs
You know all of these countries had their own issues with Ethiopia BEFORE ISLAM right?? That's what's common knowledge. Stop your Bloddclott lying son and tryna make shyt real simple to prove your point because it's never simple breh, you really think it has to do with them being black it's because your obsessed with race and try to see everything along those lines. Once again tryna superimpose parts of history on top of others. It's funny though because this is an idea that was created by cacs not even that long ago and you got the majority of internet pan africans who don't fact check spitting this shyt.nah..what i'm saying is common knowledge whether you like it or not
so Lebanon, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Palestine,Iraq,etc(which all have historical and modern examples of of arabs enslaving Ethiopians and other Africans)aren't an accurate example of the arab world general contempt for and halteredof africans
There really aren't any white arab or african historians that deny that much of African was converted without war.
Also, it was never about superiority in the beginning of Islam. You're just to basic to realize the landscape in those days. Those thousands of African tribes had no connection to one another... no loyalty, no unity, or singular identity. They weren't like... "yeaah, those tribes are black so they are with us." Some tribes traded more with different parts of Asia and the Mediterranean. There was an exchange of Cultures.
African groups that became Muslim were able to unite and dominate other regions because of two things --1)they were already some of the most advanced groups 2) they were able to unite under 1 banner, when they weren't able to do that previously.
Then after that... the black and brown Muslims travel up though Europe ; conquering a section over for hundreds of years.
You hating Muslims .... and confusing ideology with race is your issue not mine.