I read John Mcwhorter's Losing the Race and I think it perfectly summed out how I feel.
I'm a chemistry major in college and my dad started interrogating me once when he started asking me why I was hanging out with so many white people for after looking through my Facebook pics.(He doesn't like white people at all, VERY LONG story) I told him I'm friendly to everyone and just make friends with whoever. I have asian friends, black friends, hispanic and white friends. He gave me that
look like "Aiight nikka, I'm on to you. You better not bring no white girl home lil nikka."
Another time I was studying for a test and my dad was confused at why I studied every day and on days before the test. Even if it was for a little as an hour he thought that it was turning me into "the white man" and he didn't recognize his own son anymore because I was getting brainwashed by the white man's system.
(Which I find ironic because he doesn't like darker skinned black girls and has a huge thing for light skinned/yellowbone/mixed women which I feel he puts up this black power front to hide the fact at how much he enjoys lighter skinned and mixed women. Half of his hidden porn stash is white women too.)
I'm not even one of those
that aces everything, I actually study less than what my other classmates study in the chem department.
Secondly, I have absolutely NO IDEA what race has to do with molecules, elements and chemistry. Its not like I'm a sociology major and trying to be the next Larry Elders writing books for Fox News viewers. I just enjoy science in general (Chemistry, Molecular biology, physics, medicine, etc) and my dad treats me like I'm the type of dude that would sell blacks into slavery without hesitation if it was 1820.
I think the first and probably the largest step is to
stop accusing black people of "acting/wanting to be white" for caring about academics, wanting to better themselves or wanting to learn for the sake of learning. I never see asian parents telling their asian son in med school, "WHY U ACTING SO WHITE FOR SON!!! YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN US? THE WHITE MAN DOESN'T LOVE YOU, STOP ACTING LIKE A C00N!!! YOU'RE EVEN SOUNDING LIKE THE WHITE MAN, DRESSING LIKE THE WHITE MAN, AND LEARNING HIS HISTORY!!!"