93% of black murders are by the hands of another black person. No one in this country is killing blacks except their own brothers. So this is not comparable to jews.
All ethnicities kill each other than any other group. That's because they interact with each other on a more personal basis than they might the other group. White murderers are largely intraracial to the tune of 82%+. Increasingly racially motivated hate killings should not be dismissed because white people kill white people and black people kill black people. Jews probably killed more Jews in Germany than the Germans did Jews until the Germans actually started killing Jews. Should the Jews have used your dumb c00n logic? Racially motivated killings embolden discrimination against blacks!
The reason why blacks are unemployed is due to a variety of factors. Discrimination is one of those factors. But its not even close to the primary reason. A much much much bigger factor is the fact that blacks have no skills. They aren't seeking education whether that means a college degree or hands on trade school skills like booker t washington advocated for.
It's a mix of skills, education and discrimination whereas other people's unemployment is just skill, education and positive discrimination (they benefit from other group's being discriminated against).[
And check this out. If you look at the population of racist people out there, some percentage of those people are racists just because they don't like black skin color. But I suspect a larger percent of people are racist because of what they see in black america and how we advertise ourselves. When you have so many blacks involved in a culture of anti-intellecualism, these white people generalize and assume that all blacks don't want to learn anything.
So the reason blacks have been discriminated against for 200 years is "unintelllectualism"? What about all the whites who couldn't read 150 years ago? What about the average white back then was intellectual? WhMost white people are not intellectuals or involved in a culture of intellectualism even today. They're just regular folk who think they're better than other folk. Blacks get discriminated against in Europe too, in places like Spain, Italy, etc, and oftentimes the blacks are more educated than the whites on average. The whites in these countries sleep at lunch break! Their economies would be dust if not for the better European country's support! They'd live at a far lower level than they live now! You keep on with this assertion than there is some kind of justification for white racism--despite the hypocrisy and ethnocentricity--when there isn't.
That, in combination with the fact that affirmative action allows blacks with only half the skills to be places where others need the whole package, makes any non-black person highly skeptical of the credentials of a black person.
Affirmative action is just white people getting mad. Anything individually affects any group--a country, a city, a neighborhood--is a form of "affirmative action". So trade is a form of "affirmative action" for America. Anyway, AA doesn't affect the average white person and white people all over are given jobs their skills don't match or aren't good enough to warrant. People are hired on the basis of friendship, looks, etc all the time. Whites don't care about legacies, sports people, etc getting into college b/c many of these people are white (anything outside football and bball is a white sport) and whites see benefits in their own communities, so they shut up. The same is true of things like that welfare fact which happened after WW2. The cacs didn't care then because they were the recepients and they had to "rebuild" the country.
Now I don't think those generalizations are valid. Racist people should be blamed for being stupid. But I'm saying, black people are also to blame for creating those generalizations in the first place, which will ultimately make people racist.
Nobody is FORCED to be a racist by any set of circumstances. "Well the blacks don't read as much as I do so I'm jutsified". A true racist will just keep moving the goal posts: "blacks don't do physics", even if that person themselves has never done it. It's a losing game. You rationalizations justifying st0rmfr0nt racism are soundly rejected.
Also, in response to you saying discrimination is a factor in why blacks haven't achieved anything. I think people are over emphasizing the magnitude of that factor. I think if we are to address why black america is in the state of degeneracy its in today, we would be doing ourselves a huge disservice to focus any significant time on racism. There's too much other bigger issues.
You're entitled to your own opinion, c00n.
Honestly, I think the racism problem will fix itself. Racism will never go away, but it will dramatically reduce in magnitude once black america gets to a point of achievement. Then a lot of people will start looking up to blacks after seeing all they have achieved.
I don't disagree.
And that's how I know I've won the argument. When you try to attack the person rather than saying anything of substance in reply to the points I made because, well, that's all you can do at this point. You have nothing to say.
The argument is over. You sound like that c00n Larry Elder. You don't believe black people worth shyt. That's OK.