How Can We Address Anti-intellectualism in Our Communities?


Jul 24, 2013
nikka!? You aint won shyt.....Your posts are unworthy of an intelligent I stated earlier...
It's literally impossible for you to do so. My arguments can NOT be deconstructed. The only thing you can do is pander on about how I'm a c00n and I hate myself.

You know its ok for you to say you agree with me right? I'm not gonna rub it in your face. You don't HAVE to disagree with me.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Ok. Ok.

You don't think I'm representing black people., right?

What\Who do you think I'm representing on here....??


You are an individual with an opinion, just like everybody who is posting is an individual with an opinion, and everybody is representing their own opinion, those individuals and diverse opinions are part of a huge tapestry that is the black community

You were making posts IMPLYING that you are representing the black community and other people that disagree with you are c00ns and/or aren't really black, which I think is corny and it's also anti intellectual

Everybody should have the right to express their opinion without being insulted, creating a free open intellectual environment is one of the keys to fixing problems in the black community becuase we need new creative ideas to move forward and new ideas are nurtured and grow in a free environment
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Jul 24, 2013
LMFAO @theworldismine13 lying to himself.
Anytime you dap up a st0rmfr0nt plant like this clown @bigDeeOT
You need to reevaluate whether your stance is for or
against black people.

Well see here's the problem within the black community. Anytime someone has a different opinion they're labeled as a sell out. The majority opinion of the black community is that all our problems are due to slavery and racism. If someone disagrees with that, according to the black community, they're a sell out.

Now let me entertain the idea that my philosophy on the black community won't help us, but rather having a victim mentality is what will ultimately save us. Lets say that was true. Explain to me, how am I a sell out if my INTENTIONS are aligned with what's in the best interest of the black community? No matter what the philosophy, our intentions are exactly the same, to improve the well-being of the black community. But for some reason, because I have a different take on it, I'm a sell out?

So if I'm a sellout just for SPEAKING on the matter, what do you call a black man who's raped his sisters, killed his own brothers, sells crack to people who would otherwise have a lot of potential in their life, and has 7 b*stard children that he's left to fend for themselves so they can grow up to be thugs. You're telling me, that brother right there is a VICTIM of the system, and I'm a sell out?

You haven't won a thing breh.
You're literally writing White Supremacist rhetoric word
for word.
Anyone with a brain can see through that shyt.

I don't at all consider myself a white supremacist. Now I can very well see why you call me that, but trust me I'm not. If what I am saying sounds like white supremacy, I honestly think its irrelevant. If at the end of the day you can't deconstruct my arguments, then what I say stands. You can call me c00n all you want. Its funny though, because you are representing the very embodiment of what this thread is about. Anti-intellectualism. Its very easy to excuse yourself from having an intelligent discussion.

Dude said "Black people are the reason racists are racists !"
I'm guessing slavery, jim crow and the civil rights movement just never happened :dead:
You obviously skimmed over my posts without really reading it. I already acknowledged that there's a percentage of racists that are racists simply because of our ethnicity and nothing will ever change that. However I also think there are some racists people that would no longer be racists if the black community was high achieving like the asian community for example.

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
What percentage of the black community live significantly below the poverty line?
28 percent of black people with 2 adults and 2 children making 21 - 28k a year is considered poverty but with the cost of necessities these days, and the conditions of many neighborhoods, id say those figures need to be adjusted. You also have to factor in the level of education. Where are the intellectuals that are focused on school. Intellectuals may be overrated, friend because most business owners, the people that actually move and shake around here, i cant say theyre intellectual more so hard workers with great ideas and work ethic.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
I'm convinced some of you dudes learned about the "black community" from watching/reading news headlines.

Anyone who spends time in the community, with the people would understand that y'all are full if shyt.

I'm convinced that you haven't spent anytime outside of the black community, I think a lot of what we are saying comes from spending time outside of the black community and seeing things that black people could be doing better

And like I said I feel my position is pro black because I fully believe black people are fully capable of fixing things without white people, white people can continue doing whatever the fuk they have been doing, no man or people are in island obviously but I as a black person cannot co-sign any ideologies that at their base put black people as dependents of white people

Like I told dude, please let me know of any ideas for improving the black community that don't depend on white people doing something and I'm down


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I'm convinced that you haven't spent anytime outside of the black community, I think a lot of what we are saying comes from spending time outside of the black community and seeing things that black people could be doing better

And like I said I feel my position is pro black because I fully believe black people are fully capable of fixing things without white people, white people can continue doing whatever the fuk they have been doing, no man or people are in island obviously but I as a black person cannot co-sign any ideologies that at their base put black people as dependents of white people

Blah blah blah. You been repeating the same nonsense for months. It's just as wrong now as its ever been. You have no idea what black people are like outside of what you read in the media, therefore any of your ideas of what black people need are inherently misguided.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Blah blah blah. You been repeating the same nonsense for months. It's just as wrong now as its ever been. You have no idea what black people are like outside of what you read in the media, therefore any of your ideas of what black people need are inherently misguided.

LOL, this appeal to authenticity of being black is silly and it's anti intellectual, it's the last resort of people that don't want to be free of being dependent on white people, which is a crutch and chain that we have had for a long time

The next step in being free for black people is understanding that the destiny of black people is dependent on black people, period


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
I'm convinced that you haven't spent anytime outside of the black community, I think a lot of what we are saying comes from spending time outside of the black community and seeing things that black people could be doing better

And like I said I feel my position is pro black because I fully believe black people are fully capable of fixing things without white people, white people can continue doing whatever the fuk they have been doing, no man or people are in island obviously but I as a black person cannot co-sign any ideologies that at their base put black people as dependents of white people

Like I told dude, please let me know of any ideas for improving the black community that don't depend on white people doing something and I'm down

Nah, what you're saying comes from you being a Tom.
Meech is on point, all these broad sweeping generalizations about the black community are entirely inaccurate. It really makes the average reader and me wonder when the last time is that you've seen a black person or are even black yourself.

You aren't bro black, you're pro bullshyt.

No one in here is saying the white man needs to save us. It's already been pointed out to you and you couldn't respond and are now continuing the same line of posting.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
LOL, this appeal to authenticity of being black is silly and it's anti intellectual, it's the last resort of people that don't want to be free of being dependent on white people, which is a crutch and chain that we have had for a long time

The next step in being free for black people is understanding that the destiny of black people is dependent on black people, period

It's not about authenticity. It's about having the experience to make the claims you are making.

What's anti-intellectual is reading some news headlines and a couple articles/blogs and forming some eletiist idea of what a people are like and what they need.

Any intellectual will tell you that you need to spend time doing your own research in order to come up with a plan.

Any intellectual will tell you that you need to look at both history and current situations to get a true idea of what's going on.

Any intellectual will tell you that hyperbolic language about dependencies, crutches, and chains add nothing to the conversation.

What you are doing is the epitome of anti-intellectualism. Repeating others misguided words cause they fit your agenda.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
It's not about authenticity. It's about having the experience to make the claims you are making.

What's anti-intellectual is reading some news headlines and a couple articles/blogs and forming some eletiist idea of what a people are like and what they need.

Any intellectual will tell you that you need to spend time doing your own research in order to come up with a plan.

Any intellectual will tell you that you need to look at both history and current situations to get a true idea of what's going on.

Any intellectual will tell you that hyperbolic language about dependencies, crutches, and chains add nothing to the conversation.

What you are doing is the epitome of anti-intellectualism. Repeating others misguided words cause they fit your agenda.

I have done research, I have read histories and current situations and using words like chains and crutches is not hyperbolic, calling people c00ns and not black is hyperbolic and anti intellectual

I'm not repeating anybody's words, my words are my own and they are an amalgamation of everything ive seen, read and experienced


All Star
Oct 10, 2013
I read John Mcwhorter's Losing the Race and I think it perfectly summed out how I feel.

I'm a chemistry major in college and my dad started interrogating me once when he started asking me why I was hanging out with so many white people for after looking through my Facebook pics.(He doesn't like white people at all, VERY LONG story) I told him I'm friendly to everyone and just make friends with whoever. I have asian friends, black friends, hispanic and white friends. He gave me that
look like "Aiight nikka, I'm on to you. You better not bring no white girl home lil nikka."

Another time I was studying for a test and my dad was confused at why I studied every day and on days before the test. Even if it was for a little as an hour he thought that it was turning me into "the white man" and he didn't recognize his own son anymore because I was getting brainwashed by the white man's system. (Which I find ironic because he doesn't like darker skinned black girls and has a huge thing for light skinned/yellowbone/mixed women which I feel he puts up this black power front to hide the fact at how much he enjoys lighter skinned and mixed women. Half of his hidden porn stash is white women too.)

I'm not even one of those
that aces everything, I actually study less than what my other classmates study in the chem department.

Secondly, I have absolutely NO IDEA what race has to do with molecules, elements and chemistry. Its not like I'm a sociology major and trying to be the next Larry Elders writing books for Fox News viewers. I just enjoy science in general (Chemistry, Molecular biology, physics, medicine, etc) and my dad treats me like I'm the type of dude that would sell blacks into slavery without hesitation if it was 1820.

I think the first and probably the largest step is to stop accusing black people of "acting/wanting to be white" for caring about academics, wanting to better themselves or wanting to learn for the sake of learning. I never see asian parents telling their asian son in med school, "WHY U ACTING SO WHITE FOR SON!!! YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN US? THE WHITE MAN DOESN'T LOVE YOU, STOP ACTING LIKE A C00N!!! YOU'RE EVEN SOUNDING LIKE THE WHITE MAN, DRESSING LIKE THE WHITE MAN, AND LEARNING HIS HISTORY!!!"